viernes, octubre 21, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Empaths: You Reach the Souls of All Humans - Oct 21, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in this for the long haul with all of you; we are very patient as we walk alongside you on this very significant journey you are on there on planet Earth. We consider it to be an honor to be invited to your little party, and we are so excited to be on the path with you for all of the wonderful twists and turns that you have coming up in order to bring you into a higher frequency state.

jueves, octubre 20, 2022

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, October 20, 2022

Dear Ones, the ebbs and flows of the universe are designed to support and nourish you, always, in all ways. It may feel like you are being unnecessarily challenged but that is only because you do not have the vantage point to see how beautifully orchestrated your dance of life as a human being truly is. The signs and synchronicities you so often see are reassurances of that wonderful choreography. If you can embrace whatever is being supported with the full confidence you are being divinely guided and served, you will develop the ability to see even more of the intricacy, purpose, and perfection that is woven into every phase of the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - October 2022

In This Issue

***From Your Hostess of Light

***Coming around the blind corner…

*** Love added to anything will change the molecular content of the experience

From Your Hostess of Light

As we move thru these very mammoth invisible energies we stand at the bend in the tunnel of love, not seeing a way out and not seeing a way in, we are frozen. We have so drained our body mind and spirit looking for a cure to what ails us, not finding anything but ice cream. Every day we are like a 1000 piece puzzle as we try to put out selves and lives back together again. Like a self-made virtual/ yet authentic avatar, we seek to find out what will make us braver and smarter and stronger. Like the movie groundhog day, we are going around and around in a time travel loop. We are however getting better at putting the pieces together, yet we still seek the cover picture to complete and compare our works. Like a determined chemist we look for the invisible lining between the seen and the unseen; searching the cosmos for the exact equation that will create a Cosmic Elixir for all to sip from.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You’re Part of Our Galactic Team - Oct 20, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very interested in what you all have to say to us. Please do not ever feel that you are bothering us or wasting our time when you reach out to us and tell us what you need, what you’re feeling, and what your take is on what’s going on there on planet Earth. We want to hear from you. Now, because we are a nonphysical collective, we are essentially consciousness, and therefore, we have no limitations placed upon us in regards to how much information we can take in at one time. No matter how many times a day you reach out to us, we will be able to hear what you have to say.

miércoles, octubre 19, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities & What They Mean - Oct 19, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with your progress there on Earth, as we continue to monitor to overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and we see you all getting what you need from your guides, your helpers, your galactic teams, all the soul family members that you have around you in nonphysical form. You truly are operating as a collective already while in physical form. You really are not separate from any of the beings who are helping you, and what we see happening there on Earth is more and more people are opening up to the help that is always available to them.

martes, octubre 18, 2022

Steve Rother - The Group - Feminine Rise - October 2022

~ Feminine Rise ~

Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time. I join you with such pride this day for you have moved more than you could possibly imagine. With all the challenges humanity is facing right now, please do not lose sight of the fact that humans are evolving rapidly. If you look at your headlines, you can see that in many different ways the world is going crazy. We tell you, there are a lot of things taking place behind the scenes that most people are simply not aware of. These are very basic things and many are happening online, as the war for influence reaches new levels. At this moment, there are major pressures being put on your systems in an effort to break them. We tell you, dear ones, there are events unfolding that can change your world. Online security has increased drastically in recent months, and much of this has to do with the energies that are now pervading the planet. One day humans will understand the influences and how they are being used. Ah, it’s fascinating to watch.

KRYON - Planting the Seeds of The Higher-Self

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Octubre 14, 2022

Me parece sorprendente que una predicción dada en el libro "Hidden Hand (La Mano Oculta)“, de Wes Penre, se lea como si hubiera sido escrita especialmente para este periodo de tiempo, y parece que se remonta al 2008.

Se hace referencia a una "Escisión de Almas en Tres Vías". Que una Nueva Tierra será creada, y las almas predominantemente de Amor y de Luz ascenderán a una nueva y hermosa Tierra de 4ª densidad - a una hermosa Edad Dorada. Realizaréis obras y maravillas como las que el llamado Jesús prometió que haríais, e incluso cosas mayores que éstas. La mayoría de los humanos en la Tierra, que podrían ser considerados como “indiferentes", experimentarán un período de tiempo de punto cero, donde se sientan totalmente Uno con El Creador, dándoles un recordatorio alentador y un vistazo de quiénes son realmente antes de que el velo del olvido descienda una vez más sobre ellos. Serán transportados a otro planeta de tercera densidad (una especie de réplica de la Tierra) para continuar trabajando sobre ellos mismos y aprender que la vida aquí se trata de tomar decisiones.

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The New Consciousness : Dolphins, Whales and Angels - Oct 18, 2022

The New Consciousness : Dolphins, Whales and Angels

Channel from Archangel Michael

Beloveds, this is a time of deep expansion on your Earth. As a result of your transits and transitions of the last 6 months, you are now ready to align more fully with Higher Consciousness and Multi-Dimensional experience.

You are now moving into the state of consciousness where you can experience the sixth dimensional frequency level which is associated with magical creation and manifestation. This powerful frequency is activating changes and transformations in the human brain physiology. The frequency shifts the brain into what is known as the Alpha brain wave cycle, which is activated in humans generally in states of meditation and deep creativity. This will become a more normal state of being that can be accessed at will in the New Earth.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Rest of October, November & December - Oct 18, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with humanity’s progress throughout the month of October, and we know that you will continue on this upward spiral that you are on. We also know that there are many more people awakening every day and that those of you who are awake are helping them in so many ways. It is our knowing that more people will be looking within themselves with the prompting of their guides and the people who are closest to them, because it is so necessary for people to stop looking outside of themselves for what is wrong with their lives and to start looking within.