martes, enero 27, 2015

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Jan 27, 2015

Be ready to leap into the new realm when Heaven gives the proper signals. The signs are prosperity, new governance and the return of your God-given sovereignty.

1 Manik, 5 Yax, 11 Ik
Dratzo! We come with more good news on the process of delivering the blessings to you. This past week saw a grand series of checkpoints reached. Some amazing events are fated to occur in the coming week. You are actually now on the verge of the beginnings of the various blessings arriving. We are ecstatic that this is indeed the case. When we arrived nearly two and a half decades ago, we were at first surprised at the utter arrogance of the dark forces that were in charge of your many global societies. These individuals seemed totally unwilling to obey the sacred decrees of Heaven. We were informed as well by your Ascended Masters that this lack of concern was the norm for this dark cabal. Our many elders had told us about this and warned us to be ready to enforce the heavenly edicts only when our earthly allies permitted this to happen. This led us into a series of long discussions with our many allies as to why this insanity was still present. We were given a number of talks on what was occurring here. We decided to help our allies only after proper permission was truly given us. This is only changing due to the positive feedback we are presently receiving.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - End Your Suffering, Change the World - January 26, 2015

It is the nature of humans to suffer and you have suffered for eons, through war, hatred, disease, and many atrocities that are waged on the basis of gender, culture, age or race. There are many examples of suffering on the Earth today, from countries that are ravaged by war, to hunger and abuse in your own neighborhoods. Suffering can be experienced globally and individually. Each person who allows suffering into their lives is responsible for both its presence and its resolution. Those whose nations are at war have relinquished their power to others and have chosen to live their lives in a state of powerlessness. Suffering, as with any aspect of life, is a choice, whose presence in your life is determined by your free will—you choose to suffer, just as you choose to remove suffering from your reality.

Dana Mrkich - Taking Off Our Illusion Glasses - January 27, 2015

A great comment came through asking why the big forward momentum energy of 2015 was all a go-go for the first part of January, and then suddenly seemed to stop, reverse or slow down. Mercury retrograde influences aside, whenever we take a leap toward expansion, anything within us that is not in alignment with that leap comes up for healing, transformation or release.

We all took a huge leap as 2015 commenced, which was wonderful, but that doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing with no more pebbles on the road. The main difference now however is, it is time to realise that many of our pebbles are illusions, created by our former beliefs that these pebbles have to exist. Stick with me here while I explain.

Jahn J Kassl - ARE YOU READY? BABAJI - Jan 27, 2015


Are you ready to win the last 
of all victories, the victory that 
your divine nature wins over 
your lower human nature?

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Percepción Dimensional (Principal) - Boulder, Colorado, 18 de Enero de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hay una tradición de más de veinte años en lo que se refiere a mi socio y la canalización. La tradición es que en un evento de dos días, la última canalización será alentadora, amorosa, breve y sencilla. Vamos a romper la tradición (se ríe; la audiencia también). Eso pone nervioso a mi socio (más risas del público). Está cómodo con la emoción, puede traducir fácilmente la energía del corazón. Su aspecto compasivo se combina con el otro lado del velo y se pone de acuerdo incluso antes de hablar. Y luego viene una canalización como ésta. Le estoy dando imágenes, y no sabe por dónde empezar ni qué decir. Durante dos días este grupo en particular ha recibido algunos de los principios más elevados que existen. Sí, hay otros maestros que se los darán igualmente elevados, pero el grupo ha sido expuesto a tanto, a tantas ideas, a tanto potencial, y a tanta confusión.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Percepción Dimensional (Introducción) - Boulder, Colorado, Enero 18 de 2015

Desgrabación y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El mensaje es corto, pero profundo. El proceso que ven aquí no es aceptado como real, de modo que ahora hablo para quienes tienen en sus mentes una dispensación especial de la lógica. Han abierto eso que es un canal de creencia para incluir el potencial de lo que ustedes ven. Si pudiéramos dibujarles un cuadro, sería simple. Por eones de tiempo han estado acostumbrados a un tipo de cosas, y ésta no es una de ellas. Ustedes arman burbujas de creencia, de las que ya hablamos, que son tan fuertes y tan estructuradas que a menudo esto no les resulta aceptable, a veces es intimidante. Y eso es un paradigma que se está haciendo añicos.

US Air Force Declassified 130,000 Pages UFO Documents OVNI 飞碟 НЛО ユーフォー

Brenda Hoffman – Is Your Joy Of The Future? – 27 January 2015

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo 

Dear Ones,You climbed your mountain and you are free – you just have not yet accepted that you are. You are a bit like elephants trained from infancy to stay in one area with a rope that they could easily break free of as an adult.You are free.Even though you accept freedom with your logical mind, you have difficulties believing you are free – so you are not.
Perhaps you have received messages from your inner-being or other segments about your totality’s focus – at least for the short-term. Yet, you cannot conceive of fulfilling that role for a variety of reasons all of which mean you are hoping for, but never quite grasping the brass ring that is you.You are applying new you messages to Old Age fears.Maybe one of your new roles is a review of a past earth life (your phrase) role. Instead of glorying in the thought of shifting pieces of one or more of your segments and therefore your totality, you remember the fears associated with that role plus new fears that have little or nothing to do with your new reality.

Surprise!Asteroid 2004 BL86 has a small companion moon!

Benjamín Fulford - 27-02-15. Los griegos ponen fin a la esclavitud de la deuda, un mal rey muere, los rusos atacan, los bancos centrales entran en pánico y la elite de Davos pierde el tiempo mientras el mundo arde

26 ene
La revolución mundial contra el dominio del cabal y la esclavitud por deudas de estilo babilónico continúa desarrollándose, dejando a Europa y a Oriente Medio en el caos. Los griegos hicieron la jugada más audaz la semana pasada cuando echaron al gobierno esclavo del cabal y eligieron un gobierno que promete acabar con la esclavitud de la deuda. Los rusos no se quedaron atrás cuando cogieron los guantes y comenzaron una campaña militar a gran escala contra el ejército mercenario del cabal en el este de Ucrania. Además, el gobierno de esclavos del cabal en Yemen, que se encuentra junto a los campos de petróleo de Arabia Saudita, fue derrocado la semana pasada al mismo tiempo que moría el rey saudí Abdullah.

lunes, enero 26, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Going Higher...Finally! - January 26, 2015

We've talked about the spiral path a lot in these posts to help explain how even though it may seem we are repeating issues and patterns over again, we are not going round in circles. Rather, we are always going higher, gaining new insights and awareness, and travelling deeper, seeing clearer into more aspects of our hidden selves.

Until recently, this has felt much like a never- ending excavation process with us wondering, when will it end? Well, we have finally broken through into a new space as a collective, allowing us a very new experience with our spiral path.

Selacia - Almas Gemelas y el Destino – Vínculos a lo Largo del Tiempo - 22 de Enero 2015
22 de Enero 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Las relaciones juegan un papel fundamental en su alegría y éxito en el 2015, y algunas conexiones de almas gemelas pueden ser influencias pivote en su destino a largo plazo. Para entender esto estén preparados para expandir su visión de lo que es un alma gemela y cómo los dos se ayudan a lo largo del tiempo.

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - Optimal Report for 1/26 – 2/1/15

Hello friends. This week we have the movement of Venus which certainly does impact the relationship/beauty/value areas of our lives. She is moving from a more airy and detached position (Aquarius) to the deep, watery and compassionate Pisces on Tuesday, 1/27.
Pisces energy is great for increasing our capacity for peace, love and understanding of our fellow brethren. What it’s not great for is: self-sacrifice to the point of self-harm, illusion, dependency and keeping the rose-colored glasses on for too long. :) The next three weeks will be more idealistic than practical and sometimes that needed. A little harmless escapism can be fun right?
Also on Tuesday, we have short lived but potent Uranus-Mercury sextile.This is excellent for “Brainstorming” and problem solving, especially in areas where the answers may have escaped you recently. Since Uranus is a part of the equation, the information may come in suddenly, unexpectedly and/or with lightning speed. Stay OPEN.

Ron Head - You are this close… this close. – The Council - January 26, 2015

The Council
More than one hundred years ago a handful of men, physicists, made discoveries and advanced theories which turned their view of reality on its ear. Now, after all this time, many of those ideas have percolated through your societies far enough to be accepted and at least partially understood by a majority of you.

What has happened in the intervening years is that far, far more has been discovered. There are things which have been discovered, theorized, and proven, even put into use, which are still known to very few of you. And the intent of those who are using these things is that it should stay that way. The effect of spreading and acceptance of many of these things would revolutionize your entire world. You are being ‘protected’ from these things.

domingo, enero 25, 2015

Sandra Walter – Crystal Codes : Galactics Sending Love – 25 January 2015

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
Mid-way through the Gate passage today, I aligned with the Gateways and a few moments into meditation, Shazam – the bright flash of my Team coming through. They left us a new greeting in one of my Gate crystals! I felt the Team surround me, sending pure LOVE.
There is an incredible amount of lovelight washing through me with this Gate, and the crystal has anchored it, like a transceiver beaming Divine Love through my heart and my space. Thank you, beloveds! I feel this is a beautiful gift for all of us aligning with Divine Choice.

Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 25 January 2015

marlene1-1January 25-February 1, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are finding the adage “know thyself” as a common theme that is shared by all at this time in one form or another. The fine tuning and recalibrating is still taking place and now you look ever more closely within yourselves to look at all the patterns you have played out throughout your lifetime and are now willing to face self in all its many facets. You are willing to take full responsibility for all that has shown up in your lives. You know you are the one who first created the experience in order to bring this pattern to the surface as that which has limited you in your forward movement and which needs to be transmuted and released. Open your hearts wider to this experience and be willing to see the beauty of the gift it has given you. It has brought you freedom from self imposed suffering and has assisted you to move beyond former limitations, sometimes in unexpected and totally surprising ways.
You now look at how you may further allow the unfolding of your greater perceptions, seeing your life and the events in it from the perspective of your divine self.


Kara Schallock - Life in the New - January 25, 2015

I know you know that we are in a whole new phase. Many are wondering if it is true, since they are experiencing much of the same purging energy and wonder what happened to the “promise” of being in the New World. Some are experiencing this New Life; they are the ones who have completed what they needed to let go of and have integrated the new high vibrational life of Flow and Ease. Most, however, are still needing to rearrange their lives according to how they’re guided and are either resisting doing that or are still in that process. And there are those who have done the work, but haven’t yet shifted to living in the New; not quite knowing how. Since my path is to address the highest potential of those who want to continue in their Ascension, I share this Note. Do remember, that New Life does not magically appear; we are the ones who bring it to fruition.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,
Today clarity and the genuine observation of events 
is the tool in order to encounter this time with deep 

I am amongst you!

OPENING PORTALS: Augmented Reality, Ingress, and Dark Matter Dimensions