viernes, agosto 18, 2017

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 18 August 2017

Be assured that everything is proceeding well in spite of the outer appearances. The new energies are becoming established, and in consequence the old ones are struggling to maintain a place upon Earth. It is like a battle to survive except that the old energies have had their day and losing their power to continue existing, and eventually will die away. It is very much how it is with the negative energies that the Illuminati and their minions depend upon for their continuing existence, which is why they perpetrate fear by their actions. However, they are losing their power bit by bit and are no longer able to control you as before. The campaign to remove them in a way that denies them continual power over you is succeeding, and quietly with little publicity the Forces of Light have become the dominant force for good. It means that it will not be too long before it will be safe to go ahead and introduce the many innovations that will lift up your quality of life.

jueves, agosto 17, 2017

Written Transcript of Eclipse Conversation of Sue Lie and David Miller 8-16-17

Hello readers, here is the written transcript for my conversation with David Miller.

Enjoy, Sue

Eclipse Conversation
Suzanne Lie & David Miller


Hello, this is Suzanne Lie, and I’m talking again with David Miller and we are going to talk about the Eclipse.

Hello, this is David, and I’m happy to be here today, and I’m going to begin the channeling with Juliano on the Eclipse. (Toning sounds and Shalom, Shalom, Shalom).

J: Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. So we look at the eclipse as a partial intersection of the dimensions. And, we note that this is an alignment of the sun and new moon.

Sandra Walter - August Eclipse: Convergence of Stargates - Aug 17, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Gratitude to all who have diligently prepared the grids and path of totality for our beloved Solar eclipse next Monday, August 21. Enough has been said about preparations and recommendations. That intel is available; empower yourself and read, watch, listen to the intel. I AM focused on receiving the highest experience and holding the Gateways wide open, so I will not be online. Perhaps this may inspire others to get outside and do the same.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nº 6 - Despedida - Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Nº 6 - Despedida

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hay muchas lecciones que podrían aprender los seres humanos, muy hermosas, benévolas, y que los despiertan. Y son únicas para cada uno de ustedes, los que están oyéndome en este salón y los que escucharán más tarde. Deben aprenderse de un modo apropiado para cada una de las vidas; no hay una sola lección grandiosa a la que todos tengan que acudir y aprender juntos. Lo que sucede, en cambio, es que los grupos participan de energías que comienzan a reconocer. Y no está en los hechos que podrían aprender ni en las listas que podrían anotar. Lo que ustedes perciben que los pone en una unión cohesiva son los atributos del amor. Y ustedes se sienten seguros y los reconocen; esa es la comunicación entre los trabajadores de luz; no lo que llamarían un sistema de creencia.

Diane Canfield - Solar Wind Increases Causing Intense GeoStorm Spike While Still in the Eclipse Gateway Leading to the Equinox Portal - August 17, 2017

By Diane Canfield


Today Solar wind has increased causing an Intense Spike in GeoStorms. This is happening while we are still in the Eclipse Gateway and headed for the Equinox Gateway soon.

Last night I experienced Intense crown chakra activations around the crown of my head. This will feel like tingles and goosebumps on the crown chakra. I went online last night to see if any geostorms had picked up and they had not although I felt they were coming. Then this morning I checked again and Intense Spikes had occurred. This was a Precognition knowing BEFORE the storms had started. This has happened to me many times in the past and I have written about it in my articles. Pay attention to any out of the ordinary sensations and then look for confirmation they may be occurring.

Natalia Alba - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo, August 21, 2017 - Recognizing your Divine Royalty

Beloved Ones,

We are finally heading towards our New Dimensional Space/Timeline, a higher one, where, some of us have been already transiting, anchoring ourselves and dwelling for a while. In this unique moment within Creation, as you already may know, we are the focus for many civilisations and non-physical beings, ones that have been assisting us in this quantum leap, and others, who are still trying to submit, manipulate and control our Planet.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nº 5 - El Aire - Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Nº 5 - El Aire

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estudian el aire, otro elemento. Aquí hay otro elemento que parece ser invisible. Ven claramente lo que el viento lleva; es el viento. Pero en general es algo precioso para ustedes, lo necesitan para la vida, aún más que al agua; lo necesitan constantemente, a cada momento. Hay una alianza en el aire con Gaia. Si consideran la metáfora en el cuerpo humano, ¿qué sería el aire para ustedes, en esta metáfora esotérica? Llamémoslo el silencioso amigo de su vida. Algo invisible, que ustedes dan por hecho, que necesitan cada momento de cada día, y cuando no está, ¡se dan cuenta! y no pueden sobrevivir.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday August 17, 2017

Dear Ones, even your own reactiveness holds gifts for you. Most of you are very mindful and feel great distress if you respond in a way that is out of character for you. The first thing to ask yourself if you have been reactive is, "How have I not been showing up for myself?" And then, "What part of me is in pain? Is not feeling safe or secure? Is desperate for my love and attention?"

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nº 4 - El Agua - Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll 
Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Nº 4 - El Agua

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El elemento que hoy estudiamos es el agua. Y les decimos que lo que es agua, es vida. Y si hay una metáfora que puede decir qué significa el elemento agua, metafóricamente, para el ser humano, eso es la vida misma. La vida. Tienen lo que es el alma, lo que es la consciencia, pero la vida... ¿cuánto pesa para ustedes la importancia de ese elemento?

A Conversation with David K. Miller and Suzanne Lie about the Eclipse - 8-15-17

Channeled Message by Suzanne and David K. Miller
 The Eclipse of August 21st, 2017
Dr. Suzanne Lie:
Copyright © 2017 David K. Miller
All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced 
Without the permission of the author/channel
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA

To download my conversation With David Miller
please click

In Preparation for the Eclipse, it is important that we remain
"In the Calm"

Being IN the Calm

Arcturian Meditations in Preparation for The Eclipse
What does the term “calm” mean? In today’s busy world, the sensation of “feeling calm” can be difficult to remember, and even more difficult to maintain.

Particle Convergence Activation

Kara Schallock - Energías de Ahora - 13 de Agosto 2017

Traducción: Ana Tallon

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Mientras que los eclipses son poderosos para el cambio, honro su Simplicidad. No compro lo que está de moda, y veo que hay mucho de eso, y no sigo la corriente…aun así, honro la decisión de los demás. En esta Nota de Ascensión, no invertiré tiempo glorificando el eclipse solar que se avecina, más bien hablaré de la energía subyacente. Este eclipse y cualquier etiqueta que utilicemos le restan valor al mensaje. Cuando utilizamos rótulos, ya sea para describirnos a nosotros mismos o definir algo, solo tocamos la superficie, en vez de profundizar más.

miércoles, agosto 16, 2017

Mermaids of Mu, Neptune and the Cosmic Trine (Total Solar Eclipse - 21st August 2017)

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Nº 3 - La Tierra - Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Crucero de Alaska, Agosto de 2017

Nº 3 - La Tierra

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Los que nunca vieron canalizar anteriormente, pueden preguntar ¿Cómo es que puede cruzar ese velo tan rápido, tan fácilmente, tan veloz? En la vieja energía no era este el caso, y eso de por sí muestra la diferencia entre lo que era y lo que es.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 16, 2017

When people act out it is because they are uncomfortable, frustrated, overwhelmed and fearful. Because the energies you are in are bringing up so much that is ready to be acknowledged, healed, and released in a very intense way - a way that cannot be avoided any longer - you will see people being reactive in their discomfort.

Lisa Renee - Historical Timeline Trigger Events - August 2017

August 2017
Historical Timeline Trigger Events
Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family,
This month we have an increased opportunity to break through our amnesiac barriers and memory wiping, to regain personal knowledge that connects us with the truth of our own experience, at individual, collective and galactic levels. Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generates the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we are intersecting with an opening where the true historical record can be more easily recovered.  Our higher consciousness body may be surfacing memories that need to be felt, witnessed and reintegrated. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Thank you! - August 16, 2017

Thank you!

Posted on August 16, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen

On the morning of August 16 six years ago, my life changed completely. That is when I received the first installment of what would grow into a huge volume of channeled messages. Messages I just knew I was meant to share with the world. First as words, later also as paintings. I was a self-employed graphic designer at that time, doing work that I really enjoyed. But before lunch, I had sent out an email to all of my clients telling them I was no longer able to work for them. And so, I walked away from my old life. It was the most monumental decision I have ever made. But also the easiest one. For I simply could not NOT do it.

Ailia Mira - El Consejo de la Luz Radiante - Cómo Sucede Su Experiencia - Julio 29, 2017

Hola Divinos Míos:

Es bueno estar con ustedes. Nosotros vemos que mientras conversamos con ustedes acerca de su capacidad para crear su experiencia por medio del uso intencional de su foco de atención, algunos de ustedes están empezando a relacionarse con su vida con un creciente sentimiento de curiosidad.

Blossom Goodchild - Mensaje de la Federación de la Luz - 12 de agosto de 2017

Blossom: Bueno, ha pasado mucho tiempo. Estoy asentada en mi nueva morada y por último de nuevo en línea. Así que, aquí estoy, tan llena de entusiasmo para volver a ponerse en contacto. ¡HOLA!

Federación de la Luz: Bienvenida usted. Estamos deseosos de estar de nuevo en contacto con usted también, Blossom. Pues hemos guardado silencio para que usted pueda lograr lo que era necesario sobre una base terrenal. También habrá sentido, un cambio en su mismo Ser. ¿No es así?