domingo, enero 08, 2017

Selacia - Relationships in Rooster Year -Tips for Mending Wounds, Finding Harmony-

Relationships will take center stage in the Chinese Rooster Year officially beginning January 28. The build-up to that dynamic is under way now, impacting both personal relationships and relationships between citizens and the power elite. A key example is in the US, where a new leadership is preparing to take power January 20 - stirring unprecedented uncertainty and unrest. This indeed is a unique time for all of us to be alive. Continue reading to find out what this means for your personal relationships and your experience relating to the outside world.

Geoffrey Hoppe - DESDE MI NOTEBOOK…- Artículo Revista Shaumbra Enero 2017

Por Geoffrey Hoppe
Artículo Revista Shaumbra Enero 2017

Traducción: Héctor Ramallo

¡Bienvenidos a 2017! Esta es la primera vez que tipeo 2017, por lo que se siente un poco extraño. Mis dedos lineales todavía están programados para escribir 2016. Estoy seguro de que todavía estaré escribiendo 2016 en cheques y otros documentos hasta marzo de 2017 aproximadamente. Por desgracia, soy víctima de las costumbres.


He escuchado a mucha gente y personalidades de los medios de comunicación diciendo adiós y buena salida de 2016. Un reporte de noticias dijo que muchos adultos consideraron el año 2016 como el más difícil que han experimentado. La mayoría culpa a las elecciones estadounidenses. Siento ser un spoiler, pero mi 2016 fue uno de los mejores de todos, probablemente porque realmente no me importaba quién fuera elegido. He votado por primera vez en 12 años, pero no para ninguno de los principales candidatos presidenciales. La elección no era mía. Curiosamente, nada de esta mayor parte de conmoción que está pasando en el mundo me rodea. Sí, veo las noticias y me mantengo informado sobre los acontecimientos actuales. Pero a medida que pasa cada día, encuentro que soy más un observador que un participante. No me considero apático o indiferente, pero después de todos estos años estoy empezando a entender lo que Adamus quiere decir cuando dice, "Todo está bien en toda la creación". El mundo gira enloquecido y ama cada minuto de ello. De lo contrario, no estaría girando.

Suzanne Lie - The Archangels, Elohim and Ascended Masters - The Vision Seekers - 1-8-17

The Vision Seekers

By the Archangels, the Elohim and the Ascended Masters
Beloved Ones,
We come to you within the NOW to remind you that Gaia is ALIVE. Furthermore, we ask that, you, the awakened humans, pass on that information in any way that you can. 2017 is the year in which humans will remember that they are NOT just their earth bodies. In 2017, humans will begin to remember that Gaia is Living Being!

As humanity, “grows up” and releases their old self-absorbed nature, they will KNOW that Gaia is ALIVE. Then, will they change their behavior? Many, if not most, humans think that they are “just” visitors to Earth because they do not realize that humanity and Earth are ONE.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Acknowledge yourself for how far you have come instead of how far you think you have to go - January 8, 2017

Dear One,

You have grown and changed so much. You are so busy being in the moment, applying all you have learned, and giving of your talents, that it's necessary to take time to really notice how far you have come.

See all that you have given to others and your world. Notice how much you have changed and how hard you have worked on yourself. See how your intention for a better life is leading you forward. You have come a long way and truly have so much to offer. For all that you are, acknowledge yourself.

Acknowledge your commitment to a higher purpose in life. Acknowledge your willingness to give. Acknowledge yourself for the loving heart you share so freely, asking little in return.

It is easy to be caught up in the world's view of goals and achievements. This spurs you to look forward to the future and to hurry through the present. In order to be more integrated and whole as a person, it is also necessary to look honestly at the past. This means being compassionate with yourself, seeing the lessons that you have learned, the things you would do differently, and knowing you have done the best you could. Then come into the present moment and acknowledge yourself for how far you have come.

Acknowledge yourself for who you are right now. Know that you are still learning many lessons in life but that you are willing to use all you have learned to live a fulfilling life. Honor the Spirit within you, honor the Love in your heart, respect the person you are right now and know the Angels of God are guiding you in every moment.

When you treat yourself with honor and respect, the doors of Heaven open for you to fulfill your highest destiny on earth and to live in peace.

Remember to:

Acknowledge yourself for how far you have come
instead of how far you think you have to go.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel
January 8, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Introducción a las Predicciones del 2017 - 1 de Enero 2017

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Cada año desde el 2005 he escrito predicciones anuales y cada año digo lo mismo “escribo predicciones aunque no me gusta hacerlo”. Vacilo al hacer predicciones, especialmente respecto a eventos mundiales, porque no quiero influir en el pensamiento de los demás o desviar la energía en una dirección en particular. Nuestros poderes de manifestación son fuertes ahora y creamos con nuestro pensamiento. Y podemos utilizar la energía en cualquier forma que queramos, así que es importante enfocarnos en la expansión de alta frecuencia y en el mundo en el que queremos vivir en oposición a sentirnos decepcionados por lo que vemos en un “mundo que está loco”.

Emmanuel Dagher - Energy Forecast - A Whole New World - January 2017

A Whole New World   
January 2017
Happy New Year, my friend!

There’s so much for us to catch up on, so let’s get right to it.

A Rebirth

The year 2017 numerically is a “1” year (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10, and 10 reduces to 1 + 0 = 1).

The number 1 represents the energies of rebirth, a fresh start, and inspired action.

This year will bring with it a great deal of momentum and movement when it comes to new ideas, inventions, and creations.

The intentions, actions, and deeds we are choosing to focus on right now, especially in the earlier part of 2017, will set the tone for what we will attract, create, and experience over the next 9 years.

As we move forward, some things may still feel familiar. But we are on a completely different road now than we were on during the last 9-year cycle.

It may take a bit of time for some to notice this, but those who are sensitive to energy will notice this change quickly.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - JANUARY 2017


This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers.One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward, feel free to share this information.

This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit
any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniquenessJ

Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years. Thank you dear Lady of Light


***From your Hostess of Light 2017 at a glance
***Tidal Waves Of Light In 2017
***2016 left us in a dimensional hollow
***Each one of us is aligned with a different frequency of light, a different star system, a different flavor of life.

From your hostess of Light (as seen in Sedona journal)

As I look deep into the very lengthy hallways of 2017 my heart quickens with both anticipation and caution. The doorways of 2017 are great and full of expectations. Like a very immense Egyptian God of old, our human door of expectation is so much smaller in comparison to what 2017 asks of us. We all stand side-by-side, antechamber to vestibule, arm in arm. We think about the panorama of 2016 that showed our weakness and shadow in ‘fool Technicolor’. All that we could have been laced with all that we once were, and divided by all that we are destined to be. This powerful year comes in full regalia and ceremony to give us our new year’s orders.

Alcyon Pléyades 50: Atentados Berlín, caída avión Chapecoense, conspiración antiRusia, coro militar

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday January 8, 2017

When you have taken the time to really listen to who you are and what your preferences are, you are prepared to create in earnest when the energies support forward movement. You have clarity, and can then use your energy towards staying in the flow and having appreciation for each Now moment, adjusting as you go. But you cannot create the perfect matches for yourself if you do not know what brings you joy. That is the gift of the lull. It allows you to get very clear about your preferences in order to be ready for the next action phase. An action phase is about to make itself known to you. Enjoy the ride, Dear Ones, it is what you have been preparing for. ~Archangel Gabriel

Maryann Rada - Anica, con los Pleyadianos - El Ahora Se Vuelve Un Recuerdo A Medida Que Llega El Futuro - 18 de dIcIembre del 2016

Este es el segundo comunicado de los Pleyadianos de Alcyone a través de este contacto via la Liga de la Luz, y llega en un tiempo en el que el respiro colectivo de la humanidad se ve atrapado en un aumento de tirantez y nerviosismo. Todos ustedes están listos para exhalar un suspiro de alivio y ver la realidad de una vida pacífica, libre y soberana volviéndose realidad. Los pueblos de los mundos cuyo sol está cerca de la estrella central de las Pléyades, Alcyone, revelan más de su historia y algunas perspicacias sobre la realidad que ustedes pueden manifestar en la Tierra. — Anica de la Liga de la Luz

Breathtaking Photo Of Earth And The Moon As Seen From Mars Released by NASA. (Space News)

sábado, enero 07, 2017

Blossom Goodchild - 2017 NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE - January 6, 2017


Here is a touching Direct Voice channelling from THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT and WHITE CLOUD . It also includes Vibrational Sound Light Language to uplift and raise your Vibration . These sounds are embedded within us and when listened to ... help us to understand our individual purpose for Being here on Planet Earth at this time.
The very warmest of welcomes to those of you who are taking part in this Vibrational offering as the beginning of a new chapter emerges. Dearest friends, all around your globe you are to experience a different kind of Energy that shall be absorbed by your Being … into your Being … throughout your Being … which shall allow you, in turn, to feel the difference within yourselves as you rise into Higher Energies of Pure Love.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday January 7, 2017

There is a pervasive belief that ease is somehow bad, that it makes you lazy or somehow undeserving. This is old conditioning, Dear Ones! When you are willingly harnessing the energies that come from the natural rhythm of ebb and flow by accepting yourself as a beloved and integral part of the whole, ease must naturally follow.

We ask you to identify one thing you could do today to allow more ease in your life and then love yourself enough to accept that you are worthy and deserving of the receiving of that flow. They days of efforting are done. It is time to master the skill of flow and unfoldment just as a sailor harnesses the energy of the wind to reach the desired destination. ~Archangel Gabriel

Aisha North - Water Speaks - January 7, 2017

Posted on January 7, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Would you like to have your own personal painting channeled by me? Read more about it here

viernes, enero 06, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday January 6, 2017

Archangel GabrielAlways forgive another if they have been unkind to you, for it shows that they’ve lost their ability to see your divine nature, and even sadder, their ability to see their own. ~Archangel Gabriel

Mike Quinsey - de su Ser Superior - 6 de enero 2017

Estáis al comienzo de un año de debería demostrarse excitante, incluso aunque en esta fase no podáis ver cómo podría ser así. También debería ser de plenitud, porque resultará en la llegada de muchos cambios aceptables que se han predicho desde hace mucho tiempo. Será el año en el que se logren los resultados por los que se ha trabajado tanto, y promete llevaros a la Nueva Era en la cresta de una ola que barrerá mucho de lo viejo. Al principio parecerá caótico, porque los Oscuros luchan contra el cambio ya que ven desaparecer su dominio. Silenciosamente y sin aspavientos, se ha establecido el escenario para los cambios que rápidamente ayudarán a establecer un nuevo Gobierno para la Nueva Era.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 6th January 2017

You are at the start of a year that should prove to be exciting, even if at this stage you cannot see how that could come about. It should also be fulfilling as it will result in the coming about of many acceptable changes that have long been predicted. It will be the year when results are achieved that have long been worked for, and promise to take you into the New Age on the crest of a wave that will sweep much of the old away. At first it will seem chaotic as the dark Ones fight change as they see their dominance slipping away. Silently and without any fuss the scene has been set for the changes that will quickly help establish a new Governance for the New Age.

jueves, enero 05, 2017

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light - An Invitation for this New Now - Jan 5, 2017

An Invitation for this New Now

Message from Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Hello Dear Friends,

In this new year, this new beginning, you find that there are many options still, and always for your attention. The choices you make given these choices, is you living your freedom.

We are entering into this realm of focus through this transmission. As Ailia expands and merges with us, she translates the vibrations of our connection and transmits with us, offering you pathways of light that support your highest consciousness in embodiment. That is our aim.

Jamye Price - Receiving - Jan 5, 2017

Blessed Being, it is said that the meek shall inherit the Earth. The meek are those that have an inner strength, those that choose inner empowerment rather than loud dominance. To inherit, in this context, is to receive that which has been created before (be for) you, to continue to serve life. The Law of Resonance creates a connection and serves All Life to continue to expand.

Receiving is a big energy—one-half of the flow of Life!

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday January 5, 2017

We were recently asked, “How do I fill myself up with love?” We would like to answer that question today.

It is important to understand that the unconditional love that is Source energy is always available to you. You may be in different degrees of acceptance or denial of that love, but you always have the ability to direct yourself back into that alignment through choice.

So the first step of filling yourself up with love is opening yourself up into the receiving of it. This does not need to be a complicated practice. Simply take a moment to still yourself, and with your inner voice simply ask to receive love and then make the conscious decision to allow yourself to accept and feel it. You can ask for an infusion of love from any higher vibrational being you have an affinity for, or you can keep it more general by simply intending to feel Source energy, or universal energy.