viernes, septiembre 02, 2016

Blossom Goodchild - Galactic Federation of Light - Sept 2, 2016

Good morning. I’m happy to tell you, yet I expect you already know, that since last week’s channelling, there has been a ceasefire on a 52 yr. old war in Columbia. So, I was pretty impressed with your prediction my friends. Well done you. Are we ready for a session?

We are. And we thank you for the accolades and yet, not at all necessary. We simply like to assist in the ongoing matters that lie ahead, by making you aware of ‘happenings’ that may or may not occur … for in Truth , it is not in our hands.

This I understand. Yet, I was impressed none the less. What road shall we travel down today?

Let us consider matters that are likely to be of interest to you. It appears that although there is much excitement in the ‘ranks’ would we say … that many are subdued and ‘on their last legs’ pertaining to this ‘waiting game’ … as one would so call it.

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – September 2, 2016

The movement against the dark Ones is gaining pace as more groups take action against them. The overall affect will diminish their power and prevent them from carrying out their plan. It enables those of the Light to work with little interference and thus able to achieve their aims. The end times will therefore fulfil their earlier promises of ensuring that Ascension fully takes place. Outwardly there is a picture of continuing turmoil but in time most will come to an end, or be forced to stop their actions. Be aware that there are Beings such as the Spheres who are many thousands of years ahead of Man, and have technologies that are far greater than anything that has even been thought possible. They can change things in an instant and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop them. In spite of all that they would not interfere in any way that would take away our karmic responsibilities.

jueves, septiembre 01, 2016

Jamye Price - September 2016 Ascension Energies - September 1, 2016

August Review
August was a fast-paced month, as per usual in these times. The energies I read for the month came in at the last minute, as I was told, “not yet,” when I would check in to prepare. When the information came in, I was shown a Blank Slate, and it came with palpable joy and excitement from my Guides. I was told that so many had shifted within, that we were at a new potential, a resetting of our timeline. This is not obvious to most, it is subtle information. It is forming within, not yet visible. That is where real change begins. Thank you for all the internal shifting you’ve been doing. Critical mass is being affected.
What is Culminating Now
Let’s take this back a little farther. December 21, 2012 was a point in time that marked us moving into the supportive energies of a building phase as we moved through the Galactic Center. A reset point in many ways as well. It was a marker point, not the end-all-be-all of Ascension. Kind of like a wedding isn’t the entire marriage. 2013 wasn’t the easiest of years energetically. Areon called it a year of release, as we adjusted to the influx of energy that alignment with the Galactic Center brought.

Dana Mrkich - Solar Eclipse: Moving on from 'not enough' land - September 1, 2016

We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo today on the first day of Spring (Southern Hemisphere)/Autumn (Northern Hemisphere).  It’s a perfect day to shift gears and get yourself moving onto a new train track where needed.
With this Solar Eclipse opposite Neptune, we might be confronted by something to do with the visions and dreams we have for our life.  Some of our visions and dreams we intentionally ‘put out there’ or hope for, while others have always been inside us or come to us intuitively, showing us something that feels ‘meant’ for our future.
We always hear about the positive side of visions and dreams, how they inspire us and move us forward toward a desired goal. Millions of people seek out glimpses of what is to come to give them hope and direction, be it by getting a reading or using an intuitive tool. Yet there is another side to visions and dreams too.


Escribí esto en Julio cuando estábamos en la Autopista 101 yendo al norte de California. El tráfico estaba prácticamente parado y podía "sentir" el aura de todos los fuegos que estaban encendidos en esa área del Estado. Recuerdo que le pregunté a los Arcturianos sobre las próximas elecciones presidenciales, y escribí la respuesta en el único papel que pude encontrar. No lo liberé hasta ahora, bueno, ustedes sabrán por qué razón cuando lo lean....

Querida Suzille,

Como sabes, los Estados Unidos siempre han sido una corporación y nunca han estado en una democracia. Antes de que las personas de América puedan cambiar esta situación, necesitarán saber sobre ella. Pero muchos no desean saber. Permanecerán en la Matriz 3D, la cual se auto-destruirá gradualmente.

La tercera dimensión es en realidad un "cohete" para la ascensión de Gaia. Con cada nacimiento hay una muerte. El saco amniótico está vivo mientras nutre el feto, pero muere de manera que el infante pueda vivir. Así como algunas madres arácnidas se dan a sí mismas como comida de manera que sus muchos bebés arácnidos puedan sobrevivir, algunos miembros de los Estados Unidos sienten la necesidad de "comer su madre tierra" de manera de poder sobrevivir. Pero NO se les permitirá "comer el planeta".

Kara Schallock - Siendo Amor; Siendo Paz - 28 de Agosto 2016

Traducción: Ana Tallon

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Continuamos recibiendo influjos constantes de bajadas de Luz. Toda esta Luz trae consigo más y más viejas energías que ya no nos son útiles. Surgen nuevas creencias, acompañadas de pena, sentimiento de pérdida y sensación de abandono, entre otros. Cuando sientes que alguien te ha herido, esto muestra que todavía retienes energía de victimización. Si no la dejas ir, continuarás creando circunstancias en las cuales sentirte que alguien o algo te ha hecho daño. ¡No somos víctimas! Si, en cambio, todavía guardas dolores antiguos que aún te afectan, seguirás creando más circunstancias que prueben que realmente eres víctima. Una manera de soltar a cualquiera que sientas te ha hecho daño (desde la conciencia de víctima y del ego disociado) es usar este ejercicio que los libera a ambos del vínculo que los ata, que mantiene el ciclo destructivo en movimiento. Es un ejercicio de auto Perdón y Libertad…



Beloved masters, even though it may not seem so from your vantage point, wondrous things are transpiring throughout this Sub-Universe. By now many of you are aware that your galaxy, and particularly your small planet, are the focal point of these momentous happenings. Before your planet was created, it was decreed that it would become the Zero Point or the central focus for a new creative endeavor—whereby the Angelic Realm, the Cocreator Gods, the Great Beings of Light, and the StarSeed from throughout the Omniverse would send forth Fragments of their Essence to Earth, and thereby, they would bring their Light, their wisdom and their desire to assist in fulfilling the Creator’s Grand Plan.
To some degree, all of humanity and the Earth’s Soul consciousness are reaching inward and upward to connect with our Father/Mother God, while the Supreme Creator is opening the pathway from the core of Its Being throughout the Multi-Universes—the Great Central Suns, the Multi-Dimensions, and the many realms of Creation in order to incorporate and harvest the beauty and magnificence of what has been wrought by all of us in the name of our Omnipotent Creator. Those of you who are firmly on the Path of expanded spiritual awareness realize that you are living in unique and unprecedented times.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - SEPTEMBER 2016

This newsletter is lovingly crafted by Spirit

any imperfections in spelling and grammar only enhance its beauty and uniquenessJ

Quantum Newsletters have been lovingly translated into ‘Spanish’ by Suzy Peralta from Argentina for many years. Thank you dear Lady of Light


The hard way or the easy way

There are profound and intense energies happening at this time. Do not ask for any upgradment for your biological unit or your emotional unit. The energies that come forth moving at Millions of miles a second come forth from deep space, from a supernova that turned into a white hole.
The white hole pours itself forward into the center of our Earth-heart. These energies have no consciousness they only have a mission to move throughout the cosmos and deposit their truth in living beings.

Because man is a hybrid and stardust runs in his veins, anything that comes forth from deep space brings an SOS, a memo, a deep remembrance and activation. The energies that come forth pouring into the human heart do so at the request of the Divine Creator. For even though his presence is not seen as much as in days of old. the rhetoric we still hold with divinity always reaches its Source and Source always answers.

Sarah Varcas - 1 SEPTIEMBRE 2016: ECLIPSE SOLAR A 10 GRADOS DE VIRGO, A LAS 9:04 a.m., horario de las montañas(usa) - 31 de Agosto 2016

Mercury retrograde in Virgo, conscious relationships, compassion, deep truth, patience, wisdom, faith, Solar eclipse in Virgo September 2016, eclipse season personal truth, spiritual development, facing the shadow, self-acceptance, forgiveness. Thich Nhat Hanh

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

De la Oscuridad a la Luz

Este eclipse solar ilumina la aventura de vivir en el mundo material, mientras adoptamos los reinos invisibles de la energía y la esencia. Este es el camino del místico de todos los días, que vive en comunión con lo divino mientras friega el piso y se friega las uñas, paga las cuentas, se gana el salario y saca la basura. Sin embargo, experimentamos este eclipse a un nivel personal, y el mensaje fundamental será el mismo: no podemos ni responder de un modo puramente pragmático y conectado a tierra, y ni podemos responder sólo como un espíritu trascendente falto de conexión con el mundo cotidiano. Nos desafía a reconocer y honrar la verdad espiritual en el medio de la vida cotidiana, encarnando su presencia y manifestando su fruto. En esencia, nos recuerda que la verdad es una vibración, una energía, una fuerza correctora que nos realinea con el todo.

Lena Stevens - September 2016 Monthly Forecast - Sept 1, 2016

A monthly support audio Mp3 with Anna and Lena will help you with further discussion, suggestions, exercises, shamanic support, icaros and guided visualizations. This month’s Mp3 includes useful guidance and support for some of the important opportunities and challenges for the month. Click on the Buy the Supporting Audio above to purchase or for more info.

Note: if you are reprinting or sharing any part of this forecast please include author and web information to comply with copyright law.

The main theme for September is “TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS”.

It is a month of “getting your ducks in a row”, finishing projects, handling details, finally getting to what you have procrastinated, and making choices about what stays and what goes.

Mercury has gone retrograde for several weeks giving us a good container for the discipline and attention we need to stay focused on what is important. What supports us during this process is the opportunity to open our hearts to what is truly ours and to embrace our “business” from a place of acceptance and commitment instead of resistance.