jueves, noviembre 19, 2015

Phil Lightbody - SaLuSa - November 19, 2015

We are now in negotiations with your Governments for disclosure and first contact. By working together we can bring forward the necessary changes so the New-Age can proceed with all haste. This can all be arranged however you are called to focus on positive outcome only, else risk unwittingly adding energy to that which is not desired. By pre-imagining and focusing on your chosen outcome you are committing to that future path.

Karen Downing - Unity Transcends All Destruction - Nov 19, 2015

In the world today, it can be easy to look at the forces of destruction, anger and hatred, however in every single moment you have a choice as to the energy you feed. Are you going to feed unity, cooperation and harmony, or are you going to feed the other forces mentioned above? This choice comes up every time there is a news story about humans taking the lives of other humans. This unfortunately is not new news. This is currently a part of the human experience, at least until humanity is able to transcend it. And, yes it can be transcended, not by the few, but by the many.

Transcending destruction happens both individually and collectively; it is accomplished by making the choice to feed the forces of unity, love, forgiveness and compassion. Are you going to continue to give into the energy of destruction by adding your two cents to the judgment or hatred or fear that the media continues to stir up? Or, are you going to find a way to discover a peace within yourself, to see beyond labels to move into a space where you can connect with the humanness of each and every fellow person on the planet?

Benjamin Fulford - November 16, 2015: Paris psy-ops is part of ongoing moves towards world government

The giant psychological warfare operation, where “ISIS terrorists” allegedly killed over a hundred people in Paris, on Friday the 13th, November, 2015, was just part of ongoing horse trading towards a world government.

To understand this, let us look at some key events surrounding the events in Paris.

First of all, the fact that thousands of witnesses all carrying video phones were unable to record the events of that day alone proves it was just a massive propaganda event, NSA and other sources agree. In addition, all 8 security camera feeds to the areas where the supposed massacres took place had been shut off, implying high level cooperation from the French security police, CIA sources say.

Next, let us look at what has resulted from this event. France has implemented martial law and closed its borders. This is classic Gladio strategy whereby a manufactured terror incident is used to implement a military government.

Rananda Kumara - “ THE LORDS OF LIGHT” - October 30, 2015

Lady Pallas Athena
One who descends from 6D to work in the 5D ships of the GFL (Galactic Federation Of Light) as a personal counselor to the crew members, is accorded the honorary title;- “Lord” or “Lady”.
A “Lord” in the Higher Realm is one who is an honored and greatly respected teacher. In the ships they are regarded as honored guests. They are not part of the ship’s crew, and don’t have to wear the silvery jump suits that are ship’s uniform. They are allowed to wear their own robes, with insignia or embroidery denoting their lineage. They are allocated a spacious “compartment” (apartment) close to the Command Post, where they and their Mate, if they have one, have a private garden, private bathing facilities, and an integral food preparation area. The higher one’s status, the closer one’s compartment is to the Command Post. (We would call it “The Bridge”) It is in this area of the ship that the Top Commander and Sub-Commanders also have their compartments.

Magenta Pixie - Events of Fear and Tragedy (The Disclosure Timeline)

Alien Mysteries: First Photo Of Alien Species. The Dragon Particle. -Alien-

NEW Earth Existence: Everything is an activation of knowledge - WE go through the Heart

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - Nov 19, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. Because the mind chatter is very busy focused on terrorists, terrorism, religious wars and financial troubles, I’m going to address something I think can give you a way of working with the worldly events.

We also have what I would call a lot of cosmic dust or debris, much like when you look through a ray of sunshine you see a lot of dust flying around in the room. It is like that energetically and physically in the cosmos and those particles actually cause more agitation and also an underlying insecurity or a sense of safety being threatened.

Dana Mrkich - Un Día para Levantarse - 15 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Días como estos nos muestran muy claramente algunas cosas.

Vemos que la mayoría de las personas responden con profunda empatía y fuerte emoción cuando escuchan sobre eventos trágicos. Esta es la belleza de nuestra humanidad. Sentimos pena ante el pensamiento de lo que otros han sufrido. Sentimos temor ante la idea de que nos suceda a nosotros o a nuestros seres queridos. Nos sentimos enojados porque alguien, cualquiera, piense que está bien tomar la vida del otro. Sentimos una conexión con quienes no conocemos. Sentimos nuestra humanidad más profundamente que nunca en estos días.

Jordan Maxwell On Paris Attacks, Friday 13th, The Knights Templar and More!

Celia Fenn - Arcángel Miguel - La Unión Sagrada y el Corazón Divino: 11/11/8 - 6 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Amada Familia de Luz, las energías se aceleran a medida que ustedes avanzan hacia la Puerta Estelar del 11/11 el 11 de noviembre. Este será un momento poderoso en su Transformación de la Nueva tierra, un momento en el cual las energías de la Unión Sagrada y el Corazón divino se unen para iniciar y activar la Nueva Creación en su Tierra. También será un momento en el cual su Cuerpo Multidimensional estará listo para activar la Plantilla de su nuevo Cuerpo 5D dentro de sus Anteproyectos Celulares.

La Unión Sagrada: El Cielo y la Tierra y el Corazón Divino

En este momento en su año, el Sol/Solaris y el Sistema de la Estrella Azul de Sirio, se unen como “Dos Soles” en su vecindad galáctica en la Galaxia de la Rosa Dorada (La Vía Láctea). Ellos entran en una Alineación Geométrica Sagrada conocida como la “Vésica Piscis”. Es aquí donde dos “esferas” de energía se unen y crean un espacio de “siembra” útil de nuevas ideas y nuevas energías y nuevas formas.

miércoles, noviembre 18, 2015

Missing piece in the ancestry puzzle' of Europeans Found

Selacia - Procesando el Shock - Consejos para Responder a Eventos Como los Ataques de París - 17 Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

¿Cómo procesan la infinidad de eventos violentos como los sucedidos en París la última semana y en otros sitios? ¿Cómo ponen en perspectiva cosas tan horribles que parecen interminables en todo el planeta – a la vez que tienen que sufrir sus propias crisis personales? En este artículo presento algunos remedios espiritualmente anclados para enfrentar nuestra avalancha de crisis permanente

Jennifer Hoffman - Creer Sin Ver es Creer - 9 de Noviembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Si vieran las decenas de videos que surgieron después que millones de personas vieron las extrañas luces azules y verdes sobre Los Ángeles y la mayor parte del Oeste de los Estados Unidos, no estamos solos. Internet estaba zumbando respecto a la posible aparición de extraterrestres y naves espaciales. Quizás esto era lo que era pero podemos quedar descorazonados si esperamos ‘ver’ extraterrestres y seres espaciales porque no podemos ver entidades de dimensiones superiores o multidimensionales en la forma en que vemos las cosas en nuestro mundo cotidiano, y las veremos cuando ya no necesitemos ‘verlas’. Esto no es solamente asunto de fe y confianza, se trata de percepción y aceptación, sabiendo sin necesidad de pruebas – es la vida sin las rueditas de entrenamiento, otro aspecto de nuestra ascensión. ¿Estamos listos para dejar atrás nuestro pasado 3D y avanzar hacia el mundo 5D de paz con intención, alegría, amor y expansión?-

martes, noviembre 17, 2015

Sheldan Nidle - November 17, 2015

9 Imix, 14 Xul, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! The message remains positive! Your new reality is slowly manifesting. Those who rule the dark on this globe are truly in a state of extreme worry as the things they helped to create are fading into the dustbins of history. While these denizens of the dark realm slowly see that their time has come, they nevertheless remain defiant. Across this globe, there are actions of quiet desperation happening. These so-called terrorist attacks and telecommunications tie-ups are just part of the degree of desperation that is currently permeating the dark oligarchs. Like many other operations, these are as well to fail. The Light in its numerous parts holds the upper hand and these brave ones are succeeding in readying the means to spread prosperity, reveal a new monetary and financial system as well as create new governance for all. We are as well preparing the steps required to bring disclosure to a decades old official cover-up. This process is to bring you a whole slew of presently well-hidden technologies. Humanity has had the privilege of men like Tesla to encourage the start of this new age!

Judith Dagley - About Fear and Violence- From the Frequency Technicians of Sirius - 11.17.2015

Greetings. We are the Frequency Technicians of Sirius, transmitting our message in one collective voice from within the vast orchestra of the celestial team through the consciousness of the embodied earth member you know as Judith.

Did you get all that?

If not, we suggest you go back and take it in again.

Anrita Melchizedek - Elders Transmission ~ November 2015

The Elders November Transmission ~ The Mayan Pyramid of Light

You Tube video https://youtu.be/LlvwESCYS7I

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads

The Mayan Pyramid is in the Grid of Time and Synchronicity.

The Keeper of the Pyramid is Quetzalcoatl.

Within the pyramid, timepieces and symbols are

created in accordance with the Laws of Creation.
They are carried throughout the matrix combining
all wisdom and knowledge within their design.

They fit together as the gears of synchronicity forming

the totality of human experience.

In dreamtime and meditation one moves within the matrix

attracting the keys that synchronize with all needed experiences.

And Quetzalcoatl created encoded keys within his timepieces

to guide the souls into higher consciousness.

He placed his keys within the matrix to

be found by those who were chosen,
so they may teach humanity about the
changes that occur at the end of a cycle.

And the two souls who assist Quetzalcoatl,
operate and maintain the keys,
as they will be found and the information unlocked.

Join me now within the halls of this pyramid as there

are keys that will return you to your natural state of being.

You will recognize your keys of Light,
they will open your soul and your consciousness.

Quetzalcoatl Returns …


Magenta Pixie - Dreamwalkers and Dreamweavers (Alchemy of the Dream)

Benjamín Fulford - 16-11-15. La “operación psicológica” de París es parte de los movimientos en curso hacia un gobierno mundial

17 Nov

(Nota de Victoria: traducción: En su libro “El sionismo en la época de los dictadores”, escribe que en 1933 “el barón Von Maldenstein, emisario del govierno nazi fue a Palestina acompañado de Kurt Tochler, del ejecutivo sionista alemán. Para conmemorar la expedición Goebbles mandó acuñar una moneda: por un lado tenía la cruz gamada y por otro la estrella de David”.)


Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/11/17/paris-psy-ops-is-part-of-ongoing-moves-towards-world-government/#comments

La gigantesca operación de guerra psicológica en la que “los terroristas de ISIS” presuntamente mataron a más de cien personas en París el viernes 13 de noviembre de 2015 era sólo una parte de las negociaciones en curso hacia un gobierno mundial.

Para entender esto, echemos un vistazo a algunos eventos clave en torno a los acontecimientos de París.

lunes, noviembre 16, 2015

Jennifer Hoffman - Reality Lights and Bites - November 16, 2015

All realities are now up for grabs, like the old sales at Filene’s Basement in New York. You grabbed what looked good and tried it on later, as there was no time to ponder your choice. If you didn’t pick something up, someone else would. While it isn’t as chaotic as Filene’s was back in the day, everything is moving faster now and we don’t have time to agonize over whether we are choosing the right thing (there is no ‘right’ thing), we just have to choose something. Like a game of musical chairs, we can sit in the first available seat. And that may be a ‘light’ choice that feels great or it may bite us because it’s not the right size. Right now the best thing we can do is choose in the moment and manage our expectations of reality, ascension, and higher dimensions because that’s what is biting us the most.