viernes, febrero 28, 2025

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Receive Personal Downloads from this Transmission - Feb 28, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We are here to guide you, and we do that with our energy. We can give you words and teachings, But when you follow the vibration that we offer, you are able to make right choices for yourselves in the moment. You are able to receive your own personal downloads even while reading or listening to a message such as this one, which is meant for everyone. You still, as an individual, can receive your own personal downloads because you are resonating more with our frequency while you put your attention on us.

jueves, febrero 27, 2025

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Hay un Método que Permita a los Humanos Vivir Por Más Tiempo? - Miércoles con Kryon – 22 de enero de 2025

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
 Miércoles con Kryon – 22 de enero de 2025

¿Hay un Método que Permita a los Humanos Vivir Por Más Tiempo?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Esto es algo de lo que me gustaría hablar con un poco más de profundidad hoy. Y les daré un aviso por adelantado: algunas de estas cosas podrían ser controversiales en cuanto a lo que ustedes han aprendido, lo que les han dicho, incluso a su estilo de vida.
Al oír esto ahora, les diré que a los seres humanos se les está dando literalmente una dispensación de energía, una colocación energética para que ustedes, como seres humanos, puedan vivir más tiempo. Vivir por más tiempo que lo que hubieran vivido de otro modo, y ese es el punto, y la respuesta es sí. Hay para el ser humano maneras de vivir más tiempo.

Pronóstico de las energías de la ascensión de marzo y activación del lenguaje de la luz-Jamye Price

Jamye Price - March Ascension Energies – Freedom Within - Feb 27, 2025

Freedom Within is an important topic for Lightworkers. We work with Light, so our inner realm – our subtle bridge – is important for our focus.

Freedom Within opens and strengthens your energetic communication flow.

Below is an overview of the eclipses of 2025 since I didn’t cover them in the video.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - STAYING FOCUSED ON YOUR PRIORITIES - MARCH 2025




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss staying focused on your priorities.

Much new incoming energy is arriving on your planet. As this higher frequency energy interacts with the existing energy, a readjustment is taking place. The new energy is bringing older energy into your awareness for examination to determine what to keep, what to release, and what to readjust.

Natalia Alba -We continue crossing into a new frequency band - Feb 27, 2025

Beloved Ones,

We continue crossing into a new frequency band, integrating Piscean frequencies and continue acting as Divine Unifiers in our conscious choice to assist our planetary transition. 

Many of you will feel the intensity of the shift occurring at this time in your sixth and seventh-dimensional bodies, as you continue transfiguring your three-dimensional bodies, losing density and stepping into physical ascension, and realigning to your Divine Selves, a process that the current energies greatly support.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Thursday February 27, 2025

There is a part of you that prefers to exist within the energies of what it already knows. It perceives predictability and the lack of movement as safety, so it will often do whatever it can to stay the same, often through the use fear and doubt. But you cannot create big change and expansion by staying within energies that have already been experienced. The fact that you are seeking lets you know that what you are wanting exists in the energies beyond where you are. If where you are held the changes you seek, you would already be experiencing them.

Judith Kusel - Lord Melchizedek - Feb 27, 2025

"There is so much little ones that is there in your heart and in your soul that needs now to come to the fore, to be expressed. When your heart and soul are fully opened and love is there overflowing, you cannot be anything other than the truth of who you are, and it flows out of you and every encounter becomes a holy and sacred encounter. You leave golden footprints wherever you go, also golden footprints in the hearts of those whom you encounter. Imagine going out into your day and sowing those golden seeds in the hearts and souls, to bring that smile to another's face, to bring hope to the hopeless, encouragement to those who are battling.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Is Light Defeating Dark Right Now on Earth? - Feb 27, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are witnessing you all from the ninth dimension with a very broad view of what is happening there on Earth at this time, and we invite you to see the bigger picture with us. Most of you who are a part of The Awakened Collective would like to see quite a few changes there on planet Earth. And when there is change, sometimes there are things that need to come up and be seen in broad daylight so that the desire for the changes is heightened in all people, or at least the majority of people, on Earth.

miércoles, febrero 26, 2025

Judith Kusel - Note the intense influx now of cosmic and Source energy, - Feb 26, 2025


Note the intense influx now of cosmic and Source energy, the sun flares are now being amplified by the Prime Creator Energy Source, are now activating only our new DNA but our whole bodies and fields are being reinvented and rewired (so to speak). Nowhere more so that now in the throat and glands, our higher heart are now the awakening in unison with the Higher Heart of the Higher Mind. They work AS ONE.