jueves, enero 19, 2017

Pamela Kribbe - Jesus/Jeshua - The Eternal Light of the Universe - January 19, 2017


Dear friends,

I am Jeshua speaking. I love you all deeply. Please feel my energy around you as I greet each of you – I honor you deeply. As you open your heart to me, remember that I am there inside it. When you recognize me at your deepest level, you recognize your own essence, which is of the purest light. You are eternal light and this is what the universe is made of. Some of you see this light shining from my eyes or from another teacher’s eyes, but I am here to remind you that this light is yours, as well. It is my deepest desire that you see and experience your own greatness and inner light. This is what will change the world, which is in need of change. You are here to make a difference, but you can only do so when you truly trust who you are. This can be a difficult thing if you are raised with ideas that tell you that you are not good as you are. For many of you, your natural life and knowingness, your intuition, becomes veiled as you advance through childhood.

Jamye Price - The Lyran Council of Time-Aeon - Transformation - January 19, 2017

Blessed beings, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness for it is your awareness that brings life to form. You are constantly changing. This is an exciting tipping point of this time.

Your awareness is being utilized by you more consciously to shift your experience. Therefore, change occurs more easily and rapidly. You are beginning to resonate with this pace of change and what seems fast moving now will soon become a natural pace for you. You will feel more at ease with your change.

It is your perception of your challenges and your capability to adapt easily to change that makes a difference in this flow.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday January 19, 2017


Acceptance is the essential element that keeps you in non-resistance, supports your flow, receives assistance from the universe, creates connection, is the core of unconditional love, and anchors the energy of peace. We cannot think of a more important energy for the enlightening human being to embrace, moving forward in a brand new cycle of creation. ~Archangel Gabriel

miércoles, enero 18, 2017

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Primer mensaje en el Año 1 - en Boulder, Colorado, el 7 de Enero de 2017


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es ciertamente el primer mensaje en el año del uno. Y 2017 estará repleto de cambios potenciales. Solo que los tipos de cambios que pueden ver y los catalizadores que están aquí no necesariamente son lo que han visto el año pasado. En este día les digo que si miran sus noticias no van a creer en nada de lo que les voy a decir. Porque el mundo en 3D, un mundo que solo mira las cosas negativas, los deprimirá y los pondrá en estado de negatividad y de miedo.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Liberating Your True Expression - 17 January 2017

Hello, Great Beings of Love,

We are happy and joyful in this co-creation, and glad to greet you once again. We appreciate your willingness to take time each day to be in this knowing, in this acknowledgement of who you really are, and how your life is coming about, and the different inputs of energy and focus and clarity that you have within you.

We especially appreciate the shifts you're making, the adjustments you're making, and celebrate with you your increased capacity to liberate the flow within you of knowing and fullness, and the way your life is changing because of this.

Once you begin to live your life knowing the truth of your being and paying attention to that, you change your experience fundamentally.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización 17 de Enero, 2017 - Una realidad de Libertad, Soberanía y Prosperidad

¡Dratzo! Los procesos acordados siguen avanzando a su propio ritmo lento. El énfasis está siempre en mantener la seguridad y un flujo constante. Esta operación ha quedado así reducida a proceder con secuencias importantes y mantener en la ignorancia de ello a la gente hasta que se alcancen ciertos puntos de seguridad importantes. Esto se ha convertido en primordial para el éxito de este proceso. Los elementos iniciales siguen siendo la introducción de monedas del nuevo Tesoro de la nueva República, la compleja operación de RV en América, y el GCR*. Esos nuevos dineros van a ir acompañados por el lanzamiento del nuevo sistema financiero internacional. En ese momento, el nuevo Presidente designado podrá explicar NESARA y el jubileo para todos. Ese conjunto de anuncios especiales van a permitir luego que suceda una declaración de la revelación, y finalmente nos va a permitir nuestras retransmisiones a vosotros. Este es el escenario para que otros eventos puedan forzar la paz mundial y la forma de producir el entorno soñado cuando se propuso por vez primera NESARA, a finales de los 90. Esa condición global pueden conducir a varios otros eventos.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Reedición - Comodines del Planeta - Wilmington, Carolina del Norte, el 19 de noviembre de 2016


Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada [por Lee y Kryon] para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces incluso se agrega o se condensa la información. Lo que se da en vivo suele tener implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que la página impresa no ofrece. Disfruten de este mensaje realzado, dado en Wilmington, Carolina del Norte.

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Hoy quiero hablar sobre los comodines (N.T. situaciones inesperadas); deseo explicar qué o quiénes han sido a través del tiempo, pero para que esta explicación sea comprendida y aceptada, y hermosa para tu alma, vas a tener que simular un poco.

Kara Schallock - Somos Fuente - 15 de Enero 2017

Traducción: Gisela Díaz M.

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Cuando entiendes que no estás separado de nada ni de nadie, ni de la Fuente, te experimentas a ti mismo, a todos y a todo como Amor puro. Por lo tanto, estás consciente de que todo lo que experimentas y compartes es Amor. Incluso cuando juzgas algo considerándolo no Amor, te das cuenta de que todo es Amor, aunque esto pueda perturbarte. Sólo te perturba si hay algo dentro de ti que no es Amor. Entonces puedes dejar que eso se vaya y llenar el espacio vacío con Amor. Sé consciente de que todo lo que creas y compartes es lo que tú eres... Amor. Cuando veas y entiendas que todo el mundo demuestra Amor hasta saber que ellos son Amor; Cuando veas las similitudes y no las diferencias entre tú y los demás, construirás un puente de Amor.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - Wild Cards of the Planet - 19 November, 2016 at Wilmington, North Carolina

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
Today I want to talk about wild cards. I wish to help explain what or who they’ve been over time, but in order for this explanation to be understood and accepted and beautiful to your soul, you’re going to have to do some pretending.

Adjusting Your Attitude
If you were a scientist coming from another planet to observe Human history, you would need to do it without emotion or bias. I can tell the story about wild cards, both for your grandfathers and for you, but there is often emotion and bias involved. Because of this, I will say one thing, and you may hear another. Dear ones, it can’t be that way for you to understand this message.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - The Blue Ray - 18 January, 2017

The Starseeds, New Forerunners, Light Bearers, Blue Rays all Rays are being called to create a Unity Star Alliance in the name of Humanity.

The 1st New Earth Star United Alliance through the Blue Ray Anchoring 33 of the New Earth Grids and Radiance “Light body upgrade” Will take place Jan 26th 2017 Thursday 4:00pm mountain standard time. Where you can tune in to through your empathic nature to the Divine Holy Matrix.  This coincides with the rare astrological event where all planets are moving direct in the month of January.

Jennifer Hoffman - Dis-Order and Chaos on the Ascension Path - 18 January, 2017

I think it’s our belief that ascension happens as a divine process, orchestrated by God and the heavens, so we think it’s going to be a chauffeured ride in a stretch limo rather than a solitary hike up Mount Everest. We’re moving into crunch time now, this is going to be the hard part as the 3D paradigms become dis-ordered and chaos erupts. Our job now, as Light Beacons, gatekeepers, and Empowered Masters is to keep the energy moving into the 5D path.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 18, 2017


The way to thrive during these energetically intense times is to use your wisdom to move with whatever the energies are supporting. There are times that support action and times that support stillness and integration.

Trying to swim against the tide of either will only result in frustration and little to show for your effort. If you wait and choose to navigate your day according to what the energies are naturally in harmony with, you will find yourself being far more efficient, in less time and far more joyfully, than ever before.

Blossom Goodchild - 16 de enero de 2017



Blossom: Hola mis amigos. A muchos les encantó su canalización de audio con el lenguaje de luz de la semana pasada. Gracias por eso. ¿Qué sigue en la agenda?

Federación de la Luz: Bienvenidos en TODO AMOR y LUZ a TODOS … DE TODOS. Estos días por venir se presentarán bien y la información que viene a los de la Tierra sin duda es “subirá la apuesta inicial” ¿diríamos?

Blossom: ¿Qué información y de qué manera?

Federación de la Luz El hecho puro de que la Vida misma está aumentando. La Aceleración más allá de la Aceleración está sobre ustedes y dentro de tres meses, ustedes sentirán como si hubieran pasado solamente algunas semanas.

Estén atentos a sus pensamientos Queridas almas y dominen el arte de despedir al instante, aquello que no sirve. Al hacerlo, pueden CAMBIAR SU MUNDO por una Luz mucho más brillante … diríamos … en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

martes, enero 17, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 2017 Energy Report (Part 3): Evolution of Your Plasma Crystalline LightBody Processes & Phases - 1/17/2017


Today we continue the process that deepened yesterday. A re-gridding and fusing of the Higher Dimensions (Universe) of the body & the Lower Dimensions (Earthly Plane) of the body to create a unilateral alignment between the Heavens (upper body) and Earthly body to our NEW Earth'ly/Heavenly bodies here. This was a huge synchronization process that continues today still. Solar winds today work through our crystals and loading new higher consciousness programs to play out in our physical reality here. We are still somewhat offline as this process completes. When it does, we will collapse a gazillion old timelines to experience higher/newer ones here. These collapses speed all up, bring all that needs to be dealt with/moved through quickly without thought and move physical realities fast. They open portals previously locked for new awesomeness to arrive. As each moves in-sync with universal flow, all with slow down and instantly re-align to a higher frequency, the Earth's/Universes/Our Crystalline Structures and Galactic Star-Gates will tune to a higher frequency existence easily, peacefully, brilliantly as more Heaven is available to all intentionally and fully on-board from within.

Suzanne Lie - Reading Light Language--Our Galactic Family - 1-17-17

Our Galactic Family -through Sue Lie

2017 The Year of Light Language

It is the NOW to remember that YOU are the Creators of your reality. It is the NOW to release ALL victimization, self-pity, competition, and ALL your power over ANY person, place, or thing.

2017 is the Year in which you volunteered to remember your SELF, or miss the bus. Some do not even know there is a “Bus,” and others would not take that “bus,” even if it stopped, opened the door, and waited for them.

Suzanne Lie - Learning/Remembering Light Language-Arcturians, Angels and Gaia - 1-17-16

Learning/Remembering Light Language

I have always been fascinated by the messages that are displayed and/or hidden in pictures. I have also been fascinated by Light Language. I have been getting inner instructions for the Arcturians and my Galactic Family to "brush up on my Light Language in preparation for the landings.

"When will the landings occur?" I ask.

"When you can perceive it," is the answer.

"But how can I perceive it?" I ask.

"With Light Language." is my answer.

"Please explain." I ask.

"The Light Language has always been with you." is the answer. "But you have been trained to "read" or "hear" messages one word at a time. Light Language is much more of a "picture" than a collection of words."

Laura Pleiadian - Celestial Beings of Light - Under Construction ~ The New Divine Humanity - January 17, 2017

The First Wave ~ The Initiates ~ those that agreed millions of Earth Years ago, to be here NOW. To help create and build the FOUNDATION of LIGHT ~ the New Earth.

The New Divine Humanity. At the Divine Celestial Level, those that are here as the Builders ~ OF consciousness as LIGHT ~ shifting ALL throughout the Multiverse.

The Great Design and Blueprint was created before the Earth was Activated as a consciousness dimension.

The ANGELIC Beings came forward to PLAY a profound role in bringing their consciousness here as LIGHT ~ into FORM.

The Elohim formed a regulation team, along with the Overseers and the design was complete. The template of consciousness for this EARTH including all the parallel worlds.

Steve Rother - The Group - Four Big Shifts of 2017

a message from The Group channeled by Steve Rother

Greetings from Home, Dear Ones. I am the Keeper of Time.

I come to you this day and intersect with your timeline for just a moment to help touch your hearts and to help remind you who you are and where you are coming from. You are distant travelers who have definitely been around. Yet here you are now, settled on Earth and making rapid changes. There are so many incredible changes that sometimes it is difficult for us to keep up with all the things that humans are doing on planet Earth. Today we will share a little bit of what is coming in the year ahead; it is rather fascinating to watch what is taking place. By the time you get through February 2017, you will feel a bit of a calmness that has not been here for a while. In some ways, it is the calm before the storm. Dear ones, re-member that most change cannot happen when in the midst of calm. By its very definition, “change” often involves such disruption that a ripple is left in its wake. Do not fear this, for the change is actually what you have come to be a part of.

Sheldan Nidle - Update~1-17-17~A Reality of Freedom, Sovereignty & Prosperity

6 Eb, 15 Chen, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The procedures agreed upon continue to move forward at their own slow pace. The emphasis as always remains security and the maintenance of an even flow. This operation has thus been reduced to proceeding with major sequences and keeping the public in the dark until certain primary security points are reached. This has become paramount to the success of this process. The initial elements remain the global introduction of the new treasury monies from the new Republic, the complex RV operation in America and the breakout of the GCR. These new monies are to be accompanied by the official roll out of the new international financial system. At that time, the new designated President can explain NESARA and the jubilee to all. This set of special announcements is eventually to permit a disclosure statement to occur, and to finally permit us to commence our broadcasts to you. This is to set the stage for other events that can force world peace and a way to produce the environment dreamed of when NESARA was first proposed in the late 1990s. This global condition can lead to a number of other events.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 17, 2017


Love is your grandest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel