martes, septiembre 20, 2016

Sheldan Nidle Update - On the Edge of Monumental Success - September 20, 2016

4 Ben, 16 Zip, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Since we first arrived en masse at the end of your 20th century, we have learned in detail how your world works. We have allied ourselves with your Ascended Masters and their numerous Earth allies. In addition, we have had extensive planning sessions with our Agarthan cousins. All our meetings, along with our lengthy scientific study flights and accompanying record-keeping, have prepared us for what is currently taking place on your planet’s surface. Surface humanity is now at a crossroads. Those who seek the Light have achieved much and are finally ready to begin announcing the terms of their incredible triumph. A new global financial system, worldwide freedom and new governance symbolize this victory. Two decades ago, the dark’s minions decided to forego the surrender that their former masters, the Anunnaki offered them. This refusal led you into two decades of unnecessary wars, government-contrived terrorism and a general series of continued corruption and misguided violence. This prolonged era of misdeeds is coming to an end. The much-sought time of peace, freedom and prosperity is about ready to begin.

Christine Meleriessee - Accepting the Journey of Resonance to All That I Am~ Decree

Accepting the Journey of Resonance to All That I Am~ Decree

Walking Terra Christa is now working with the LAW OF RELATIVITY. Our journey on September 14, 2016 took us into the Golden Etheric City that resides above Kashmir called Vaneranthian-Lan-EEAH.

This city represents the Multi-White Ray of Universal White Light which assists in transforming the lower elements that do not allow the higher realms of the 5th dimension to fully be put into place. The Ascended Masters that overlight this energy are Lord Melchizedek and Lord Sanat Kumara.

Our visit on this day was to work with Lord Melchizedek who represents the Teacher of all Lightworkers upon the Mastery Pathway. He is our guide; he helps us to know ourselves through our Higher Essence.

Our journey into the city was absolutely beautiful as we connected to Mirror Lake that assisted each participant in seeing themselves through the eyes of the Multi-White Ray.

Steve Rother - The Group - Riding the Wave into 2017

A New Place for Humans to Go

Greetings Dear Ones,

With your game well in progress, we join you this day to share more about a wave of energy coming in. It is actually more than one wave but you have so many energetics arriving from different parts of the universe. We find it fascinating that recently you have discovered another Earth-like planet in the star nearest you, right in the Goldilocks Zone. It is perfect for supporting life and almost about the same size as your Earth. Exploring the night sky and looking for all this information, people are actually looking for a new place for humans to go and you will, trust us. At some point you will also go to Mars, which is one of the new pieces. We tell you, dear ones, that you will find your own footsteps in some way as you have been there before. Mars used to have life, a thriving life, and you were there. That is why we find it so fascinating when you come up with these ideas about Martians with the two little antennae coming out of the head and always green for some reason. We find it wonderful!

lunes, septiembre 19, 2016

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada - The Vastness of your Divine Love Essence – 9-19-16


Let us speak today of your soul embodiment and reality as you see it. You are beginning to understand that your reality is a composite of your earthly experiences and emotions. However, these have just been a bridge to your greater understanding of your True Self.

Seeing what you have been through as a stepping stone to your higher consciousness way of being is the purpose of your sojourn here on earth. Seeing your experiences and emotions in a detached way and as a helper/friend to raising your consciousness changes the fabric of your reality, where your soul and higher consciousness are really at the helm of your being and experience.

Kryon "Proof of God" 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Let the Truth Grow and Flow - September 19, 2016


The truth is the foundation of your reality, the collection of beliefs, thoughts, and actions that allow your reality to take form. As you grow in your understanding of yourself as a divine being this truth grows and a new truth flows in. It is the action of growing and flowing which ignites the process of be-coming divine, whole, joyful, and congruent. There is no single truth which is true for each of you, individually and collectively, all the time. The truth is a living being which grows and flows to support your ascension path, as you allow new truths to become true for you and you expand into a greater awareness of your divinity, your energetic awareness expands and grows and you rise to new levels of wholeness, enlightenment, divinity.
The truth you believe in any moment is what allows you to be aligned and in a state of wholeness in that moment. What is true for you in one moment may no longer be true in the next moment, as truth expands awareness. The ascension path acceleration ushers in new truths about your potential, possibilities, and light that you can align with and integrate, once your can allow your truth foundation to grow enough to accept these new truths as ‘true’ for you. Can you envision your own divinity?

Suzanne Lie - Preparing For First Contact--by Shawn - 9-18-16


Hello dear readers,

While you are all enjoying your inner, awakened child, I am posting the next chapter of my upcoming book, "Preparing for Contact." In this chapter, Shawn, the young boy, talks about his experience of being on the Ship. Perhaps, this article will help you to remember being a "child" on the Ship.

By Shawn the Human—Through Sue Lie

Chapter 24
Shawn Shares

Hello everyone. I am Shawn, Liza’s younger brother. 
After Liza told her story to “you,” she asked me to tell my story. Now, being the kind of person that I am, I instantly wanted to know who “you” were. Finally, after much discussion, which needed to include Sharman, so that I could get the exact details of how I could speak to you from this Starship.

As my sister has said, I am a bit of a “brain-i-ack,” which is not a real word. However, this is how Liza and my Dad have thought of me because, well, I guess I am not like regular people. In fact, I was not like anyone—until I came onboard the Ship.

Suddenly, there was thousands and thousands of people with whom I could talk in my most “brain-i-ack” way, and they actually knew more than me. Now, the knowing more than me was a bit of a challenge. Because I was always so different from others on Earth, I kind of built a “brain shield” around myself so that I did not feel so different.

But now I am no different. In fact, there are lots of people who are as smart as, and smarter than me. You may think that I was instantly happy about that, but I have to admit that I had become accustomed to being smarter than others. Now, I guess you could say I am normal.

Brenda Hoffman - 5D Puberty - September 19, 2016

Dear Ones,

Many of you are waiting for your new life to begin – it has. Even though there will be shifts and changes along the way, your life of joy has begun.

Perhaps you are fantasizing about someone bigger and wiser than you giving you the go-ahead to be who you are – similar to a big brother or sister taking care of you when a bully arrives.

You are the big brother or sister even though that concept has not yet become part of your belief system. You are the wise one you have waited for. Even though you have not yet accessed the majority of your new skills, you are rapidly evolving to new you with all the skills you hoped for.

That is not to say you are not skilled at this time, but instead to remind you that you are growing into you. The next few weeks of ongoing energies are to solidify who you truly are.

Shelley Young - AA Gabriel - It Is Time To Reap The Rewards Of Your Efforts - Sept 19, 2016

Dear Ones, the dark night of the soul is a period of cocooning - of deep introspection, of learning, of healing, and of transformation. It serves a tremendous purpose on your spiritual journey. It is marked with reevaluating everything, with the change of relationships, careers, jobs and friendships, and can be a very solitary somber period. While it can seem long and arduous, it is an energetic corridor that does come to an end, and for many of you that time is now.

One of the biggest challenges is accepting that the phase is truly actually over when it comes to an end. You have become so used to looking for things to heal in yourself, to being serious, to being alone, that shifting into wholeness, into joy, into connecting with others can seem foreign. But that is what you have been working towards, and you have done the work and it is time to start to reap the rewards of your efforts.

Benjamin Fulford 9-19-16… “Hillary Clinton is dead, Bill on the run as Clinton Foundation scandals finish the DC crooks off”

Posted by benjamin, September 19, 2016

The Khazarian mafia is in a state of extreme panic following the death of their presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton on September 11th. Below is a screenshot of the ABC Television announcement of her death that was deleted from the internet.

The dragnet is now closing in on Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, Pentagon and agency sources say. Once that is exposed, the entire corrupt Washington DC establishment will crumble, the sources say.

This is what CIA sources say is planned next:

“We predicted Biden would be brought in 6+ months ago…Kaine, a disciple of the Central/South American ‘liberation theologists’ will go along: one-term or less to Biden and the baton passed to Kaine ….this is the current plan, ready to be implemented.”

domingo, septiembre 18, 2016

Sarah Varcas - 16 de Septiembre 2016: eclipse Lunar en 25 grados en Piscis. 6:55 p.m. UT - 15 de Septiembre 2016

Lunar eclipse in Pisces, Chiron in Pisces, conscious relationship, self-love, compassion, divine timing, patience, deep wisdom, managing the mind, managing emotions, facing fear, working with the shadow, Mars in Sagittarius, divine timing

Traducción: Elizabeth Cohen
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Emoción Sabia

Conjunción Quirón retrogrado retrograde Chiron (enlace en Inglés) y formando un cuadrado T hacia , Marte en Sagitario Mars in Sagittarius, (enlace en Inglés), es un eclipse, emocionalmente energizante con un filo liberador. Mientras algunas catarsis emocionales pueden limpiar el aire a largo plazo, otras pueden complicar una situación que ya es difícil, y debemos quedarnos en el presente para poder distinguir cuál es cuál. ¡Con pasiones exaltadas, podemos pensar, erróneamente, que se trata de nosotros, olvidándonos que los demás también están sintiendo la tensión! Para evitar focalizar demasiado sobre el ego, será de gran ayuda reconocer un proceso colectivo de limpieza y realineación, en vez de identificaros profundamente con lo que, de hecho, es, una cuestión más amplia. Este eclipse nos recuerda que el ámbito emocional puede no ser tan personal como parece al principio, pues cada uno de nosotros procesa nuestra porción kármica del campo unificado, dentro del panorama único de nuestra vida.

Geoffrey Hoppe - COACCION VIAL ESPIRITUAL - Revista Shaumbra Septiembre 2016

Revista Shaumbra Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Edgar Estrada
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Miro por el espejo retrovisor mi viaje a la maestría y veo a mi Yo humano. ¡Diablos! Está justo en mi paragolpe, demasiado cerca para mi gusto a esta velocidad. Está tan cerca que puedo ver su mirada salvaje, casi desesperada en sus ojos. Puedo ver las gotas de sudor en su frente y el cigarrillo encendido en su boca. Aquí vamos de nuevo. Otra ronda de locura espiritual pegada a mi paragolpe trasero.


Ya saben lo irritante que es tener a alguien pegado atrás mientras se está conduciendo por la carretera. ¿Qué hacer? ¿Pisar el freno para darles un susto del infierno, con el riesgo que termine golpeándonos atrás? ¿O reducir la velocidad con la esperanza de que capten el mensaje de que no estas feliz con su proximidad, pero con el riesgo de que vayan a ponerse aún más cerca? ¿O acelerar para apaciguarlos? Pero conociendo mi suerte habrá un coche de policía a la vuelta de la esquina. Todavía tengo que resolver el dilema de tener a alguien muy pegado al paragolpe y ser paciente hasta llegar a mi destino.

Kryon "The Italian Old Soul" 2016

Brenda Hoffman - Es Posible que tu Grupo lo esté Considerando - 12 de Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Natalia Lescano
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Algunos de ustedes, que se sienten olvidados, no parecen confirmar los milagros y sentimientos vivos que otros parecen tener. Tal vez ustedes antes experimentaron milagros o sensaciones pero eso fue hace tiempo atrás y no tiene similitud con lo que sienten ahora a medida que enfrentan su rutina.

Así como en el pasado dejaron de necesitar la aprobación de un padre o maestro que les dijese que sus habilidades en lectura progresaban maravillosamente, han evolucionado ahora más allá de esa necesidad constante de confirmación sobre la rectitud de su ser. Ustedes están por encima de la necesidad de recompensa inmediata para cualquier parte de su existencia.

La verdad, es que han llegado a un cruce de caminos que la mayoría no podía imaginar ni pocos meses atrás; esto debido a que han evolucionado más allá de la necesidad de maestros e información fuera de lo terrenal. Si bien esa información les recuerda sobre detalles que podrían haber descuidado ya no tiene tanta relevancia como cuando aprendieron a leer y dejó de ser importante un adulto que los ayude a pronunciar las palabras largas.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion – September 18-25, 2016

Beloved Ones,

This is a time to finish and complete projects and look towards new horizons. Always life moves forward creating that which is new and this is helpful for those who have been feeling stuck. Sometimes this feeling happens because one is not meant to be moving forward in order to allow certain unfolding and realizations from within to occur. This is as it should be on the journey called life and the evolution of the spirit. As you focus on your own growth towards your higher potential you must reconnect with the commitment you made to move in new directions and be all that you can be. When one is in the process of transformation, one may be called on to work on areas of self that need further expression and development.

This activity brings about a renewal of the spirit within as the pieces of the puzzle of life come together towards a new beginning which creates a new and vital reconnection with that which is important to you. Added guidance can come from the divine self if one allows oneself the time for periods of quietness, stillness and going within. This practice always brings a sense of the restoration of strength, and direction will be given and seen with clarity. Your body, mind and spirit will come into alignment and this brings about regeneration and the greater manifestation of the new directions that one should go. This in turn leads to the movement forward with a renewed sense of commitment and purpose.

Jennifer Hoffman - Limpiando nuestra casa y cerrando ciclos - 12 de Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Una vez más, estamos atravesando un importante ciclo de limpieza y despeje, un ciclo en el cual nuestro pasado se nos ofrece como plato principal en el buffet de la vida (al igual que ocurrió en Septiembre de 1997). ¿Por qué tenemos que pasar por lo mismo una y otra vez? Porque cada una de esas veces tenemos la ocasión de contemplar la situación desde un nuevo ángulo y una perspectiva diferente o, al menos, ese es el propósito de repetir ciclos. De este modo, podemos limpiar nuestra casa energética, finalizar y completar, para que así podamos alcanzar un mayor nivel de congruencia. La congruencia es un estado de armonía energética en el que la energía fluye con gracia y facilidad. Hasta que logremos llegar a ese estado, la misma situación se presentará de nuevo ante nosotros.

Kara Schallock - Seguridad y Certeza - 13 de Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Ana Tallon

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Seguimos recibiendo continuas bajadas de Luz. Éstas no tienen un horario determinado. Ocurren en momentos perfectos de forma individual para cada uno de nosotros. Algunas bajadas fluyen fácilmente, mientras que otras pareciera que nos dejan sin aliento. Como quiera que las sientan está orquestado divinamente para ustedes. Muchos de nosotros somos guiados para ir hacia nuestro interior y detener toda la actividad externa. La Meditación y el Silencio, así como la Naturaleza, son herramientas esenciales; más de lo que ha sido en el pasado. Aun así, todavía hay quienes continúan apegados al mundo exterior buscando respuestas o algún tipo de guía. La guía se encuentra en los momentos de quietud; tiempos de desapego. Podemos hacer ambas cosas…estar quietos y continuar observando el mundo exterior. La clave aquí está en la observación y el desapego. Veo el ‘caos’ exterior como un signo positivo de que todo está sucediendo cómo debe ser. Recuerden que la Transformación requiere un quiebre antes del avance. Y se percibe un avance en algunos casos, ¿cierto?

Shelley Young - AA Gabriel - Daily Message - Sept 18, 2018

If you have an area in your life that continues to be what you consider to be problematic, we encourage you to ask the following:

What belief systems do I have around this issue?

Are they true?

Have I surrendered this issue and allowed myself to be led?

What new beliefs can I create around this?
Am I practicing gratitude?
What blessings are in the right now moment?
How does this serve me?
Do I believe there is a solution?
Do I believe I can live with grace and ease?
Have I asked my guides and helpers for assistance and stayed in surrender and flow and gratitude long enough to get results?
Do I really surrender or am I playing tug of war, giving it to spirit and then taking it back to be resistant and try to control things?
Am I negatively or positively focused?
Am I actively doing things to keep me in a higher vibrational state?
Am I actively embracing growth and expansion?
If after all of these things there is no movement, am I in faith, trust, and acceptance (faith + trust + acceptance = non-resistance) that it is all serving a purpose, which will keep me poised for movement as soon as it is supported and allow me to experience peace in the meantime?

Selacia - Cómo procesar días como el 9/11 - 11 de Septiembre 2016

Traducción: Laura Gualtieri
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Hay muchos días que ustedes recordarán en esta vida. Estos serán momentos que tuvieron un impacto tan profundo sobre la visión de la existencia que cuando se reflexiona sobre ellos, pueden sentir tanto una gran alegría como una profunda tristeza.


La mayoría de nosotros puede recordar donde estuvo el 9/11. Ese día, hace 15 años es uno de esos momentos importantes de la vida que recordamos, y en efecto, que no podremos olvidar. Los ataques del 11 de septiembre están grabados para siempre en nuestras mentes como un momento en el que el mundo, repentinamente, se sintió menos seguro.

Procesar su experiencia

En este artículo se presentan algunas sugerencias para el procesamiento de las fechas claves para recordar – las buenas y las que suscitan profunda tristeza.

Los ejemplos típicos de buenos momentos incluyen el nacimiento de un hijo, la fecha de casamiento, el día que conoció a su alma gemela, un logro positivo en su carrera, y un fin de semana de retiro espiritual como su primera chispa del despertar.

Curiosamente, es la naturaleza humana – en realidad el ego y no el espiritual – poner más énfasis en los días memorables o en las experiencias que causan un dolor. Por ejemplo: fechas como el 9/11 reciben mucha atención y un sentido ampliado de importancia. Solo de pensar en ellas, fácilmente se vuelven a suscitar sentimientos profundos de tristeza, ira y una multitud de otras emociones basadas en el dolor. Revivir imágenes y sonidos lo hace aún peor.

Kryon "Power Of Expectation" 2016