miércoles, junio 24, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - June 22, 2015: Bush, Rothschild prosecutions, new disclosures, Greece, all signs of accelerating cabal take down

There are rapidly accelerating indications the Khazarian crime syndicate that illegally seized power in the United States and many European countries is being systematically dismantled. A New York appeals court, for example, has ruled that officials who served during the George Bush Jr. regime can be sued and can face criminal charges. That opens the way for the mass jailing of the perpetrators of the 911 mass murder incident.


Another sign is that a French judge has ordered one of the most senior members of the Rothschild family, Baron David de Rothschild, to be questioned by police on fraud charges.


Also, the killing of J.P Morgan (Bush) bankers has reached a new height with the “sudden death” of their Vice Chairman and high powered deal maker Jimmy Lee. More than a dozen JP Morgan bankers have died suddenly recently and it is clear somebody is following a trail. Rest assured that trail leads to the Bush/Clinton crime family.

U.S. Fireballs: 60+ Meteor/Fireball Sightings in the Last 48 Hours

martes, junio 23, 2015

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Entorno Revelado - Sedona, Arizona - 4 de Junio de 2015


Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Puedo sentir la alegría. La alegría es el lubricante entre los humanos y Dios. Cuando la tienen en su corazón, es muy fácil volar hacia adentro de ustedes y de su consciencia, amarlos y agradecerles, estar con ustedes. Alegría.

Con el miedo es difícil. Y con la preocupación y el drama. ¡Es difícil! Funcionan como bloqueos gigantescos para la psiquis. Podemos movernos cuidadosamente, lo hacemos. Pero cuando tienen alegría, las puertas se abren a todo lo ancho, y la risa es rey y reina a la vez. Aquí hay alegría y más.

Dana Mrkich - ¡La Sombra de Venus Comienza Hoy! - 22 de Junio 2015

22 de Junio 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El Nacimiento de Venus, Sandro Botticelli

Hoy, Venus entra al territorio sobre el cuál ella retrogradará para el 25 de Julio, anunciando el comienzo del período de la ‘sombra de Venus’. Los Retrógrados de Venus ocurren cada par de años, y ofrecen una oportunidad fabulosa para revisar, reordenar, sanar, limpiar y transformar todo lo que es venusiano: el amor, las relaciones, el auto amor, la auto estima, nuestras cualidades femeninas internas, cómo nos vemos a nosotros y a los demás como mujeres (tanto individual como colectivamente), nuestra capacidad para recibir nutrición, alimentación y placer y expresarnos creativamente.

Anna Merkaba - Singularity of Action – The Hathors - June 23, 2015

singularityofactionthehathorsGreetings everyone! Before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal note.
I know that I have not been in touch with you for what seems like eons to me. And many of you have been wondering where I disappeared to. The reason that I vanished so suddenly is due to a family emergency that has arrived at my shores without any warning. A close family member has had a stroke and everything changed in a split of a second for the entire family. The last three weeks I have spent day and night in intensive care unit at a hospital assisting him in fighting through the density surrounding him, helping him find a link to himself, grab on to that link and pull himself out of the karmic wheel of life. What an experience it was and still is, an experience of the most incredible growth of consciousness yet!

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cumbre de Canalización de los Maestros Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015

Sedona, Arizona - viernes 5 de junio de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Mi socio da un paso a un lado. No se equivoquen: este mensaje viene de la Fuente Creadora, sea lo que sea que eso signifique para ustedes. Una canalización puede provenir de muchos lugares y muchos orígenes, dependiendo de los filtros, del velo, de la consciencia, de la experiencia, pero todo comienza en la Fuente Creadora. Cómo la información llega al ser humano en su pureza, en su emoción, en su exactitud, en su alegría, en su profundidad, cómo hace eso, depende del ser humano. Por esta razón ustedes ven tantas variantes, tantas maneras.

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - June 23, 2015

A new time is set! This time is not about a paradise lost and found. It is about a great reunion and a time to move outward to carry out a most grand set of heavenly directives for this sector of physicality.

 from Planetary Activation Organization

5 Ix, 12 Kayab, 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) We are here to report on the status of the initial transferences of funds to North America. At present, we are preparing to complete the process, which is to permit your blessings to become available to you all. We have been forced to make some additional corrections to what we thought was to be the final directives needed to finish this particular task. Our partners in this project report that a number of final tweaks are still required. Thus, we are now in the process of jointly doing what is necessary to assure our success. This entire process is at most extremely stressful to our earthly allies. The dark cabal continues to use its remaining positions of power as a way constantly to thwart them from achieving even a modicum of victory. It is reaching a point where we need to do what is essential for our allies to get the triumph they richly deserve. Meanwhile, the dark cabal is continuing to face defeat on every other issue. It is becoming quite clear that our intervention is now required. Heaven is decreeing in our favor and we expect every issue to be resolved shortly.

Christine Meleriessee - The 6th Order of Precipitation with Elohim Arcturus & Virgina - June 23, 2015

violet purple_800_500

Arcturus and Virginia of the Elohim for the Ray of Ceremonial Magic & Structure brings for Rhythm and Invocation of the Violet/Purple Ray (Cosmic Level) to achieve an abundant way of living and experiencing life.

This is an excerpt of our weekly “Abundance of Light-Creating Prosperity Together” teaching.
Even though Arcturus and Virginia represent the 7th Ray of Violet/Purple Flame within the Order Of Precipitation, the 7th Flame is the 6th step.  The Devotional Ray is the last step in the order of allowing abundance to flow within us.  Please check our upcoming blog on this information.
Greetings, Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,
It is I, Arcturus with Virginia.
We are so divinely happy to bring forth this energy into you today. So we must understand that understanding the Order of Precipitation will come from this higher space, because in your lower mind and what you are experiencing of the third and Forth dimensional frequencies of the planet is to not mirror that essence that is truly you.
You can try during your day and bring those essences in – but until the planet fully moves into that higher frequency you are unable hold it. It’s not your fault; it’s just the way that it is. So the more that it is practiced the easier it will become to fully bring forth those essences into the physical creation. Your Lower Mind of the Physical Self is still is in an active mode, but when we bring in the Higher Mind and allow those purification of the essences of your soul’s creation integrate within the Lower Mind, it does accept it. Although at times it may feel as though it is not.

NephS: A Trey Smith video on Nephilim, Hybrids, Satan, Demons and the End of the Age

Kryon "The Workshop Channeling" - Baltimore, MD, Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kryon "The Way Prayer Works" - Mini Channelling, Baltimore, 2015

Kryon "The Way Prayer Works" - Baltimore, MD Saturday, June 20, 2015

Crop Circles 2015 - Groziethen, nr Berlin, Germany - 22th june 2015 - UFO 2015 Deutschland

Crop Circles 2015 - Uffcott, Nr Wroughton, Wiltshire, UK - 22th june 2015 UFO UK

Crop Circles 2015 - Westwoods, nr Lockeridge, Wiltshire, UK - 21th june 2015 UFO UK

Lauren C. Gorgo - Culmination Point: theoretical to applied mastery - June 22, 2015

reporticon-finalSince the beginning of 2012, when the ensoulment process began in earnest, those at the helm of human and planetary ascension have been tirelessly working toward the embodiment of divinity. During this deeply challenging window of time the Pleiadians have opened us up to so much new information regarding our transition into 5th dimensional, new human prototypes…and yet, until now, it has been a mostly cognitive experience.
2015 on the other hand, brought us to a whole new higher/deeper level of embodiment never before felt/experienced…catalyzed by the March equinox-blood moon-eclipse passage during Passover/Easter season…and now our transfiguration is fully underway, as a present-moment, in-the-flesh experience.

lunes, junio 22, 2015

Karen Downing - What is Your Soul Mission? - 11 June, 2015

Inside every one of us is a drop of the Divine. Our soul mission is to learn about the Divinity within us and to grow it. The beauty of this process is that each soul carries a different Divine drop. For some that drop is about compassion, for others it is wisdom, or peace, or joy, and so on. Our Divine drop is often called our Soul Essence. And, it is the Soul Mission of each one of us to learn to utilize our own Divine drop to its Highest benefit, both individually and collectively.
You have heard this before, and it is important to reiterate here: We are all One. That means how you utilize your Divine drop affects the whole of humanity (as well is the whole of consciousness). As you discover the unique essence of your Divine drop, and grow it through your unique Soul Mission, you not only live your purpose, you become a positive light for others as well.

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel - Inspiration for the Week - Bask in the Wonder of Life - 22 June, 2015

For this week, the uplifting message from Archangel Gabriel is here to inspire a more expansive vision of life.
Bask in the wonder of life, go deep, soar high. Follow your love and the joy of fulfillment will be yours.
This is the perfect Solstice message. It inspires us to expand and open into the spacious wonder that life is offering at this time. Things are rapidly changing in the world around us, so coming back to our hearts and the power of Divine Light working in and through us helps us keep our center and is so very healing. This Light contains all the wondrous Love and Intelligence of the Divine for us to receive, integrate and radiate back into the world for the evolution of all.
On the Solstice last year we opened the Stargate of the Heart to receive our soul's gifts. This year we have been integrating and being inspired by what was given. And now in this momentous time, we will have the opportunity to bring these most divinely inspired qualities back into the world as our passion, our joy, and our service.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Quién Eres - Sedona, Arizona - 4 de Junio de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

(pausa de 10 segundos) Siempre hay una pausa. Difícil de explicar; es diferente para cada ser humano individual. Reaccionan de forma distinta ante el Espíritu. Cuando entran en meditación, cada uno lo hace a su manera. Tal vez están los que les dicen cómo deben hacerlo; ustedes los escuchan y luego lo hacen a su modo. La relación que tienen con el Innato, el Yo Superior, la pineal y el Espíritu es suya, única. Ese carácter único de quienes están frente a mí atrae nuestro amor por ustedes. Para ustedes es muy fácil mirar un océano de rostros, ya sea que estén sentados o parados, no importa. Cuando se reúnen en grupo hay una tendencia a lo mismo: todos los humanos están aquí juntos, por la misma razón, al mismo tiempo, en la misma postura, sentados en las filas de sillas. ¡Oh, no es así como nosotros los vemos!

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión Del 21 al 28 de Junio, 2015

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Cada uno de ustedes está acercándose a una conexión más fuerte con su esencia divina y esto les ayudará a sentirse más estables de lo que ha sido evidente en los últimos meses. Este proceso está abriendo nuevas puertas de percepción, que les ayudarán a avanzar una vez más. Siempre hay un flujo y reflujo de las ondas energéticas que se mueven a través de sus ciclos personales y planetarios. Cuando ustedes se dan cuenta de ellos y de cómo les afectan, se alinean con sus influencias y actuar en consecuencia. Al hacer esto, la vida se vuelve más armoniosa y agradable.