martes, octubre 18, 2016

Sheldan Nidle - October 18, 2016

5 Imix, 4 Tzec, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The Victory of the Light grows. Everywhere on your world, the emergence of the new financial system and never-ending waves of prosperity continues. Together with these marvelous changes is the prospect of a peace that almost didn't happen. In its closing moments, the dark tried, but was unable to instigate a global war. Fortunately, our liaisons and their earthly counterparts prevented this from happening. This surface world has also moved swiftly forward in the direction of first contact. You are entering an era when the requirement for money is to quickly disappear. This process is to be aided by the use of technologies, both yours and ours, that are to introduce the universal processor. This wondrous device is to render obsolete the need for farming, manufacturing and the use of Gaia's natural resources. Hence, your global societies are to be freed of the need to devote so much of their populations to these arduous and dangerous tasks. Gaia can expect to see much of her land returned to their original environments. This process will allow for the expansion of grasslands, swampy areas and forests. Therefore, more and more of your environments are to be reworked to add a number of habitats.

Kara Schallock - Consciousness and Shifting - 18-Oct-2016

I wonder often where everyone is consciousness-wise these days. To me, it seems there is so much variety in where one is. Some seem to be flying high, while others appear to be floundering. Some seem to be ignoring everything, pretending, it seems, that nothing at all is occurring within and then some are so entranced by outer life that they are attached to the old matrix. I certainly cannot assume that all fit into a generalized view of things, so all I can do is to share what my current consciousness is and what I am guided to share. I certainly cannot appease everyone for that takes me away from my own focus.

Natalie Glasson - Apoyando la Ascensión del Agua, Silvina (un Mer-Being) - 13-10-2016


Soy Silvina; se me conoce como un “Mer-Being” que para ustedes podría significar que vivo debajo del agua; sin embargo, para mí esto significa que puedo viajar a través de vibraciones de energía de alta frecuencia.
En realidad, me muevo a través de la Luz a altas velocidades.
Hubo un tiempo en la Tierra en el que la mayoría de la vida existía bajo el agua. Yo estaba encarnada en la Tierra en ese tiempo.
Éramos menos humanos y más como peces evolucionados, avanzados física, emocional y mentalmente.
Tal vez algunos de ustedes recuerden este tiempo.
Fue un periodo experimental en la Tierra para descubrir la manera más apropiada de existir y evolucionar de los seres en el planeta.
En los planos internos hay áreas, planetas y civilizaciones que existen aparentemente bajo el agua.

Webinar - Secrets, Lies and Denials Revealed - Part One

lunes, octubre 17, 2016

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - Justicia-Conciencia Divina - 09-10-2016

L-121-1 20Clifton 20Gorge-Yellow 20Springs  20Oh


Saludos queridos míos. Venimos en la Luz de un nuevo día y nos encontramos con ustedes en ese lugar.

No esperen que nada continúe como lo han conocido en el pasado. Esto se debe a que el mundo material con el que ustedes están familiarizados fue formado con la energía de unas creencias que ya no existen.
Muéstrense abiertos y abracen el cambio en vez de resistirlo, pues nada real se ha perdido y las ideas basadas en la verdad (la realidad) siempre reaparecerán en nuevas y más elevadas formas de expresión cuando sea necesario.
El Grupo Arcturiano desea hablarles de la justicia, que en realidad es una idea espiritual, una faceta de la Conciencia Divina, cuyos conceptos están cambiando ahora a una expresión más elevada.
En un mundo tridimensional – uno basado en la dualidad y la separación – comúnmente se piensa de la justicia como “ojo por ojo” y muchos sistemas de creencias religiosos enseñan este concepto usando la Biblia como su referencia.
A menudo se ignora que esta cita es del Viejo Testamento de la Biblia, escrito hace mucho tiempo para la conciencia no iluminada de esos tiempos.

Selacia - Nuevos comienzos en la Luna Llena - Preparándonos para logros personales - 11 de Octubre 2016

Traducción: Gisela Díaz
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Nos dirigimos a un poderoso portal de oportunidad con la luna llena del sábado. La energía apoya nuevos comienzos e importantes logros personales. Aprovechemos al máximo este portal, adentrémonos en esta energía y seamos conscientes de las cosas específicas que deseamos crear. En este artículo les doy un poco de contexto y un proceso sencillo que podemos hacer para prepararnos.

Jennifer Hoffman - To Get Unstuck You have to Come Unglued - Oct 17, 2016

I hear the phrase “I feel stuck” from so many clients who have arrived at a point in their lives where they see that the energy isn’t moving, they want to do other things and they don’t know how to begin. Then, their lives fall apart as they lose friends and relationships, maybe they lose their job, perhaps they have to move out of their home or to a new area, and they think that everything is falling apart. It can appear that way but they’re removing the ‘glue’ from their lives so they can get unstuck and move forward on a new path. Before we can get unstuck, the things that are ‘sticking’ us to our path have to give way, and that is the process of coming unglued.

Coming unglued doesn’t feel good but it is a necessary part of the process. It happens when we are unable to consciously make choices, decisions, and take action to move ourselves out of our stuck places. While we do have free will, our soul conspires to have us fulfill our mission of moving out of healing (which is where we feel stuck) and into new cycles where we can be whole and start taking action in new directions. So all of the things in our life that are glued down start coming unglued as we move towards getting unstuck.

Alcyon Pléyades 27-2ª(Republicado): Suicidios militares. Bin Laden. Avión de Germanwings. Drones

Jennifer Hoffman - Estableciendo Límites Y Levando Anclas - 10 de Octubre 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

En periodos de intensa actividad energética debemos asegurarnos de que nuestros límites energéticos están en su sitio. ¿Por qué debemos establecer límites si deseamos que la energía fluya libremente y que genere la mayor transformación posible? Porque, sin límites, la energía no tiene un camino por el que discurrir y, aunque deseemos recibirla en grandes cantidades, no queremos que venga acompañada del caos ni del drama que se producen cuando no controlamos los flujos energéticos. En periodos así, debemos abrirnos al inmenso potencial que conllevan estos intensos movimientos de energía y levar nuestras anclas. De esta manera podremos comenzar a navegar, a la vez que fijaremos los límites que permitirán que nuestro barco mantenga su rumbo.

Suzanne Lie - Conversation with the Golden Ones - 10-16-16

Conversations with the Golden Ones
Through Suzanne Lie

There are many things that I have been hearing and seeing that are higher dimensional. For one thing I might hear a conversation in my head that I should talk to others about my inter-dimensional experiences.
These inter-dimensional voices are saying to each other that one of main things that we have in common is that no one has the answers about this NOW of planetary ascension because we, the earthlings, have never done it before.
Since no one has the answers, we’re all entering the “unknown.” This is a problem, as one of humanity’s greatest fears is the “unknown.” I’ve talked about the Golden Ones, who tell me they are the “Threshold Keepers,” and I keep seeing them.
Usually I see and/or hear them around 3 or 4pm because that’s the end of my day, and I am usually relaxing when they come into my awareness. I know I’ve said this before, but if you ask questions and make it a conversation you will get more inner information.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Liles - Actualización Luna Llena 15 Octubre 2016 - 13 de Octubre de 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La Luna Llena es el Sábado 15 de Octubre, a las 10:23 PM, Hora de las Montañas (MDT)

Esta es una luna llena feroz y potente, diseñada para empujar y avanzar. Lleva consigo un empuje tal que podría ser una energía bienvenida para algunos que se desenvuelven bien bajo presión, pero podría ser desafiante para aquellos que prefieren un método más suave. Esta luna también influencia el destape de verdades difíciles de enfrentar, que podrían aparecer durante este período. Las buenas noticias son que el poder de esta luna llena les da las herramientas para abrazar la verdad y les permite aceptar, cambiar y avanzar.

El año del mono está vivo y bien. Asegúrense que los "monos" no estén haciéndose cargo de su entorno y no estén creando caos. Aquí es donde entran los límites. Es mejor decir simplemente NO, en vez de darle vueltas al asunto cuando algo no funciona. Cuídense de reacciones explosivas y no se enreden en el drama que no es de ustedes. Si pueden aléjense del conflicto, y en cambio enfóquense en algo que están queriendo expresar de un modo más grande en sus vidas. Esta Luna Llena puede alimentar esa expansión poderosamente.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message - Monday October 17, 2016

Every single time you choose love as a response or a state of beingness, you are in alignment with Source, allowing the energy of love to flow to you, and through you. This is an incredibly supportive act to yourself, and to others, for it is choosing inclusion over separation, actively connecting to the energies of Home, where all things are possible. Love is your superpower, Dear Ones, and choosing it time and again will only support your quest to discover and BE who you really are – beautiful individuated sparks of divine energy, and ambassadors of that unconditional love. ~Archangel Gabriel

Benjamin Fulford 10-17-16… “Hillary Clinton goes into hiding as cabal takedown continues despite empty threats of nuclear war”

Posted by benjamin, October 17, 2016

World events are clearly heading to some sort of big turning point in the coming weeks as can be seen by many events in the news and in the secret world. What is going on is that two massive rival factions vying for control of world power are entering the final round of their titanic struggle to control the financial system and thus process of deciding what humanity does in the future.

The outcome looks certain to be the defeat of the Khazarian mafia cabal that has secretly controlled world power since at least 1913 and, in the West, probably for thousands of years.

In the news and in public we can see, for example, that US Democratic Party Presidential Candidate and senior Khazarian gangster Hillary Clinton has cancelled all public campaign appearances other than her scheduled debate (which may also be cancelled) with Republican Candidate Donald Trump.

Brenda Hoffman - New You is Undefinable - October 17, 2016

Dear Ones,

It’s time to use your new skills developed as a result of discovering more about new you.

Even though many of you remain in disbelief that you are any different from that which was true five years or even one month ago, such is an accurate assessment of who you now are.

Perhaps you do not feel that difference for a variety of reasons – most notably that new you is the CEO of your totality. So new you is dominantly you with new helpers and assistants.

You have transitioned beyond your guides, angels, and most of your council – for you are a member of your council with greater transition knowledge than any other member. So it is that even though we of the ethers can prod you and give you hints here and there, as you develop more clearly into new you, we can no longer fully comprehend your capabilities.

domingo, octubre 16, 2016

Barbara Marciniak - The Pleiadians 2016 - Tales of the Anunnaki

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Trust in yourself, and trust in the Angelic energy working through you - October 16, 2016

Dear One,

As the light within you grows stronger and brighter, you will find yourself bringing more wisdom and love to your world. You will begin to trust more deeply in yourself and know you are divinely guided at every moment.

Trust is an energy that grows the more you use it. Like a muscle that strengthens with exercise, so it is with trust. It comes not from the power of your doing, as much as it is an allowing of energy to flow through your being.

¿Cuanto le Afectaría donde usted vive, una Devastadora Tormenta Solar?

Aisha North - Water Speaks - 16/10/16

Posted on October 16, 2016 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

Alexandra Meadors - URGENT MESSAGE FOR ENTIRE GROUND CREW!!! - October 16, 2016

Intel & Situation Report from


This last couple of weeks have involved MAJOR PLANETARY SHIFTS through work I have been involved in or privy to. I have received the green light to disperse this information and recommend we all celebrate in such a momentous event.

Firstly, as of Monday the veil has “officially” come down and people will begin to see the truth of who they really are. Don’t be surprised if you begin to see through archeological finds in a new way and exposure of political events.

Secondly, as of Thursday, TIME has been successfully unraveled and disentangled from the Point of Creation. Begin to notice how we are now fully stepping out of time ALTOGETHER.

As of Friday afternoon as well as Saturday morning some of you may have heard a loud sonic boom in the area of San Diego, California. My husband Steve came into my office notifying me of some sort of “explosion” having occurred. This is because TEN Stellar Galactic Ships came in through our sector to retrieve any remaining cabal members on Planet Earth. There was a final violation of all terms and agreements by Cabal Members made to stay on Planet Earth which initiated this response by Ashtar’s Allied Forces. It has been confirmed that air raid sirens went off in San Diego as well.
Nuclear missiles were activated in Montana by The Cabal in response to this event but were immediately shut down.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday October 16, 2016

Daily Message ~ Sunday October 16, 2016

When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the 5 A’s.

Ask – Asking the universe for help gives us permission to help you.

Accept – In order to receive you must be in an open state of acceptance. Be open to the myriad of ways the universe can serve and delight you.
Allow – Give the universe the time and space it needs to deliver to you in whatever way is divinely perfect.
Action – Be prepared to move when the signs and synchronicities point the way.
Appreciate – Your appreciation gives clear feedback to the universe and keeps you creating more of what is desired.

It does not need to be any more complicated than that! Move into the flow of abundance and have fun with creative process, Dear Ones. It is one of the greatest joys you will experience – the magic of co-creation with a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel