domingo, junio 25, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - The Path of Light - 6-25-17

The Path of Light
The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Listen to a recording of this message
Following the Path. Those three words mean quite a lot. Therefore, we will break it down word by word. First, what does “to follow,” mean? You could follow submissively, or follow bravely. Then, what is “the Path”? Does this path mean that there is only one path? Or does it mean that you follow a specific path, or follow your personal path?  
Finally, what does Path mean? Is this a path that goes through a forest, or a path that goes along a freeway? These two different paths, even if the paths themselves look exactly the same, each Path would create a very different experience for anyone who “followed it.”

Linda Robinson - Arcángel Zadkiel - Recibiendo La Luz De La Conciencia - Mayo 30, 2017

 Recibiendo La Luz De La Conciencia
Saludos Queridos Míos: Ėste es el Arcángel Zadkiel, junto con la Arcángel Holy (Santa) Ametista, y los saludamos con Amor. Hoy deseamos hablar sobre el recibir la Luz de la conciencia.

La Luz enrarecida de las frecuencias más elevadas está llegando a su planeta a un ritmo mucho más acelerado y con una mayor y creciente intensidad de la que han experimentado previamente.
Está circulando en y alrededor del Universo para traer oportunidades para mejorar toda forma de vida. Ella los está invitando a experimentar el sentimiento de ligereza para la mejora de la conciencia.

Jamye Price - El Poder De La Oración, Jamye Price - 11-05-2017

Benditos Seres: Como siempre, éste es un momento precioso cuando nos encontramos en su conciencia. La conciencia es la que trae una gran fuerza y enfoque a la vida. Es tan sutil que su poder es pasado de largo a menudo. Sin embargo, esa sutilidad sirve al continuo fortalecimiento de su conciencia.

Su conciencia es la que los conecta con el mundo exterior y les permite interactuar con él desde su interior. Entonces es cuando empiezan a cambiar cómo los está afectando el mundo exterior y cómo ustedes lo están afectando.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Comentarios de Viaje y Canalización - Excursión - Parte 1 - Triple Falls (Cascada Triple) - Dupont State Forest - Junio 16, 2017

Comentarios de Viaje - Canalización de Kryon
Asheville, .North Carolina, Excursión, 16 de junio de 2017

Excursión - Parte 1 - Triple Falls (Cascada Triple) - Dupont State Forest

Lee Carroll:

Quiero contarles una historia, y se trata de la energía de Gaia. Hemos estado en muchos lugares del planeta y hemos experimentado mucho de la energía de la tierra. Hemos experimentado muchos lugares espirituales. Ahora bien, debiera contarles algo que no es muy conocido. No soy un sensitivo. ¿Saben qué es un sensitivo? Un sensitivo es alguien que siente inmediatamente las energías, que tal vez ve colores, y percibe las energías aún si atraviesan su aura. No es mi caso. De hecho, soy justo lo opuesto. La gente me ha llamado "denso" (carcajadas). Tengo que ser así. Y al comenzar este trabajo que he estado haciendo durante 28 años, al principio yo estaba desilusionado de no ser sensitivo, yo canalizaba y sin embargo no sentía todas las energías que sentía la gente a mi alrededor.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 23 de Junio, 2017

Mike Quinsey
Los acontecimientos de la Tierra están cogiendo ritmo porque el karma sin limpiar se está resolviendo por sí mismo y porque estáis experimentando como si pareciese ir a peor. Por favor, tened en cuenta que sólo los que necesitan limpiar deudas kármicas están directamente involucrados, y eso incluye a los que a menudo se ven como espectadores inocentes. Aunque es probable que no os lo parezca a muchos de vosotros, todas las almas implicadas pueden estar limpiando viejo karma, porque quieren comenzar el nuevo ciclo con las menos deudas posibles. Tened siempre en cuenta que ellos tienen pre-acuerdos antes de encarnar, así que nada sucede por casualidad o por accidente.

Blossom Goodchild - June 25, 2017

Hello there. Ok, let’s get this party started. It’s 11.11. Whoo hoo! More enquiries as to how to access that key within us? Any other clues as to how to play The Game? Have many people sussed it out and ‘finished’? These and more are the kind of questions souls are asking. Can you oblige us?

In the first instance we offer you our heartfelt Gratitude for ‘Being on board’.

Oh, how I wish I was!

Yet, so often you are.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday June 25, 2017

Dear Ones, so many of you have the idea that if you are going to create change it has to happen all at once. But the reality is true change is a process of unfoldment, a blending and coming together of many different elements, many of those happening behind the scenes in preparation of when it all comes together in a tangible way.

Ron Head - The Council – Comes the Dawn - June 25, 2017

The Council – Comes the Dawn

You have been told many times, in many languages, that the world around you is a mirror. And most often, it has been taken by you as meaning your individual selves. And most often that has been because you have been on a quest to make yourself better, thinking you were not good enough in some way.

But the world around you is not just something that you, as an individual, have constructed, is it? Or is it? Let us say that a world that each and every living individual has not contributed, consciously or unconsciously, to its content and form does not exist. Some things you have called into being, others you have allowed. But everything in your world you have agreed to in some way. You are, as has been said, co-creators. You manifest. You cannot not manifest. And as each does this, a world comes into form.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing - June 25, 2017

Dear One,

Your conscious presence in the world leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Your Soul's task is to carry the light of Love and Truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Through this intention you will bring more Peace and Light into the world.

Being a visionary, you see in your mind that which you wish to accomplish. It becomes your intention, as if you are taking aim, pulling back the bow and shooting your arrow toward your target. With this clarity, you will surely reach your mark. There is, however, the question of when.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - 6/25/17

JUNE 25, 2017

Dear ones, be not afraid of what you are seeing and hearing, for these are the symbols of a changing universe, the dying throes of old energy that is soon to become part of another world in which you who have chosen to awaken need not take part. All have been given the choice to ascend. Most are un-aware of this, but on the deeper levels, everyone is choosing.

Try not to fear for or be concerned about family and friends who may be choosing not to awaken at this time. Their Higher Self in its infinite wisdom may know that they need more three dimensional type experiences before they will be ready to leave them behind. Every person will ascend into higher levels of awareness at some point in their journey, it is inevitable. Mans true nature is Divine and he is not meant to spend forever living the experiences of illusory beliefs.