miércoles, julio 12, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Enhanced Molecular Structuring of Our Silicon Crystalline DNA: Advanced Rapid DNA Conversions with the Integration of NEW SOULar Light Codes - 7/11/2017

We've entered Advanced Rapid Crystalline DNA Upgrades for enhancing our Silicon Crystalline LightBodies through the activation of all new codes and sequences, which move us into a whole new phase of "breakdown & restructuring" on a molecular/cellular level of all physical matter (the body and the external physical reality too).

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 12, 2017

What if the stalls and issues that occur are beautifully designed to give you more clarity so you can fully align into an even greater manifestation than you thought possible? What if even the problems you experience are lovingly helping you along the way? ~Archangel Gabriel

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - Who or What Is The Soul? - July 12, 2017

Dear people, I am Jeshua, your friend. I am with you during this moment as a brother. Accept my companionship, my presence, for I am not far away. I want to caress your heart with my hand to remind you of who you are and of the unity that binds us together. 

Greet me in return; open your heart to me. I am a messenger of the Oneness and I kneel down before you because you are my brother or sister, and I see in you an equal, a soul mate.

Sheldan Nidle - 11 de Julio, 2017

12 Manik 10 Kumku, 13 Caban

Estamos al borde de un maravilloso conjunto de acontecimientos. Parece que todos los obstáculos que hemos encontrado han sido resueltos y estamos casi preparados para el grupo inicial de entregas. Esas monedas van a estar respaldadas por el oro y van a contener billetes USA. No va a haber dólares de la Reserva Federal en esos repartos asignados. Por lo que van a deletrear la caída de la Reserva Federal de EEUU y muy pronto eso señalará el surgimiento oficial de vuestra nueva República NESARA. Esto sólo significa que vamos a observar oficialmente el comienzo de cierto número de importantes arrestos de los crueles bribones de los oscuros. ¡¡¡Qué días más felices para todos nosotros!!!

martes, julio 11, 2017

Lauren C. Gorgo - El AMOR Prevalece: entra al mundo del Corazón - 29 de Junio 2017

Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Feliz verano (!) ... invierno para aquellos al sur ... y ¡cielos! (literalmente) qué. temporada. nos. espera. La confusión de pensar que ya estamos entrando en la segunda mitad del año ... se siente como una eternidad y a la vez como una noche desde que entramos en esta vibración universal 1, y ahora estamos aquí, a medio pivote de otro punto de inflexión importante, otra gran realización.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 11, 2017

Dear Ones, there is so much love for you. There is so much support for you. There is so much guidance for you. There is so much abundance for you. All of the things that you seek are right there for you. It is your level of allowance that dictates your experience.

Do you truly open up and accept love or do you feel like if you do you will get hurt, or used, or rejected in some way? Do you fully utilize the guidance that is available to you from your guides and helpers or do you decide to go it alone? Are you open to the universe bringing abundance to you in a myriad of ways or do you limit yourself by believing it can only come through certain avenues? If you have an area of your life that is not unfolding for you as easily as you would like, we suggest asking yourself what your limiting beliefs are about receiving that are constraining your flow.

Are you ready to shift into full faith and trust and acceptance to experience the vast abundance available to you? Are you ready to see your true worthiness and step into your authentic power as a co-creator? Are you willing to fully open up to the wondrous solutions and experiences that have always existed as for you that you haven’t been in allowance of simply because you couldn’t imagine they were possible? ~Archangel Gabriel

Sheldan Nidle Update~7-11-17~magically a series of sacred moments from Beyond!

12 Manik 10 Kumku, 13 Caban

Dratzo! We are on the verge of a wondrous set of events. It seems that all the obstacles we encountered have been dealt with and we are just about ready for the initial group of deliveries. These currencies are to be gold-backed and are to contain US notes. There are to be no Federal Reserve dollars in these assigned deliveries. Hence, they are to spell the demise of the US Federal Reserve and quite shortly are to signal the formal rise of your new NESARA Republic. This simply means that we are to officially observe the start of a number of major arrests of the heinous scalawags of the dark. Oh Happy days for us all!!

lunes, julio 10, 2017

Brenda Hoffman - You’re Your Creator - July 10, 2017

Dear Ones,

Have you taken the time to breathe in the light?

Many of you tell yourself that you must do this or that before you enhance your being with the most recent light energies of love and creation.

Step one to any creation is knowing you deserve what you wish. Perhaps that thought does not seem that difficult for you feel you deserve the best of everything. We beg to differ.

Christine Meleriessee - Lady Portia & Lord Metatron - Decree ~ Owning My Power to Feel Humility Within Myself - July 10, 2017

We have started our next phase of Self Parenting with the Metatronic Seals for Ascension Mastery Training. This month we are working within the Golden Etheric City of Fronlahamm bringing forth the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Order & Discipline. We share the decree working with Lady Portia and Lord Metatron.

Our focus is to let go of the Mask of Perfection and allowing the Oneness of our Higher Self . The 7th Ray of Ceremonial Order & Discipline,brings forth the ability to learn how to create a Sacred living through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is the ray of transmutation and transformation through the Violet and Purple flames which represent the Feminine and Masculine Divine.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message Monday July 10, 2017

Discomfort before movement serves a great purpose. It prepares you to embrace change the second it arrives. If human beings felt comfortable all the time, they would never move! Expired energy prepares you to greet the new with open arms. It allows you to transition from one phase into another with much greater ease and excitement, willingly detaching from the old and embracing the new open-heartedly. It lets you experience change with relief rather than fear. ~Archangel Gabriel

Kryon Lee Carroll talks about Doom and Gloom

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - Julio 9, 2017

Queridos, una vez más contactamos con amor para bendecir, sanar e informar a todos los que lo deseen. En estos tiempos de conflicto y confusión debéis aprender a tranquilizaros y a vivir desde el más alto nivel de vuestra consciencia. 
Muchos de vosotros estáis siendo puestos “a prueba”, por decirlo así, no por Dios, que sólo conoce Su propia totalidad infinita, sino por vosotros mismos. 

Laura Pleiadian - All Dimensions INTERFACE NOW ~ Here on Planet Earth - July 10, 2017

The Dimensions are very interesting to view when viewed from a place of separation from them.

They all exist now and you might imagine them as overlays or spheres of consciousness “worlds” as realities that interface and penetrate the very fabric of the here and now.

Many Beings are here on Planet Earth in the so-called 3D World ~ yet consciously exist in the higher Dimensions.

Suzanne Lie - Our Galactic Family - The NOW inside the HERE - 7-10-17

The NOW inside the HERE 

By Suzanne Lie 

There is a NOW inside the HERE
That lives within, and is FREE of FEAR 

To find that NOW we must be HERE
Inside our SELF in another SPHERE 

From Sphere to Sphere we search again
To find the NOW that started THEN 

The Arcturian Healing Chamber: Clearing ‘Negative’ Alien Interference/Manipulation

domingo, julio 09, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - July 2017 Energy Report - Jul 9, 2017

Here we are in July now and if this year has seemed both extremely long and also very short it is because it has been, so far, a series of back and forth and up and down movements that have made it hard to stay focused on the present as we’re moving in every direction. We’re releasing the past as we set intentions for the present and future, while also integrating vast amounts of energy to fill the gaps created by the 3D dis-integration. Are you tired yet? Don’t give up because this month we begin to see progress that will carry us through to September. The next 3 months will be very active, so keep those intentions strong.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 7 de Julio, 2017

Estos son tiempos en los que la verdad ya no puede ser ocultada por los diversos países involucrados en la exploración de la Antártida. Se ha descubierto tanto bajo el hielo que a ellos les gustaría que nadie más lo conociera, pero la enormidad de sus hallazgos es tal que es imposible mantenerlo todo en secreto. La humanidad se merece conocer la verdad de su pasado y una correcta versión de su historia. El problema es que todos los países están intentando sacar ventaja sobre los demás manteniendo ocultos sus descubrimientos. Sería excitante que conocierais vuestro auténtico pasado, algo que mucha gente encontraría tan increíble que lo considerarían una ficción.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message Sunday July 9, 2017

As the energies continue to move forward, you will find more and more that anything that prevents you from your expression and expansion becomes very uncomfortable in record time. The more you evolve on your enlightenment path, the greater will be the need for freedom and having the ability to move with what the energies are supporting and whatever inspires you.

Ron Head - The Council –The Answers Are Where They Have Always Been - July 9, 2017

When we last spoke with you, we spoke of your power. We will continue.

It has been said that humanity’s greatest fear is that it will find its own power. We will agree with this assessment. And let us explain to you why. Why would you fear your own power? There are many reasons. We will discuss some of them.


Message from Lady Venus Kumara
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

From being a coward to being courageous

» In the beginning there is not much difference between a coward and a courageous person. The only difference is that the coward listens and succumbs to his fears, while the courageous one brushes them aside and moves on. The courageous one steps into the unknown despite all fears. « Osho: Courage.

Live wildly and dangerously; page 15; Ullstein/Allegria Publishing)