sábado, abril 16, 2016

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctiva y Jerarquía Espiritual - Fusión entre los mundos del interior y del exterior - 12-04-2016

El grado general de cambio es inmenso. Se nos dio la sagrada responsabilidad de guiaros y permitiros “alcanzar” el peldaño final.
13 Muluc, 1 Kank’in, 12 Manik
¡Selamat Jalwa! ¡Sigue ocurriendo mucho en todo vuestro mundo! El globo está atrapado en un extraño dilema.
Por una parte, es capaz de decir abiertamente que el dinero necesario para comenzar tanto los numerosos programas humanitarios como las fases finales de los paquetes de prosperidad ha sido aprobado para la transferencia de fondos.
Aunque las recientes idas y venidas del mundo de los negocios en el primer trimestre han creado una situación que condujo a otro retraso de una semana en las operaciones de transferencia. Esas condiciones son totalmente inaceptables.
Este proceso mundial no puede ser entorpecido por las viejas prácticas de negocio, ya sea de los bancos o de sus numerosas corporaciones financieras aliadas.

Sheldan Nidle - Actualización de la Federación Galáctiva y Jerarquía Espiritual - Poder de imaginación positiva - 05-04-2016


6 Imix, 14 Mac, 12 Manik
Uno de los elementos espirituales más poderosos que tenéis es vuestro poder de imaginación positiva.
¡Dratzo! En nuestro último informe mencionamos brevemente una de los ocho atracciones de feria utilizadas por la cábala oscura para mantener cierto grado de caos en vuestro reino.
Todos estos conjuntos desesperados de circunstancias tienen soluciones a las que muchos de vuestro mundo se están dedicando afanosamente.
Los oscuros están observando cómo los que tienen la intención de introducir a este globo en una realidad mucho más segura y sana hacen funcionar su magia en cada uno de los seis continentes importantes de Gaia.
Estos numerosos “héroes” están pavimentando el camino para toda una serie de políticas que luego van a unir a la gente de la superficie de vuestro mundo.
Además de este conjunto de programas emergentes está el surgimiento de un nuevo sistema bancario y financiero.
Cuando se añada a esto la nueva prosperidad empezará a emerger un futuro brillante.

Mike Quinsey - Canalización de mi Ser Superior - Se está aproximando un tiempo...- 08-04-2016

Se está aproximando un tiempo en el que podréis conversar abiertamente con vuestros Guías, así que no olvidéis que mientras tanto podéis contactar con ellos mentalmente.
El caos sigue ocurriendo por todo vuestro alrededor, aunque hubiera sido mucho peor si no hubiera sido por las Fuerzas Galácticas.
Los Oscuros están desorganizados y están perdiendo poder para dictar la forma en la que se viven vuestras vidas, y si hubieran tenido margen vosotros hubierais estado sumergidos en guerras globales que no hubieran tenido fin.
Sin embargo, han sido parados en seco y se ha evitado una guerra mundial.
Con el tiempo habrá una llamada a parar esas atrocidades y luego no habrá en absoluto confrontaciones armadas.

Suzanne Lie - I AM YOUR LIGHTBODY - 4-16-16



Do you remember me from our first days on Lemuria? Within that NOW we were only Lightbody, and many of us lived within the NOW of the HERE before Gaia’s resonance fell into the lower dimensions. When Gaia fell into the fourth, and then the third dimensional, I, your Lightbody hid inside your increasingly dense form.

Now, I AM hidden inside your costume of flesh. I await my birth into the reality that is being created by the merging of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. All three dimensions have existed as three separate octaves within the physical reality of life on Earth. Many have denied the fourth and fifth dimensions, and some have denied the third.

The ones who have denied the fourth and fifth dimension have been called “logical”, whereas the ones who have denied the third dimension have been called illogical or worse. As the third and fourth dimensions merge, the physical world will become so infused with light than even the most logical ones will not be able to deny the existence of higher worlds.

Best Crop Circles Ever - Episode 17 - Cherhill, Wiltshire, UK - th July 2009

Judith Kusel - She is the spiralling dance of Creation - April 16, 2016

She is no longer disempowered.

She is breaking out of the shackles, the too narrow confines, of the boxes she was forced in too long.

She is awakening to the depths of her soul, her Being.

She is born to the spiraling dance deep within her, anchored into her womb, her very core power, her womanhood.

She is the virgin, the independent, the questing, the fearless, the strong, the woman who breaks all the norms and bonds of society.

She is the mother, who is born with questing spirit and soul, which refuses to have her offspring squashed at the very core of their soul, by education systems which break the natural creativity of the soul. She is protective of the young, and she allows them to blossom into the genius they were born into as soul.

viernes, abril 15, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan - A Message to Lightworkers – April 15, 2016

The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this chance to speak with you again today.

We are aware of many changes occurring in your world, most of which do not reach and so are not expressed by, your news media outlets.

And yet—you feel these great shifts in your intuitive high heart, do you not?

You look over the movements of armies and governments, of people’s uprising and campaigns, of the individual forward movement that signals the beginnings of a great movement forward by human beings.

We speak of a lift of consciousness, expressed in outer and inner events and breakthroughs, that ensures nothing will ever be the same again.



A: Buenos días Suzille

S: Buenos días queridos Arcturianos

A: Suzille estás lista para comenzar tu próxima aventura?

S: Quieren decir la aventura de la escuela?

A: No, en realidad nosotros nos referimos a la Ascensión

S: Quieren decir que la aventura de la Escuela está relacionada con la aventura de la ascensión?

A: Absolutamente! Puedes decir incluso que la escuela, como la llamas, es un ensayo de prueba. Es por esta razón que te hemos dicho de tener otra sesión de la escuela.

S: Estamos próximos al proceso de Ascensión?

A: Bueno Suzille, eso depende de tu definición de Ascensión. Hay varias versiones de la Ascensión. Hay una Ascensión emocional – la cual es el proceso de ganar la maestría sobre tus emociones al punto de que ya no eres molestada más por tus “reacciones emocionales”. NO emociones reactivas significa que ganaste la maestría sobre tus emociones en la medida en que tú eres la Creadora de todas tus emociones.

Christine Preston - SANAT KUMARA: 144,000/ ANCIENT ATHENS/NOT LEAVING - April 15, 2016

April 16, 2016 Toluene Life Experience 

CHRISTINE: In the process of my attunement with my Mighty I AM Presence, this morning, I have once again felt the electronic radiance of his Light, as well as that of the Archangels, and Ascended Masters I reached to. I have invoked their Rays, their Light, their flames, as well as their intervention for the protection of the members of my family, of the Lightworkers, and I have asked for an unfolding of events for the victory of the Light in the Ascension process. André, my ascended twin flame, spoke to me last and said to expect a dictation from Lord Sanat Kumara who came to Earth 18 million years ago to take his position as the Logos of the Earth, and to direct the evolution of souls. André is now saying he is going to relay, or channel, the message from Sanat Kumara, as it is the chosen method of communication for today:

Questions for Jim - Using Rose for World Events

Selacia - April Tune Up - April 15, 2016

Expand Your View of Yourself
by Selacia

We're headed into some tricky energy territory over the next several weeks. Between the 10-week Mars Retrograde starting April 17 and 3-week Mercury Retrograde beginning April 28, you will want to become mindful of potential challenges as well as remedies. Knowing about the beneficial energies available during this cycle will help you too. Foresight about these things will help you to soar above troubles that appear along the path.

Sandra Walter ~ Incoming New Light: Mid-Wave Check In - April 15, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Gatework has been a rollercoaster during this wave, which extends through the beginning of May (with a trigger point on April 20th for embodiers). We had a plasma penetration event this morning. That’s more codes and energies to work with if you so choose.

Open up with the Christ Light meditation, especially if you’ve felt battered by this wave. All is well, do the good work. This is a Divine opportunity presenting, right here, right now.

Link to video: https://youtu.be/Bqlsl30S1_U

In Love, Light and Service,


Alcyon Pléyades 38-1ª: Satanismo, dictadura global, crisis España, Latinoamérica, Trump, Brexit-UK

Mike Quinsey - 15 April 2016

People’s expectations are rising and their confidence improving so much, that they are coming forward to support the Light. The truth has begun to surface and the lies and distortion of the facts are not so easily accepted as they were. People’s perception of what is going on is revealing the truth, and they have the ability to be discerning where false information is circulated. These are the predicted times when what has been hidden will be revealed, and although the news is still largely controlled by those on the dark side, it does sometimes leak out. There have been many resignations as the dark Ones are revealed, and it will continue until it reaches a point when their place is taken by Beings of Light. It is in fact already happening on a small scale and often it has a knock on effect that leads to others who have hidden their actions coming out.

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Experiencing Your Inner Truth - 15th April 2016

Your inner truth; precious experiences of the essence of the Creator.

The quest for transformation and ascension resides within the minds of many people upon the Earth. There are many pathways to achieving ascension and full being transformation, some follow one pathway while others move through many methods. Some people endure hardship while others enjoy being guided by an already enlightened being. For each person no matter what pathway they consciously or unconsciously choose their journey towards realising their ascension is unique to them with every moment serving their soul. Ascension and transformation have already taken place within each soul upon the Earth, it is just a matter of realising and remembering this. To become familiar with oneself and to allow oneself to melt into every level of being and consciousness especially beyond the Earthly level will allow for deep remembrance and embodiment of inner truth.



Ustedes no mueren. La muerte es una ilusión tridimensional. La muerte ni siquiera es una ilusión que ocurre dentro de la cuarta dimensión. Su Ser de cuarta dimensión recuerda que cuando cruzan la línea llamada “muerte” en el mundo tridimensional, encuentran que están en otro mundo en el cual se sienten muy vivos.

Cuando recuerdan esto, recuerdan más y más de sus vidas en las cuales intentaron ascender y no pudieron. Pero vivieron una buena vida, siguieron su práctica espiritual y, al final “murieron” como todos los demás. Pero realmente no murieron. Fueron al Plano Astral tetradimensional.

Algunas veces viajaron hacia dimensiones superiores, y otras veces, permanecieron en el plano astral tetradimensional. Luego, cuando sintieron que se habían movido y aprendido lo suficiente de la vida de la que recién habían “muerto”, “morirían” a la vida tetradimensional y nacerían en la vida tridimensional.

Entonces, la vida tridimensional progresaría hasta que “morirían” a esa vida tridimensional y “nacerían” en la vida tetradimensional. Es por esta razón que la tercera/cuarta dimensión es llamada, “La Rueda de la Vida y la Muerte”.

Christine Day - Message From the Pleiadians April 2016

There is much for each one of you to reach out for at this essential time on the planet. Each one of you now get to choose the moment you reach forward to receive that which is uniquely yours. Through the changing energetic vista on your planet you are enabled to move back into a place of powerful restoration within yourself. There is no need to wait any longer to return back to a place of power within your heart.

As the veils lift on your planet there is a resurrection energy opening up to enable you to realign back to an authentic aspect of your own frequency. This frequency is authentic to you. This light aspect that is being revealed holds the love patterning that your heart cells have been waiting to receive. This patterning creates a rejuvenation of your spirit to open through you.


Parte 1


El cuerpo físico es su primer “receptor de resonancia” para recibir las siempre expansivos patrones de frecuencia energética superior que están entrando en su vida diaria. Su cerebro controla su cuerpo pero su cuerpo también controla su cerebro. Su corazón tiene la última palabra, especialmente una vez que se transmuta en su Corazón Superior.

A lo largo de esta transmutación, su mente y corazón físico deben trabajar juntos dentro de su conciencie en expansión mientras su cerebro físico transmuta hacia su Mente Multidimensional y su corazón físico hacia su Corazón Superior.

Su Mente Multidimensional percibe y acepta los pensamientos formas de frecuencia superior de pensamientos interdimensionales y los comparte con su Corazón Superior. Luego su Corazón Superior acepta y traduce estos pensamientos formas al combinar los pensamientos interdimensionales con las emociones interdimensionales.

miércoles, abril 13, 2016

Suzanne Lie - Transmuting The Inner and Outer Elementals--The Arcturians and Gaia 4-13-16

The Arcturians

Reality starts as a “dream.” Then you become aware of the dream. As the “dream,” which quickly becomes dreams, unfolds into the NOW of each moment, you perceive them all simultaneously. Then, every moment exists within the NOW of all moments.

In the fifth dimension we can interact in a way that appears to exceed physical laws. As an example, there are infinite numbers of realities fused together into the unity from the continuum of space-time to create a seamless series of realities that blend and intermingle while they still maintain their personal integrity.