jueves, marzo 19, 2015

Benjamín Fulford - Big public announcements and news events make it clear Khazarian rule is ending - Mar 16, 2015

There can be no doubt now that the global Khazarian crime syndicate is being dismantled by white hats in the US and Europe along with their BRICS allies. This can be seen in the many extraordinary events that have been taking place both in public and in secret.

Perhaps the biggest, and hardest to deny, indication that something has changed has been the British governments’ decision to join the China initiated Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank as a founding member. What this means is that the British, and the City of London Financial, district have split with the US financial oligarchs who own the Federal Reserve Board, the IMF and the World Bank. The other thing is that, starting on March 20th, the British bullion banks will cede control of the daily gold price fix to regulators, paving the way for control of the gold market by the BRICS. This means that London, Singapore and Hong Kong financial markets are moving to the new financial system. This leaves only two of the world’s major financial markets, Tokyo and New York, under Khazarian control. As you will see below, Tokyo too is about to break free.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 
Nearby is the Kingdom of Heaven, nearby is the
reality in God, and the day, which changes 
everything, is close.
Why does it have the greatest significance that you 
turn again toward your own perfection and the redemption 
of all issues? It is, so that the process of planetary and 
societal transformation can be continued rapidly. Those 
human Beings, who create the new world within self, 
before it becomes visible on the outer, create the 
energy for the change.

miércoles, marzo 18, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Una fase se cierra y una enorme puerta se abre - 17 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Esta semana nos encontramos al final de un capítulo astrológico principal y al comienzo de uno nuevo también principal. Desde junio del 2012 Urano ha estado en cuadratura con Plutón no solamente una vez sino siete veces. Ambos sujetos son especialistas en transformación.

Sirian Archangel Hermes - Reveal the Truth, Expose the Liars - Mar 18, 2015

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now with a series of astrological, solar, lunar, geomagnetic and equinoctial events all taking place now within your linear time space. All of these events happening at the same moment within a space of linear time signals a cosmic calling, the angels trumpets are sounding more each passing moment, and those whom have been blessed with the eyes to see, and the ears to hear, are using their voices to speak! It is through our voice, our channel, that I speak to you now, as many, as one.
There have been more signs than ever before in your skies, upon your lands, and beneath your seas, yet, we of the sirian archangelic league are still working with a sense of urgency with many of you, who remain blinded and unable to break free. Political events are all coming to a head and the dark cabal continues their efforts to initiate a full scale world war. We wish to be very clear in this channel, with our message, as the time has now come to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Brenda Hoffman - El Nuevo Tú está Resolviendo Misterios de 3D - 2 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Vuestra vida nunca volverá a ser como es hoy o como fue ayer. Algunos de ustedes están sintiendo este cambio profundo. Otros se están preguntando de qué se tratan los mensajes recientes sobre cambios dramáticos.

Los canales han declarado, “Lo que fue ya no lo es más” durante años. A pesar de ello, el cambio que está sucediendo ahora es verdaderamente la demarcación entre lo que era y lo que es. Previo a las energías que ahora llueven sobre la Tierra, tu has vivido una vida 3D con intenciones y sensaciones de 5D, 6D o más allá. Eso ya no es más.

Después de este cambio en particular, serás de la tierra, pero no de 3D. Esto es difícil de comprender para muchos porque probablemente continuarás con tu trabajo, quizás con una necesidad de cuidar de otros mayores o menores que tú y de otras relaciones similares basadas en el tú de 3D. Sin embargo, esas relaciones 3D se están desvaneciendo rápidamente porque tienes poco interés en continuar roles de 3D.

Sarah Varcas - 19/20 de marzo del 2015: Eclipse Solar en Piscis. Sincronizando los Corazones - Mar 17, 2015


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Este eclipse total de sol ocurre a las 9:47 GMT el 20 de marzo en el grado final del zodíaco. Un eclipse aquí habla de conclusión a gran escala. Las cosas que estaban al alcance de la mano y a las que no pudimos acceder, desaparecen; las oportunidades pospuestas para un ‘mejor momento’ se disuelven; las riquezas acaparadas pierden su valor. Este grado del zodíaco lleva hasta su cierre grandes ciclos de tiempo y cambio, temas y patrones de vida importantes. Un eclipse aquí nos recuerda que el cosmos tiene su propio itinerario, entretejiendo su designio a lo largo de nuestras vidas con o sin nuestro consentimiento. Estamos enfrentados con la elección de sincronizar nuestro reloj interno del corazón con aquel de los cielos u ocupar nuestra propia zona de tiempo – a veces en sincronización, a veces fuera de ella, luchando por imponer nuestra propia programación al desenvolvimiento de la creación sagrada. Las terminaciones que ahora enfrentamos, sean pérdidas, decepciones o cierres liberadores, nos recuerdan la necesidad de una alineación profunda y comprometida con la fuerza divina de aquí en adelante, a medida que ésta se abre camino en nuestras vidas.

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine Consciousness / written by the Enlightened Master on 18th of March.2015

The current situation & the Presence of the Divine conscious

The cosmic anomaly is healed completely, and the test to pass the pulse through it was successfully done...

The universe with its new fabric of Time & Space works with all its energies...

The veil is surrounded with Light and waiting for your hearts readiness, to announce the breakthrough...

The Dimensions and the 7 realms are alignment...

The fleet of confederation stands ready, waiting for the sign...

Lena Stevens - New Moon/Equinox update 3-20-15


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Dear Friends,

The New Moon is Friday March 20 at 3:36AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). There is a total solar eclipse at the same time visible in the Far East. The Spring Equinox is also on March 20, at 4:45PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT). This is obviously a very powerful time and should be honored and not wasted.

The equinox is always a time of restart, renewal and setting up a good container for how you wish to show up as you move into the newness of spring. When you have a new moon at the same time, there is even a more powerful opportunity to anchor this new start. When there is an eclipse, it intensifies everything. So be careful what you ask for and how you ask for it. Make sure you are not unconsciously asking for something you don’t really want. We have been in a tricky time emotionally where fuses are short and people are reactionary. There is a lot of energy that can either be used for conflict or for productivity and breakthrough. Make sure that your intentions are not based on negative reactions but rather on inspiration and a desire for positive growth and improvement in your life.

Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn - The Phoenix Rising: Equinox and Eclipses March/April 2015 - March 18, 2015

Beloved Family of Light, this is a most powerful and awe-inspiring time in your Planetary Evolution! You have begun a period of intense change and dimensional shift that is changing the nature of your Planet profoundly. At this Equinox moment of Spring for the North and Fall for the South, the energy of Renewal and Regeneration is being powerfully activated in the manifestation of the New Reality and the New Earth.
The Phoenix is the symbol for this powerful energy of Fire that is rising on the Earth and doing its work of Transmutation and Transformation. From the Ashes of the Old, the New is seeded and is arising!
The Phoenix Energy is particularly strong at the March Equinox, together with the Solar Eclipse and New Moon. The New Solar Light Codes are being installed, and a New Beginning awaits the Planet.
This will be followed on the 4th April with a Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon, where the Water Element will be the dominant transformational element. The Lunar Codes will be imprinted on the Cosmic Waters and the Waters of Earth to bring forth a "New Creation" and a "New Heaven and a New Earth".

martes, marzo 17, 2015

Dana Mrkich - Transformación Implacable - 6 de Marzo 2015

Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Liberaciones emocionales son probables en este momento - después de todo es la Luna llena, y una super-cargada en este aspecto. Las liberaciones son limpiadoras y transformadoras, ayudándote a verte a ti mismo o a otro de una manera más clara, permitiéndote dejar ir un poco de tristeza o de heridas, y seguir adelante con más espacio para una mayor libertad, y amor por ti mismo.

Esta Luna Llena en Virgo está pulsando totalmente con Energía de Transformación. En parte debido a que Plutón, el señor "Métete en tu Poder" la está aspectando. En parte debido a que Urano, el señor "Voy a aparecer por el campo izquierdo y te haré moverte diez espacios a través del tablero de ajedrez antes de que te enteres qué fue lo que te golpeó” la está aspectando. Y en parte porque se siente como que el Cambio ha decidido ponerse a toda marcha este año, moviéndonos a todos a super-velocidad en cada oportunidad posible.