viernes, agosto 21, 2015

Natalie Glasson - Accepting the Creator’s Truth by Mary Magdalene - August 21, 2015

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings divine beings of light, I, Mary Magdalene come forth with the consciousness and light frequencies of the Goddess Community, distributing this energy as well as my own to surround you in a blaze of light. Our light surrounds you in a ring of fire the colour of pale pink, violet, gold and white, our energy is present with you now to lift all forms of limitations from your being, reality and creations. Let yourself feel the ring of fire move around you gradually drawing closer into the core of your being. It is time to let go of all perceptions, everything as you know it is changing. This means that many perspectives of illusion and false understanding are shifting to make way for the truth. As you imagine yourself existing in the ring of fire, knowing that the Goddess Beings are present with you, we invite you to surrender all that you know yourself to be to the Creator settin g yourself free from anything and everything that is burdening you now. The ring of Goddess fire will draw close to you dissolving illusions and unveiling the truth.

Salusa - August 21, 2015

Having read of the significant changes that are said to be manifesting at the end of September, you are cautiously approaching it. We know that many of you are eagerly waiting to see what happens, when you will be moving through a higher and purer field of energy. Caution is wise in any event as with the best of intentions information is given to you in all good faith, only for the circumstances to sometimes change. Many may experience this change and more are certain by the end of the year, including portals that will open and raise the consciousness of Humanity. We will not be unduly surprised as to whatever happens, as the changes are destined to take place very soon. More will certainly follow as the New Age begins to become established. However, do not expect too much too soon, as there is much work to be done in particular to distribute the funds. Even by our standards it will take some time to reach you all, yet it will be judged as an exceptional achievement by you. We have planned well for this time and are well prepared for what lies ahead.

Brenda Hoffman - “Por qué se Están sintiendo solitarios” - 7 de Agosto 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Aunque la conexión con los demás a través de Internet es maravillosa, no equivale al contacto físico. Así que están solos y con necesidad de conexiones físicas – sean o no de naturaleza romántica.

Sus nervios reclaman a voces el contacto físico. No obstante, no sienten deseos de hacer el esfuerzo para expandir su red de amigos.

Casi todo les parece como si necesitara de mucho esfuerzo. Una vez saborearon la idea de interactuar con los demás. Ahora sienten pesadez cuando piensan que tienen que salir de su zona de comodidad.

Dejaron por detrás familia y amigos – aquellos en quienes ustedes dependían para abrir su corazón, su mente o su ser físico.

Ahora lo quieren todo – no en segmentos o divisiones del corazón, el cuerpo, la mente – pero todo en aquellos con quienes interactúan. Y lo quieren ahora.

No quieren asistir a fiestas u otros eventos donde se conectaban, porque tales encuentros ahora parecen vacíos. No obstante, no sienten que haya suficiente de los otros en su esquina – como solía suceder. Aunque están solos, no pueden invocar la energía para satisfacer ese sentimiento.

Selacia's article: Tips for Accessing August Blessings

Tips for Accessing August Blessings

by Selacia

August is full of blessings but what are they and how do you access them? In this article, I give you a grounded spiritual perspective about optimal use of the available energies. I describe some unique opportunities of this month and how they can translate into a positive momentum in your life.

Regardless of how your August has been so far, consider that a number of your positive goals either stagnated or out of reach could receive a start-up boost when you act on your awareness of this cycle and what it could mean for you. Awareness is always a key - you cannot appropriately act on something outside your radar and self-understanding.

Lee Harris - Energía de la A a la Z (3):- El juicio a uno mismo: nuestras excusas para no vivir.

Traducción del Video: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Te juzgas a ti mismo? No eres el único.

Aunque ya estoy acostumbrado, lo que más me ha sorprendido durante los 10 años que llevo trabajando (tanto a nivel individual como con grupos), es lo arraigado el juicio a uno mismo se encuentra en nosotros, los seres humanos. He trabajado con personas que disfrutaban del mayor éxito imaginable, que tenían una vida ideal, con las situaciones y circunstancias que otros soñarían. No obstante, las cuestiones del pasado que debíamos elaborar juntos, porque continuaban repitiéndose y creándoles dificultades sin motivo alguno, eran el juicio y la duda respecto a sí mismos.

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - August 21, 2015

DK    Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. In the Quarterly Forecast I mentioned that we’re kind of moving into the hot seat so to speak. September is coming, things are starting to build and get more intense. We’ve quite a bit happening so I want to talk about ‘presence in the moment’ because it will be more conducive to sort of scatter yourself or to feel more scattered. Thinking ahead about to dinner plans and then back maybe to something you forgot to complete yesterday and then you’ll bounce ahead to the next vacation, planning that. So there will be a sense to scatter and ping pong, all over the place, because of the way the Heavenly energies are.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - When God Desires Anything, That Intention Is Enough To Make It Happen - August, 2015

That is the way the universe has written itself. Your desires have great potential within them. It is one level of the Commandment of Creation; desire, passion, want, need – all of these are descriptions of Creation. God does nothing but desire an outcome and it is made manifest and so it is with you.
Watch your world more closely and you will see what we speak is not divided truth or diluted truth, but plain truth. For all that is expected, births the unexpected. Everything leads to evolution no matter where the path begins. It is by walking upon your own creations that you will understand your dormant abilities. All energies move forward in a continuum of invisible manifestation. No event is wrong or right that serves the higher Light. The need to categorize thoughts into right or wrong damages the birth of all desired outcomes.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana (5) - Sacramento el 21 de febrero de 2015

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Durante los primeros 4 minutos del audio se oye la voz de Yawee (Dr. Todd Ovokaytis) cantando tonos pineales.

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Antes de decir algo, diré lo que siempre: no hay géneros en mi lado del velo, y para este momento yo soy una hermana; ignoren la voz, el timbre, y vean la consciencia de este mensaje.

Hay mucho para decir sobre lo que acaban de oír (los tonos cantados por Yawee), pero tenemos que decir algo aunque llevaría volúmenes. Los tonos de Yawee finalmente han llegado a la Hermandad Femenina, y lo significativo es que Yawee nunca estuvo en una Hermandad Femenina. Por lo tanto esto es una integración; una metáfora de la integración de lo masculino y la femenino, incluso desde el comienzo. Es una metáfora de lo que les contamos que era una predicción para el planeta, que todos los indígenas conocían.

jueves, agosto 20, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana - Atlanta, Georgia, 15 de febrero de 2015

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nuevamente deseo recordarles un par de cosas. Puede que repita esto cada vez: no hay géneros en el otro lado del velo. El género es específico de los humanos. La voz que oyen es de varón, proveniente de mi socio. Yo no tengo género.

Comprendo sus mentes. Comprendo la belleza de la creación, de la procreación. Comprendo cómo es dar a luz. He estado con ustedes todas sus vidas, de alguna manera. Lo que llamaríamos reino angélico, realmente no lo es. Es el Dios interior, el sin género, el que ha hecho todo el viaje con ustedes.

Se ha dado información sobre la Hermandad. Se han dicho cosas acerca de Melli-ha. Esta noche deseamos continuar, y esto será informativo. Puede traerles recuerdos, y esa es la razón real por la que están aquí.

Benjamin Fulford - August 19, 2015: China Blast Linked to Cyber-Warfare

The recent blast in Tianjin China is linked to the ongoing cyber-war inolving the financial and intelligence communities of the world. The blast produced an electro-magnetic pulse that was directed at disabling the Tianhe one of the world’s most powerful super-computers, according to Pentagon sources. The attack was timed to coincide with the recent devaluation of the yuan, indicating that financial warfare linked to derivatives holdings at the large Western banks was a likely motive. Clearly the attack was also linked to ongoing negotiations between East and West over the future of the global political, economic and financial infrastructure. Pope Francis is trying to place himself as a peace-maker and intermediary in this ongoing power struggle/negotiation between East and West, according to P2 freemason sources.

Benjamín Fulford - 20-08-15. Actualización de noticias: la explosión de China vinculada a la guerra cibernética

20 ago

La explosión reciente en Tianjin China está ligado al curso de la ciberguerra que implica a las comunidades financieras y de inteligencia del mundo. La explosión produjo un pulso electromagnético que se dirige a la desactivación el Tianhe

uno de los más potentes superordenadores del mundo, según fuentes del Pentágono. El ataque se hizo coincidir con la reciente devaluación del yuan, lo que indica que el posible motivo es la guerra financiera vinculada a la participacion en derivados de los grandes bancos occidentales. Es evidente que el ataque también estaba vinculado a las negociaciones en curso entre Oriente y Occidente sobre el futuro de la infraestructura política, económica y financiera mundial. Francisco está tratando de ponerse a sí mismo como un pacificador e intermediario en esta lucha / negociación por el poder entre el Este y el Oeste, según fuentes de la logia P2.

Méline Portia Lafont ~ The Pleiadians ~ You have landed on safe grounds - August 20, 2015

Blessings Beloveds,

We have just passed this MAJOR 8-8-8 portal and we can all agree that this was hitherto BY FAR the MOST intense of all!! What a trip for the physical body it has been! Many emotions erupted during this gateway and I have never seen until now such a powerful effect on everything so far.

The Goddess energies have been representing us on many levels and we are bringing out a strong energy from this Goddess portal. At least for me personally it has been a Goddess Portal on every level and I have experienced lots of sensations in that direction. Will write more soon about this particular passage from my perspective and experiences, but for now I have a message from the Pleiadians for you all.

They have tangibly been surrounding me so as to see them the last hour or so during one of my readings, claiming my attention as it seemingly was of great importance to them. It was worth it because their message is so crystal clear and strong intel !

Magenta Pixie - The Lion and the Rose

Benjamin Fulford - August 17, 2015: The battle for the planet earth is entering a decisive phase this autumn

Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Regular reporting will resume in September

Once again the autumn season is expected to bring turbulence and power struggles to a new intensity as the September 30th accounting deadline looms. The question for the cabal is what sort of horse trading, threats and compromises will be made by the cabal in order to kick the can down the road and keep their fraudulent power structure intact. The question for the rest of us is how can we finally put a permanent end to their nightmarish debt slavery regime.

miércoles, agosto 19, 2015

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Uriel - The Substance of Divine Light - August 19, 2015

Immersing Yourself in Liquid Love from the Source of all Life

Dear Ones,

Revel in the substance that is Divine Light. It is the Liquid Love from the Creative Force in whom you live, move and have your being. When you allow yourself to awaken to this truth in your heart, the power of Divine Love transmutes all that you have judged as unworthy within you. You are reawakening to the truth and majesty of who you truly are.

Meredith Murphy - The Arcturians - Your Highly Sensitive Nature - August 19, 2015

Hello Beautiful Souls,

It is easy for us to see you now, as you have come into a much fuller expression of the truth of your being. We tease you in saying this for we always have been aware of you, but you are lit up now in ways that are quite different from your expression earlier in this lifestream. Do you feel this? Do you claim the conscious creation of this?

We want you to consider today how much you claim what you know and who you are, and encourage you to live at your leading edge with confidence and self-appreciation.

Kara Schallock ~ Expanding More as Love - 19-Aug-2015

A woman I know was given a vision earlier this year. She was guided to begin a healing center based on “paying it forward,” where no money is exchanged; just a promise to pay the healing forward in some way. She trusted she would be shown the way. Her Soul told her that a new opportunity may very well present itself, which at first may seem beyond her financial means or expertise. She had no idea how her vision would be manifest, yet she trusted. She asked where this center would be and she was guided to a piece of land. She also was told by some that it was a silly idea; after all, there was no house on the property and she needed a place to live. Months later a friend sent her a listing for a 7-acre piece of land…the same land she was guided to! She bought it. She does not currently know how it will unfold, yet is trusting in her guidance, as she is led step by step. She does not have the details of the vision and she has no idea how this all will transpire. She just knows that she is meant to do this, even though she has periods of fear and doubt.



Añadir leyenda


Dear Ones,
It is I, Gaia, returning to assist you in opening your Third Eye. I am joyous to know that you are open to transmissions from my consciousness. I remind you again that I welcome communications with ALL of the people of my body, planet Earth.

As we move into the higher dimensions TOGETHER, everyone shall comprehend and embrace the planet that WE ARE! I am grateful for your service in assisting me in clearing and healing OUR planet.

I realize that in these times of extreme polarity, which naturally occurs before union into Oneness, the “Forces of Destruction” may appear to be stronger than the “Forces of Construction.”

I ask you to remember your other incarnations during times of great transition so that you can recollect that the dark appears stronger because fear is stronger. Humanity’s greatest fear has always been of the “UNKNOWN,” which we are entering more and more each day.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ante la Hermandad Femenina Lemuriana - Austin, Texas, el 8 de febrero de 2015

Saludos, queridas damas, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Lo he dicho muchas veces, pero quiero que lo oigan otra vez. Yo sé quién está aquí; yo sé qué está sucediendo. El Espíritu, Dios, o como quiera que llamen a la Fuente Creadora, no está en un vacío. Cualquiera sea la cuestión que han traído esta noche a la silla, es conocida por Dios. Cualquier cosa que crean que es imposible, la consciencia de sus cuestiones, sus problemas, sus alegrías, sus deseos; todas son conocidas por Dios. Cuando se detienen para meditar, tienen una tendencia a explicar su vida: no necesitan hacerlo. Nosotros estábamos allí. El Dios al que se dirigen es un Dios personal. Nosotros estamos en ustedes, y siempre hemos estado en ustedes.