jueves, octubre 24, 2013

El Eclipse Solar del 3 de Noviembre: Reestructurando hacia la Luz…y África Emerge Celia Fenn - 23 de Octubre, 2013



Traducción: Fara González López

Edición y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
Estamos ahora justo en la transición de un Eclipse Lunar (18 de octubre) a un Eclipse Solar (3 de noviembre).  En los talones de la poderosa ola de energía de julio/agosto, esto ha creado algún ‘clima’ energético muy intenso.  El Eclipse Lunar en octubre fue en Aries, y fue impactado por Urano en Aries, significando que se liberó mucha energía impredecible hacia las Rejillas. Como saben, los eclipses son siempre un tiempo en el que las Rejillas de la Tierra se recalibran con nuevos Códigos de Luz entrantes, y aunque esto pueda ser turbulento en el momento, el resultado siempre es positivo.   

Huge Triangular UFO Craft, Bawsey, Kings Lynn, UK

AA Michael You are flying along magnificently. – Ron Head October 24, 2013

seeing angels
We wish to return today to one of our favorite topics, the phenomenon of channeled messages.  You will have noticed a distinct change in the type, clarity, and, even in some instances the sources of these.  What has changed?  Have you given it any thought?  More than a few of those involved in bringing these messages to you have done so.  We bring this up today to illustrate a different, but related point.  So we will spend a little time explaining and then we will connect the dots, as you say.

Aisha North – A History Of Creation – Part 6 – 24 October 2013

AishaNorthLet us delve further into the mysteries of creation, as this is something we gather you are all more than eager to learn more about. Well, let us just say that there are not many mysteries of this left, however, we would like to give you some “technical” details as it were. You see, the basics have been well described for you already, and as such, you are more than prepared to have a go at this magical feat yourselves, but we do understand the need to learn a little bit more about what is going on.

Meredith Murphy – The Spaciousness Of New Potentials – 24 October 2013

Hello My Friends and Family,
You find yourself, I suspect, increasingly in states of spaciousness.
Today I wish to speak a little bit about the process of creating space, the purpose of opening to new potential and how this will occur as you experience the uplifting energies, infusions of love and and in fact, as you open to a more and more loving relationship with you.
As you open to a more and more loving relationship with you, you rise in frequency and expand. You discover wide, open spaces of new potential.

Suzanne Lie – Pleiadian Perspective Book Four – Where We Left Off – 24 October 2013

Jason and Sandy had finally found the “twelfth floor,” on which the Inter-Galactic Light Convention was gathering within the NOW of the higher worlds. They were welcomed by the inter-galactic members, who created a path directing them toward the vortex at the far side of the room. Jason and Sandy looked through the vortex to see an infant world. This world was the infant Gaia, the ray of hope for the beings who had used Earth as their “schoolroom for ascension.”
From their timeless state of consciousness they understood how that new reality was beginning, ending, shifting and remaining still. The Arcturian then flashed before them. Looking deep into Jason and Sandy’s eyes, It sent them the image of Jason and Sandy joined as Divine Complements within the Divine Complements of Mytre and Mytria.

Wes Annac – Our Universal Family: You’re Helping Raise The Consciousness Of Your Planet – 24 October 2013

wes-annac-300x229-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With so much brimming Love and joy for the continual progress being made by each of you, we express that you’ve only reached the beginning of your enactment of widespread change and your fashioning of unity for all to enjoy and be a part of.
We note the efforts being made by an increasing number of souls to establish unity amongst themselves and those around them, and while our scribe seeks guidance about his own involvement in such things we can say that similar unity-based movements are being started all across your planet.
You’ve always been meant to come together and establish widespread unity and harmony, and we’ve long looked toward the dear Lightworkers and conscious souls to pave the road for unity by becoming examples of it in play.

John Smallman – Jesus – Love Is Sounding A Clarion Call – 24 October 2013

john-blog-pics-0135Humanity has reached the end of the illusory road that it has been following seemingly aimlessly for eons, but what awaits you is not the abyss!  It is as though you have reached your exit on the freeway/interstate/motorway/highway (so many words indicating the same thing, and yet when you really need words to describe spiritual aspects of life you have so few!), you have come to the end of the congestion and road works and are about to enter a new and magnificent scenic thruway.  A new and astounding route leading to the most beautiful vistas and scenery, which you know exists because those who have gone before you have sent (channeled) messages telling you so, lies before you enticing you onwards.  You are ready, you have been hoping and praying for this moment, counting the miles to this junction, and suddenly it is upon you, clearly visible and most welcoming.

miércoles, octubre 23, 2013

SaLuSa – “The Inner Invitation” – October 12, 2013 (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar - Posted Oct 23, 2013

 SaLuSa (1)
There is a count in your unconscious that has clearly show you that the time for final tranformation in  your world is quickly getting closer . This internal count of your spirit, brought into your conscious, is what have left you anxious for more news and visible events in your 3D temporary reality. Dear ones, measurably this frantic waiting is normal due to good expectation generated, but on the other hand you must remember that you must not go by any way out of its full state of inner peace, that is state that clearly leads you to the higher realms. It’s your inner state that dictates the road to be travele, thus independent of external news and alerts, you must keep the internal peace of mind.

Celia Fenn: The 3 November Solar Eclipse Restructuring into Light… and Africa Rises! Oct 23, 2013

We are right now in the transtion from a Lunar Eclipse (18th October) to a Solar Eclipse (3rd November). Coming on the heels of the powerful energy wave of July/August, this has created some very intense Energy “weather”. The Lunar Eclipse in October was in Aries, and was impacted by Uranus in Aries, meaning that much unpredictable energy was let loose into the Grids. As you may know, eclipses are always a time when the Earth Grids are recalibrated with new incoming Light Codes, and while this may be turbulent at the time, the outcome is always positive.