viernes, febrero 28, 2014

El Ciclo de Vuestras Estaciones Pamela Kribbe - canaliza a la Tierra - Feb 2014

Traducción del inglés por Sandra Gusella

Soy la voz de la Tierra que les habla desde el suelo debajo de vuestros pies. Les hablo desde el corazón del invierno, que es una estación del año que les trae mucho aunque ustedes no siembre lo crean. En el invierno hay una retirada de la fuerza de vida hacia el núcleo. La estación del invierno gira en torno a ese núcleo: el núcleo de luz dentro de ustedes, el fuego que arde profundo adentro, el poder del espíritu en ustedes. En el invierno el exterior se cae; las ramas están desnudas. La vida se retira hacia el tronco y hacia las raíces y hay silencio y tranquilidad en la naturaleza. Pero este silencio, el vacío y la esterilidad, no está sin vida y sin alma “ siéntanlo. Cuando ustedes caminan a través del bosque o en los campos, la vida está ahí “ invisible, pero tangible. La vida se retira hacia el núcleo donde cobra fuerzas para brotar otra vez en la primavera.

Dragon Realms message to humanity 28th Feb 14

Greetings we are the Dragon Realms and we come to communicate with ALL who have taken human form upon and within planet earth. The energies now begin to expand and to heighten clearing away the residue, the fog of the old 3d earth created reality allowing many to SEE and FEEL clearly for the first time to new levels of their BEing.
ALL is not as it appears to the naked human eye but we guide that the clarity of vision will begin to show to the human eye. For the eyes that were blind WILL now SEE TRUTH.  The frequencies of the New Earth energies that now sweep across and within planet earth coded to allow for CLARITY BEYOND  and we guide for you to anchor and to work with this. Let go of the need for “vengeance” for that is but a parlour trick of the old 3d earth created reality which NEEDS your fear and your anger in order to maintain its presence. This will now begin to dissolve as the eyes that were blind now SEE CLEARLY BEYOND.

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 401 - Feb 28, 2014

A long time ago, mankind came to these shores for the very first time, and with them, they brought instructions to go forth and make themselves a home on this planet. And this instruction, this blueprint if you will, has been with you all along through the ages, and it has been biding its time, waiting for you to find a way to find your way to the very core of your being.
For when you did, you would enable the last stage of this whole plan to come to fruition, and now, you all stand before this very last stage of this evolvement. For even if mankind’s journey has been one that has taken many a detour on its way, you have not lost that inner spark, the one that has kept you going despite all of the obstacles you have encountered.

Current happenings in (y)our reality

Where are we now? written by the Enlightened Master Ibrahim Hassan - Feb 28, 2014

Where are we now?

Where are we now?

In the midst of a lot of changes that are occurring around us, and although a lot of scientific, spiritual and intellectual explanations to try to explain what is happening, but many of our brothers are still wondering where are we now?!!!
I will try to answer this question in simple points:

Gaia “the earth” and its ascension...

For Gaia to be able to ascend, she must get rid of all negative influences and changes that have occurred on her back in the last 13,000 years...
Gaia is now containing the vibrations of 3rd , 4th ,5th ,6th ,7th Dimensions, but all of this hidden under the artificial “holographic “ third dimension which has happened gradually by the forces of darkness in the attempt to seize earth since 13,000 years ago...

For Gaia to be able to ascend to the 5th Dimension , she must get rid of the old 3rd Dimension “ the artificial “ and return back to her natural 3rd Dimension as the continent Atlántida days, where they lived in the 3rd Dimension and dealing with the 5th Dimension and above..

SaLuSa – “Signs of a new time” – February 24, 2014 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

Signs are given, all the time, that the new is taking place and you who are on Earth at this time, are witnessing the birth of the new, right under your feet. You are at the vanguard, leading the Light and guiding as you can, knowing that you are always bathed by new energies that, day after day, have accelerated your awakening.
Thousands of human beings, taken by desire for freedom, are being assisted by higher beings who are constantly orienting and guiding them in better decisions among protests worldwide. Your communication media have tried at all costs to welch the minds of men who are still in a soft impasse, but it’s known that the light that is sweeping the Earth is to guide them increasingly and nothing can change the focus of the souls of the Earth, the focus of FREEDOM .
The commitment of warrior souls, as Snowden, is one more gas on other souls who are awakening now and see the courage and determination of beings who came to Earth at this time to bring freedom, even if it costs their lives. All beloved beings who came to this quadrant in the past and were killed by the darkness forces are again involved now, giving their share of help, help that has brought from deep sleep many asleep beings.

Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden - Lord Adama’s Discourse – Creation of Light within the Pink Flame - February 28, 2014

pink heartGreetings!  It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light.  I welcome each of you into my Heart in this moment.  Thank you so much.  Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.
Let us take the energies of this week and the Pink Flame, to now fully bring forth that essence into all parts of our body.
We talk about the Pink in relation to the Feminine Divine, but how much of it do you incorporate fully into all areas to relax the body, and to let the energies move you into alignment?
This Flame represents Creative and Active Intelligence.  What that truly means is the creation of the Light within the Pink Flame allows the movement of action to occur within your physical existence.  It allows you to see things from your Higher Heart instead of your physical Heart, so you can merge and blend together in order to help the mental mind to be fully illuminated through the Higher Mind.  That is the creative action that occurs through this process.  Of course, it gives us the blending of Compassion, Joy, Love, and Surrender that helps us to move into a higher state of existence instead of the physical existence that can be so predominant upon this Earth.

jueves, febrero 27, 2014

DL Zeta – Activating A Future Self That Can Time Travel In Consciousness – 27 February 2014

DLZetaActivating a Future Self that can Time Travel in Consciousness When we align ourselves with our highest visions, we begin manifesting these potentials. This opens the door to a new and powerful source of guidance and assistance: our future self.
When we are taking steps to create the causes of a future empowered with intuitive knowing, spiritual awareness and a finely-tuned sense of perception, we are linking ourselves with a self that can reach back and entrain our present moment to new vibrational frequencies. These frequencies transform our life here on earth and transport us to timelines where our highest visions manifest quickly and with ease.

Wes Annac – Heart-Centered Communication – 27 February 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
The reason I write is to help as many of you as possible feel the inspiration I’ve been able to feel from other people’s material. If I can inspire any of you out there to feel even half of the inspiration I’ve been able to, then I’m happy with my service.
The mission of the conscious seeker who wants to be of service entails surrendering the ego self and its desires, and I’m learning lately that life takes on an entirely new flavor from the simplicity of the heart space.
From this place, we can produce flowing and inspired works that are untainted by the ego, and my intention is to be able to produce much as possible so I can look back on this experience with satisfaction and the knowledge that I was able to help.

you've never seen! first times! Aliens Beautiful Architecture On Mars, Feb 23, 2014