domingo, junio 26, 2016

Maryann Rada - Asket Temmer, Pleyadiana - Ustedes están a la entrada del Cielo - 06-06-2016

Somos Asket. En el mundo actual ustedes han llegado a ver una gran cantidad de disrupciones en los procesos normales de la naturaleza y de su orden social.
Cuando se pueda poner a un lado el orden y traer a relucir en el escenario mundial el músculo de la voluntad humana para que eso sea lo que ustedes experimenten — la voluntad de alguien o algo mayor que la suya que se está haciendo sentir — el caos que ustedes experimentan en dichos tiempos es como un desconcierto para muchos, y hoy nos gustaría señalar que dentro de ese caos se puede encontrar una perla del orden y la perfección.
En nuestro mundo nosotros hemos experimentado a lo largo de nuestra historia, y a lo largo de la historia de otros mundos en los que hemos habitado, un eco de lo que ustedes están experimentando en estos momentos.
Verdaderamente las reverberaciones de la historia no tienen fin, y los ciclos del tiempo prosiguen y se llevan con ellos los sonidos sin resolver de un canto que tiene un gran significado en la evolución de la conciencia humana que existe por toda la galaxia.

Mike Quinsey - De mi Ser Superior - Pronto se os revelará… vuestro auténtico destino - 24-06-2016

Pronto se os revelarán las cosas más asombrosas que os ayudarán a ajustaros a la verdad concerniente a vuestro auténtico destino.
Vuestro potencial es tal que con la confianza adecuada podéis hacer cualquier cosa que tengáis en mente, y a medida que eleváis vuestras vibraciones se incrementa vuestro potencial.
El pensamiento positivo ya funciona para vosotros, y quizás el ejemplo típico sea la auto-curación.
Una vez más, es cuestión de auto-confianza y de un enfoque positivo sobre lo que sea que queráis lograr.
Con el tiempo tendréis mucho éxito con la auto-curación, que utilizando vuestros poderes se convertirá en una segunda naturaleza.
Naturalmente, en grupo se incrementa exponencialmente, pero incluso así sólo ocurrirá cuando el alma esté libre de asuntos kármicos que puedan causar el bloqueo.

Ron Head - El Consejo, ¿Qué es lo que ven cuando miran el espejo? - 27-04-2016

Discutiremos hoy un tema que parece necesario ya que los vemos en algunas circunstancias, perdiendo el enfoque y la esperanza ya que no perciben a su alrededor las cosas que han esperado.
Déjennos señalar algunas de las cosas que se han perdido o que no le han dado la importancia suficiente.
Quieren ver un enorme y duradero cambio brotando en su mundo, resolviendo todos los problemas palpables que observan a su alrededor.
Paren y piensen por un momento qué tan catastrófico sería eso en el corto tiempo.
Sus Yos superiores, aquellos con quienes trabajamos constantemente, han acordado, de hecho han solicitado que aunque estos cambios son necesarios, sería mucho mejor para todos si se dan de una manera mucho más gradual.
Hemos hablado de esto antes. Esta implementación más lenta de los cambios debido a la importancia que correctamente les impusieron y debido a la lentitud palpable del paso del tiempo en ese sentido, está causando en muchos de ustedes pensar que nada está pasando cuando la verdad es que todo está pasando. También hemos dicho eso antes.

Suzanne Lie - los Pleyadianos - Preparándose Para El Primer Contacto Capítulo Diez - Echando Una Mirada A La Quinta Dimensión - Junio 21, 2016

Capítulo Diez

Echando una Mirada en la Quinta Dimensión

Nosotros los Pleyadianos, estamos todos “ocupados” en la preparación de nuestra siguiente fase de contacto. Cuál será la siguiente fase dependerá grandemente en que nuestros amigos y familia en la Tierra estén listos para una experiencia más clara y tridimensional de nuestra presencia en su realidad. Antes que nada, me gustaría explicar mi declaración de “amigos y familia”.

Como pueden saber, muchos de nosotros hemos tomado un envase terrestre por un cierto monto de su “tiempo”. Durante este “tiempo” hicimos amigos que eran tan cercanos como nuestra familia Pleyadiana en la Nave. Cuando regresamos a nuestro verdadero Ser Pleyadiano en la Nave, los invitamos, a nuestros amigos terrestres, a unirse a nosotros en ella en su cuerpo nocturno tetradimensional.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - June 26-July 3, 2016

Beloved Ones,

You are the holders of the highest frequency that is available on the planet and this requires the constancy to remain true to yourselves no matter what situations you encounter in your life. As the representatives of the Divine, it is incumbent upon each of you to be the role models to show the way, to be the incorruptible ones who persevere on their spiritual path as all the familiar signposts along the way have now shifted. You are walking into unfamiliar territory in faith and courage and creating the new reality as you go and it is good. The higher realms applaud and support you as you walk this journey and you never walk alone.

As the world around you plays out the endings that are taking place, you are stalwart in your determination to see things through to the end result which is the highest outcome for the highest good of all in the ascension process. Be of good cheer, be ever the up lifter of the spirits of those around you, for as the changes occur and shifts happen in all areas of human existence, you remain the ray of sunshine and hope as you point the way forward. The world’s people at this time are hungry for good news, they long to feel peace in their hearts, minds and souls, they long to find a solid foundation upon which to set their feet and firmly walk upon a planet that is in metamorphosis and regenesis.

Alcyon Pléyades 41- Extra: El Brexit, Repercusión Económica y Social Mundial, Efecto Dominó

Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ June 26,2016

Dear ones, we come with love, respect, and an understanding for you who are experiencing so much at this time. We would like to remind you that the world is now far advanced toward becoming fully aware and because of this, very few world events and personal experiences are accidental.

There comes a time for every serious spiritual student when "accidents" or unwanted experiences no longer represent third dimensional thinking, but are experiences necessary for some needed lesson or spiritual growth. As we have said before, once a soul chooses to evolve, the "train leaves the station".

Brenda Hoffman - Descansa – Ya has recibido tu Medalla de Oro - 20 de Junio 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Por favor sepan el día glorioso que es este. Tal vez en este momento no están sintiendo la gloria de la tierra, pero lo harán. Porque las energías Universales del amor y del amor propio ahora están reinando con toda su fuerza.

Algunos de ustedes le temen a estas energías porque aún no entienden del todo qué significa el amor propio, así que la disfrazan con retazos de enojo lanzados a aquellos que se cruzan en su camino. Es un poco como ganar una medalla de oro Olímpica y sentirse irritados porque no tienen idea de cómo serán sus vidas o cómo se sentirán, una vez que no estén presionando para ganar esa medalla de oro.

Este enojo, que aparece de vez en cuando en ustedes y que se dirige a los otros, no parece razonable, incluso para ustedes. Ustedes tienen las vidas que han creado o están creando. Han escalado su montaña y rodado por su colina de auto descubrimiento. Y notan que los que están a su alrededor muestran señales de cambiar a sus nuevos seres.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Be aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances - June 26, 2016

Dear One,

The light of God is always shining and this Divine Light exists in all people, all things and all circumstances. Awareness of this Light will bring it into your consciousness, enabling you to see from an enlightened perspective.

The Divine Presence is the very energy in which you live, move and have your being. This energy is infinite and all-encompassing and exists in all situations. This truth may be difficult to remember at times. In fact, it may appear as though there is nothing but darkness. However, remembering this Divine Power is available will bring light into every dark circumstance.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Ohmnipure, June 26, 2016

I am visiting you all this morning to bring you some news that will answer some of the questions that have been present for the past several weeks. They are part of what is taking place in the background and beginning to come forward to the public at this time. I am Ohmnipure and I am coming to you through this one once again to bring to you vital information that can stir your inner world to an understanding for your outer world, and why you are in the place that you are now residing. I speak of residing now in relation to how much you remember about who you are on a soul level, and also how you came to live in the physical place where you now reside.

It is a matter of seeing why you are undergoing the changes in your lives and how it will bring about the way of living that is ready for you to claim as your new reality. It is an ongoing path that you are walking, and as it continues to open doors as you close the old ones, you will realize why there have been delays in so many aspects of the new world. You will appreciate why the delays have come, and what they are accomplishing in their energy of change. You will see what they are doing for your own particular lifestreams. Also, you’ll see why they are also serving the ones who are not yet open to the truth of who they are, and why they are serving their parts, even without knowing the truth of the validity of what they are experiencing.

sábado, junio 25, 2016

Trey Smith - UNVEILING: Jesus, Angels, Demons & Satan BURSTING FORTH GLOBALLY...

Ancient Secrets Of The Nine Unknown Men: Guardians Of Forbidden Knowledge Hidden From Humanity

MessageToEagle August 28, 2014

Ellen Lloyd – – Their duty was to preserve secret knowledge and technology handed down from ancient times, and to pursue wisdom that would benefit mankind.

They had the power to control the destiny of the human race. Each of them was in possession of a special book…

The Nine Unknown Men are one of the world’s most powerful secret societies.

Join us on a long fascinating journey and unveil the secrets of the Nine Unknown Men…

The story of the Nine Unknown Men goes back to the time of the Emperor Asoka, who reigned in India from 273 B.C. Emperor Asoka was a remarkable individual. In his book “Outline of World History,” H.G. Wells wrote:

“Among the tens of thousands of names of monarchs accumulated of the files of history, the name Asoka shines almost alone, like a star.”

We Are Ready by Sue and Other Awakened Ones - 6-25-16

WE Are Ready for First Contact

Hello wonderful readers,
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences of First Contact. I wish to share a bit of my first contact, and after that I have added some personal experiences that were emailed to me.

The first time that I experienced that a Pleiadian, Mytre whom I wrote about in my Pleaidians books, was in my room, I only experienced an unseen essence. This was in the early 1990s, so I knew I needed to keep this information to my self. Besides, maybe I was "just imagining" it. 

The picture to the left is what I first experienced. I am sure I could not see the face yet because I was not ready. Then, when I was ready, he turned around and I saw the face in the picture to the right. The pictures were stored and largely forgotten, but I came across them recently and put them in with the pictures I have been sharing. 

viernes, junio 24, 2016

Christine Meleriessee - MASTER THOTH ~ WALKING THROUGH THE MAGIC OF LIFE - June 24, 2016

An Ascension Mastery message from MASTER THOTH as transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee to assist individuals in understanding the elements involved in the accessing of Divine Compensation (gifts, blessings, etc).

NOTE: We are having a teaching meditation attunement seminar with Master Thoth on Saturday June 25, 2016 at 12:30 pm PDT (approx. duration 2 hours). Offered to those who desire to learn how to realize achieving or receiving Divine Compensation in their current life using the Higher Frequencies of Ascension Mastery and Soul Psychology.
I AM Master Thoth; I am here in this moment to share some very important elements about how our lives change in the physical body when an individual is able to fully actualize their higher consciousness.

In order to receive the benefits available within the God Consciousness, each person needs to allow this energy to become them. This then creates elements to be very flowing and synchronous, “being in the right moment at the right time”. Another term may be “Walking through the Magic of Life”.
Did you ever have an experience in which everything you thought was created in a positive manner and then was created in your experience on the physical level?

Strange Sounds Coming from the Caribbean Sea Can Be Heard in Space

Anomalies and UFOs in the solar space in the review of the June 22, 2016

Selacia - Moving Forward with Compassion - 24 June, 2016

A new cycle is unfolding now ahead of the action planet Mars going direct June 29. Since Solstice a gentler wave of energy has begun to arrive, helping to soften effects of recent intensity. If you've noticed this and taken time to go within, you likely had validations of upcoming shifts in your life. Some of them may be small and others truly life changing.
Introspection during Change
As part of living now, people across the world are moving through a time of introspection and reevaluation of life goals. Most likely, the weeks-long Mars retrograde has been an impetus to some soul searching and reassessment of what's important. If not in your conscious awareness, chances are that during dream time or under the surface of things you have been looking at your status quo and potentials. I recommend bringing this introspection to the front burner. Become more conscious of thoughts and how you feel about your future.

Natalie Glasson - Goddess Hathor - Awakening Divine Abundance - 24th June 2016

Sacred School of OmNa

When love and consciousness bind unity is created, unity is the truth of every soul; it is the truth of the Creator and the Goddess. I am Goddess Hathor. It is through sound that I communicate with you now. Invite yourself to listen deeply, not with your ears, with every cell of your being. The sound emanating from the core of my being vibrates through your being allowing us to connect in harmony and at a new level of understanding. The universe is composed of and with sound. The Creator communicates with you through sacred sound vibrations, some resonate deeply with you, these are sacred sounds already in realisation within your being. Other sacred sounds from the Creator inspire remembrance, or even resistance, which is a blessing as it signifies you are ready to make a big leap within the source of your being; your soul and the Creator.

Take time to be silent and listen with every part of your being to my sound vibrations flowing through your being. What do you experience?

Crop Circles 2016 - Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, UK - 23th June 2016 - UFO 2016 United Kingdom

Benjamín Fulford - 20-06-16. Por primera vez el General Supremo de EEUU, general Dunford, se dirige a la ONU

23 Jun

Fuente y comentarios en inglés.

El 17 de junio, en una acción sin precedentes, el Comandante Supremo de EEUU, general Joseph Dunford, se dirigió a la Cumbre de Mantenimiento de la Paz de las Naciones Unidas para discutir la conversión del sistema militar de los Estados Unidos en una fuerza global para la paz. Las fuerzas estadounidenses irán reemplazando ahora a las tropas corruptas y mal entrenadas de Paz de la ONU que han causado numerosos escándalos relacionados con la violación, el robo, etc. El texto completo de su discurso puede verse aquí:

Palabras de la Embajadora Samantha Power y el general Joseph F …

Palabras de la Embajadora Samantha Power y el general Joseph F. Dunford en la reunión de la ONU sobre el Mantenimiento de la paz

Agentes del Pentágono dicen que, además de lo que Dunford dijo a la ONU, esto también significa que el ejército de Estados Unidos centrará sus energías ahora en “Israel, cárteles de la droga y en el Mar del Sur de China.”. También estarán luchando para proteger los ecosistemas y cazar a los cazadores furtivos de especies en peligro de extinción, dicen otros agentes del Pentágono.