viernes, septiembre 25, 2015

Kryon - "The New Human P1" Mini Channelling September 19, 2015

Sarah Varcas - 27/28 de Septiembre del 2015: Eclipse Total de Luna y Súper Luna en Aries - Una Maravilla Cósmica - 25 de Septiembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Image: ‘Within the Opening Lotus’ by Gary Rosenberg

El eclipse es total a las 2:48 AM UT* el 28 de septiembre del 2015 en el 5to. grado de Aries. Este es un eclipse particularmente poderoso, destinado a desatar un torbellino de cambio. La subjetividad puede estar ampliamente generalizada, así como la abundancia de opiniones, obstruyendo nuestra visión ante perspectivas alternativas igualmente ciertas. Por otra parte la verdad puede golpearnos la cabeza en formas no experimentadas antes, haciendo que simplemente desaparezca la carga de viejas creencias. Una Súper Luna está siempre muy energizada y es influyente, pero su posicionamiento cercano a la tierra afecta nuestra objetividad y puede encandilarnos – y dejarnos ciegos – ante nuestras limitaciones. Coincidiendo con un eclipse, esta Luna indica un momento de profunda introspección cuando podemos percibir con mayor claridad cuán constreñidos estamos y cómo la reactividad inconsciente nos mantiene confinados.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Nuevo Humano - 1era Parte - Valencia, España – 19 de Septiembre de 2015

No se informa quién ha estado a cargo de la traducción simultánea
El audio se puede escuchar con traducción simultánea al español

Saludos, queridos, soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunos dirán que este mensaje es un resumen, pero he optado por darlo para que los elementos se unan de una forma en que no se han unido antes. Entre esta noche y la siguiente presento una serie denominada el Nuevo Humano. Es hermosa; es benevolente; es sobre ti. Queridos, no estaríais sentados en las sillas a menos que esto os importara. No estaríais sentados aquí sin intentar entender algo que es difícil de entender. Información sobre lo que está ocurriendo. Mi socio dice que estamos en un cambio, y yo estoy en desacuerdo con él; más, aún más. Estáis en una energía en la que nunca habéis estado antes; esto no es un ciclo. Todo en el planeta hasta aquí ha sido un ciclo. Igual que el tiempo, igual que la astronomía; la Tierra atraviesa ciclos; pero este no es un ciclo. Todo está cambiando gradualmente. Miramos hacia afuera y nos enteramos de los cambios en el clima, vemos las noticias y vemos que hay cosas diferentes que están ocurriendo. Y mi mensaje desde el principio ha sido que nos aprontáramos para esto. Y el cambio principal se dará en la humanidad.

SaLuSa - 25 September 2015

Dear Ones, what an important and exciting time has arrived, when many of you will be able to feel the upliftment resulting from the incoming level of energies. Those of you who do will know beyond doubt that the changes are beginning to bring about welcome changes. You only have to look around you to see that in the midst of them is evidence of changes for the better. Very soon you will have had even more evidence of them, and it will become quite clear as to the direction that Humanity is going in. There will of necessity be a clearing out of the old that no longer serves you, but at the same time the new energies will become established. The Illuminati will make their last attempt to keep on their chosen path but it will be to no avail, as their power has been seriously curtailed by the Galactic Forces that surround the Earth. So have no fear as all is progressing well but be patient as all benefits will come in good time – you are in the period of the Great Awakening.

Sarah Varcas - A Cosmic Humdinger - September 25, 2015

The eclipse occurs at 2:48 a.m. UT on 28th September 2015, in the 5th degree of Aries. This is a particularly powerful eclipse, set to unleash a whirlwind of change. Subjectivity may be rife and opinions abound, blinding us to alternative perspectives equally true. On the other hand truth may bop us over the head in ways not previously experienced, causing the burden of old beliefs to simply drop away. A Super Moon is always highly energised and influential, but its positioning close to the earth mitigates against objectivity and can leave us blinkered by – but blind to – our own limitations. Coinciding with an eclipse, this Moon indicates a time of deep insight when we can perceive with greater clarity just how constrained we are and how unconscious reactivity keeps us confined.

jueves, septiembre 24, 2015

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration: from Mary Magdalene on Divine Harmony - September 24, 2015

~~Another Divine Aspect illuminated by Mary Magdalene, very timely to focus on through the balancing energies of the recent Equinox and through this beautifully intense energy of the coming Total Lunar Eclipse:

Mary Magdalene: Hello Beloveds. Today I wish to discuss the Divine Aspect of Harmony. It is a sublime energy comprised of myriad energies coming together in balance. It is the quintessence of your journey here on Earth, the coming together of all your aspects and in complete wholeness, in complete balance and force.

Behold magenta waves of perfection infiltrating all your four bodies now (physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies). Behold the soft but substantial presence of a coming together of energies, winding their way in a blending and an integrity that sweeps your whole consciousness.

Within Divine Harmony is the freedom to let go of all dissonance and encompass all into a balanced whole. Within this energy (of Divine Harmony) is possibility of a coming together of all Hearts of Humanity, substantiating the Love within them to allowance of and acceptance of all that is present.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Final Blood Moon: anchoring unity creation - September 24, 2015

Happy belated equinox dear people of HEART!

We may have merely survived another season of ascension, but the one that follows promises to be unlike ANY other…in the history of everness.

When I sat down to transcribe this report, the first words that entered my mind were: “The new world consciousness begins now.”

If you are not feeling the truth of that already, you will soon enuf. We all have our own perfect, unique, divine timing…one that dovetails into the perfection of our lives, relationships and personal creations. Aka, ALL is well.

Ron Head - The Council - September 24, 2015


We wish to discuss today the expectation of, and the reality of, this expected ‘portal’ of ascension that many of you are placing your hopes upon. We think it is a topic that should be understood now so that you do not continue to set yourselves up for such disappointments as you seem to repeatedly do.

In the latter part of your year of 2012, you did this same sort of thing. You built up your expectations and emotional investment to a point that would have been very hard to satisfy, even were most of them to be fulfilled.

Benjamin Fulford - September 21, 2015: Will big UN love-fest just turn into attempt by cabal to look nice and keep in power

The next few weeks should reveal if radical changes in how this planet is run are going to be announced or if it will be the same old criminals trying to keep in power by putting on a nice face. The interesting event to watch in the near future is the lunar eclipse on September 28th. That is because the cabalists who have been running this planet claim to time their manipulation of geopolitical events to the movements of the heavens.

This sounds like crazy talk until you realize that Presidents Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia, Barack Obama of the United States, Francois Hollande of France, Hassan Rouhani of Iran etc. are all due to be speaking at the UN on that date. The question is will they be announcing the birth of a world government or a new age, or will they simply spout platitudes before going back to business as usual?

Marlene Swetlishoff - AA Gabriel - September 24, 2015

Beloved Ones,
I wish to have discourse on the quality of love known as reverence. This quality manifests as a deep appreciation for the splendour and beauty of the world around one. It is also an inner longing to connect to something greater than oneself. It is a quality of the heart that leads one to look for the good in all things. The feeling of reverence gives voice to one’s desire for a connection to the divine, to find fulfillment beyond oneself in the mystery of life and the sacredness of all things. Embodying this quality brings one closer to other people and to the world around them. It is the experience of transcending oneself and opening to something greater. It is feeling a sense of wonder that the beauty and glory that they experience in the world was brought forth from the Creator for their sheer enjoyment of it. These feelings are sacred moments which encompass a disposition of the heart that acknowledges the beauty, goodness and wonder of every creation. It fills their heart with praise and gratitude to the Creator for the beauty, the wonder, and the mystery of creation. They celebrate the Creator as the source and foundation of all things, seen, unseen and felt.