jueves, julio 27, 2017
Jamye Price - August Ascension Energies - Ignite Your Soul - July 27, 2017
July Review
July had the focus of Integrating Time. It is part of this Year of The Empowered Sovereign as we move into a new spiral of empowerment that supports the Ascension of humanity into a more connected and conscious species. Understanding your power with time is about mastering fourth dimensional expression (a subset of fourth density).
Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, say that time responds to us and through us. There are physical laws and subtle laws that affect us. The physical laws are what we see as the “immutable” effect of time. For example hours/days/seasons – the effect of movement around the sun. Your subtle realm is your inner realm. Your subtle bridge—how you connect directly with the subtle realm—is your thoughts and emotions. Your subtle bridge responds and interacts with the field of life, invisibly creating the future. Because it is subtle, it is mutable, but it cannot be controlled and manipulated like the realm of form.
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Jamye Price,
Reporte de Energías
Kryon - "From Dark to Light" 2017
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Lee Carroll,
Laura Pleiadian - The Moment of Transfer to The New Earth Experience and Initiation - July 27, 2017
Many Suns of Light Consciousness birthed through your Light Body initiating your Form into its ~ Being.
There are many rays of LIGHT Suns ~ that are the literal experience of consciousness that FINDS Itself, WITHIN its RAY of Experience.
The Initiation that FINDS you ~ that transfers you in THE moment to a SUN ~ NEW EARTH Experience ~ is the SACRED Sun ~ RAY ~ planned for you to experience.
There are many rays of LIGHT Suns ~ that are the literal experience of consciousness that FINDS Itself, WITHIN its RAY of Experience.
The Initiation that FINDS you ~ that transfers you in THE moment to a SUN ~ NEW EARTH Experience ~ is the SACRED Sun ~ RAY ~ planned for you to experience.
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5ta. Dimensión,
Laura Pleiadian,
Nueva Tierra
John Smallman - Jesus - Your true nature will not remain concealed - July 27, 2017
As enormous changes continue to occur planet-wide, don’t become blasé about them, welcome them and hold the loving intent for them to continue bringing about the essential alterations in the way you all live and interact with one another across the world. They have been in progress for a number of decades now, as human rights and concern for the planet have become important issues that humanity has chosen to address, especially now as awareness has grown of the need to terminate conflicts and completely and finally resolve the related issues of poverty, starvation, enslavement, and homelessness that have been endemic for a very long time. Your relatively modern technologies made it physically possible to resolve these issues many decades ago, but only now have enough of you become sufficiently aware of how unconscionable it is not to resolve these issues that now you will ensure that the necessary steps are taken to make it happen.
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Jesús-John Smallman
Pamela Kribbe - Everything is Connected - July 27, 2017
Dear friends,
I am Mary, mother of Jeshua. I greet you all in love and kinship. We are of one and the same family, connected through the heart and never really separated from one another. Only in the illusion of material reality do we seem apart and separated, but in reality everything is connected. Souls cannot be separated, only bodies can be. Bodies are bound to time and space, but souls are not bound.
Souls are continually in connection with one another and in a process of energetic exchange, even though this is not always perceptible to your everyday consciousness.
I am Mary, mother of Jeshua. I greet you all in love and kinship. We are of one and the same family, connected through the heart and never really separated from one another. Only in the illusion of material reality do we seem apart and separated, but in reality everything is connected. Souls cannot be separated, only bodies can be. Bodies are bound to time and space, but souls are not bound.
Souls are continually in connection with one another and in a process of energetic exchange, even though this is not always perceptible to your everyday consciousness.
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Madre María,
Pamela Kribbe
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday July 27, 2017
Dear Ones, there are endless supports available to you. If you are unsure of how to proceed, ask for help from your loving team of guides and helpers. If you are unsure of how to help another appropriately, ask your guides and helpers to provide healing and guidance for their situation. Just as calling in experts to fix something that isn't working in your house is still taking empowered action, so is calling on your guides and helpers to lend their expertise to any situation. It is always our greatest joy to serve and assist you. The key is remembering to ask. ~Archangel Gabriel
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young
Selacia - Love Secrets in Your DNA Akashic Records - July 26, 2017
The power of love to bring people together and create a lasting bond is without question one of the most amazing magnetic forces at work in relationships. Have you ever wondered how you could have been attracted to someone, or stayed with someone, when he or she didn't fit your idea of the perfect match? Likewise, have you wondered why you are still single or why the person supposedly perfect for you left with no explanation? Continue reading to understand some of the "why" of such things, learning how specific answers can be found in your DNA akashic records.
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El Gran Cambio,
Registro Akáshico,
Kryon "Three Paradigm Shifts" 2017
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Lee Carroll,
miércoles, julio 26, 2017
Sarah Varcas - ¡Cómo Lograr el Máximo de una Luna Negra! - 20 de Julio 2017
Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
¡Cómo Lograr el Máximo de Una Luna Negra!
El próximo ciclo de luna negra comienza el 23 de julio del 2017 y la luna negra ocurre exactamente el 21/22 de agosto del 2017, también con un eclipse solar.
Muchas personas han oído hablar de una luna azul pero las lunas negras tienden a captar menos atención, a pesar de tener un significado similar. Al igual que una luna azul es la segunda luna llena en un mes solar, una luna negra es la segunda luna nueva en un mes solar. Esto significa que durante el paso del sol a través de un signo zodiacal la luna es nueva dos veces, conocida la segunda de esas lunas como luna negra. Debido a que la luna nueva ocurre cuando la luna está en el mismo grado zodiacal que el sol, ambas lunas ocurren en el mismo signo entre sí. Las lunas negras ocurren más o menos cada dos años y medio o tres y siempre son antecedidas un mes antes por una luna nueva en el primer grado o dos del mismo signo zodiacal.
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Sarah Varcas
Steve Rother - El Grupo - Predicciones Para Agosto 2017
Las cosas se están moviendo más rápido de lo que habíamos anticipado. No pasará mucho tiempo antes de que los científicos comiencen a estar de acuerdo con la línea de tiempo que dio el grupo. Lo que ocurra no nos sorprenderá porque los que escuchamos las predicciones y leemos esto hemos encarnado para estar aquí en este preciso momento. Algunos incluso hemos retrocedido en el tiempo para estar aquí en este momento (los que venimos del futuro).
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El Grupo,
Steve Rother
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