sábado, octubre 21, 2023

Aurora Ray - Navigating the Grand Shift: Downloading Wisdom from Higher Realms - Oct 21, 2023


Navigating the Grand Shift: Downloading Wisdom from Higher Realms

In the grand shift of existence, we find ourselves on a journey, an exploration of the spirit.

It's like downloading wisdom from higher realms, tapping into frequencies beyond our imagination. As we embark on this soulful adventure, we encounter angels, light beings, and even fairies guiding us through the ups and downs of our spiritual experience.

Mensaje de Lee Carroll y Monika Muranyi - INHABILITAR A LA OSCURIDAD


Mensaje de Lee Carroll y Monika Muranyi

Canalización de Kryon

Tú Puedes Diseñar Energía Benévola


Estamos muy concientes de que muchos de los sucesos que estamos experimentando actualmente son algunas de las cosas más desafiantes y horribles, que nos sacuden hasta nuestro propio centro.

Somos testigos directos de la batalla entre la oscuridad y la luz. La batalla que está ocurriendo en la Tierra es resultado del Cambio en la consciencia. A medida que mayores cantidades de luz inundan nuestro planeta, la oscuridad queda expuesta, haciéndose más visible.

Part 1b: ENERGY UPGRADE Meditation

Wings of Isis Transmission: Moving Beyond All 3D-4D Limitations

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Oct 21, 2023



Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Beloved One, Deep within your heart is your true God Self.

It is completely apart from the Illusion experience of the Third dimension.

The Collective Uplift: Humanity's Journey into the Infinite Begins!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - How Do You Change the Minds of Other Humans?

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to continue to praise humanity for how far you have come, and we also praise you for the work that you continue to do towards becoming a unified, harmonious whole. You are already a collective, but you do not operate as one in the way that we do. Our knowing that we are a collective is not questioned by any of us who are a part of this collective, and therefore, it is so much easier for us to operate as a single, whole unit.

viernes, octubre 20, 2023

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Serie: Pelar la Cebolla Parte 4 – Sanar tu Cuerpo - Miércoles de Sanación 23 de Agosto de 2023

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación 23 de Agosto de 2023

Serie: Pelar la Cebolla Parte 4 – Sanar tu Cuerpo

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es el cuarto episodio, podrían decir, tramo, serie de canalizaciones sobre pelar la cebolla. Y he esperado hasta este cuarto tramo, esta cuarta canalización, para darles mi información favorita sobre el ser humano.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - Oct 20, 2023

The troubles of the world seem to have no end and the future looks rather gloomy. However, there are always people of good intent who are always working hard to try and lessen the effect of the confrontation that is taking place. Many souls in high places are looking for ways of bringing about a sensible solution without the loss of so many lives. We are also trying to calm down the anger of both sides that is fuelling another massacre. How much longer is Humanity going to settle its differences through sheer force and potentially the death of so many innocent souls, who are trapped in this web of war. What is taking place is a test of Humanity’s ability to resolve their problems in a fair and peaceful manner. Make the first moves in this direction and we will be with you.

Aurora Ray - True Signs That Angels Are in Your House and Bringing Miracles to Your Life! - Oct 20, 2023


True Signs That Angels Are in Your House and Bringing Miracles to Your Life!


Have you ever felt a sense of calm and peace that seems to wrap around you, even on the busiest days? Have you caught a whiff of a sweet scent that suddenly fills your space when there's no logical explanation? Or perhaps you've stumbled upon a feather in the most unexpected place, like a little gift from the heavens?