viernes, febrero 13, 2015

Vinícius Francis - Los Elohim: Realizando vuestros sueños con Postividad y Fe - Feb 9, 2015

La positividad y la fe pueden llevar al hombre a experimentar la realización de todos sus sueños e ideales. Todos ustedes tienen metas en la vida y por eso, decimos estas palabras. Cuando están positivos en sí mismos y convencidos que nada más es que tener y ejercer la fe, los caminos simplemente se abren.
Muchos de los humanos que ahora viven en la superficie de la Tierra  se quejan de sus vidas por no tener aquello que desean y por no usufructuar la vida que juzgan merecer. Sin embargo, nosotros, como energías no físicas que trabajan en la creación de lo que ustedes llaman la materia, comprendemos por qué ciertas cosas no suceden para muchos humanos.
Hay siempre mucho fluyendo en vuestra dirección y eso no sería ninguna exageración de nuestra parte, visto que saben cuán grande e infinito es el Universo. Entonces, si pueden tener conocimiento acerca de la diversidad abundante que en él existe en unión con la extensión del mismo, pueden, en lo mínimo, considerar razonable lo que hablamos aquí.

Jim Self - Webinar - New Platforms to Experience 2015 - Part One

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Ascension Symptoms Alert: I Want to Go Home and Ascend NOW! - February 13, 2015

Most star beings already have or will most likely experience this during their time on Gaia.
Many of the Blue Ray and New Forerunner Star Seeds may be experiencing ranges of intensity of emotions that can include sadness and frustration due to core structuring expansion in the crystalline light body and fields. As you are also entering new time lines and cycle of dimension this can create a sense the job is done and a missing of home—completion.
The endings and beginnings of the New Earth dimensions and vibrations can stir a deep longing for true connections and familiar landscape, as there seems to be no energetic place to go back to and yet not a visible recognizable future space. You, the New Earth Forerunners, Blue Rays, and Gatekeepers are the first to walk through these new parameters of dimension of time and space, decoding and surveying as you go. You, the divine designer, code frequencies carriers and change makers, are the transformers that make palpable a path and a way for others. Your heart spirit longing to connect with your star and soul family is the catalyst that will open these energetic pathways and opportunities for these sacred reunions to occur here on Gaia. 444

Ronna - MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “¿Estarán Ustedes Entre Los Escogidos?” - Feb 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Amados maestros, para muchos de ustedes, es el comienzo de un nuevo año en la Tierra; sin embargo, cuando ustedes miran al panorama mayor – desde nuestro punto de vista – es el comienzo de una nueva era, y una nueva Era Dorada. Muchos de ustedes protestarán, pero no parece como una nueva Era Dorada. En el pasado, cualquier nueva Creación que se presentaba en el plano de la tierra conllevaba mucho esfuerzo y a menudo dolor, lucha y disputa. Ese es todavía el modo de la Creación en muchas partes de su mundo; sin embargo, no necesita serlo. Les hemos dicho que la Luz se está separando de las sombras, y es casi como si dos mundos se solaparan, uno sobre el otro. Un mundo está lleno de diversos grados de temor, odio, juicio, avaricia y un deseo de control y conquista de todos los terrenos de la Tierra, así como un deseo de dominar y sojuzgar a la gente de la Tierra por todos los medios que sean necesarios. Los billones de hermosas Almas jóvenes atrapadas en el vórtice de este caos en constante aceleración son las que sufren más. Ese mundo se deteriora rápidamente como un manto de todas las formas de pensamiento negativas que descienda sobre aquellas tierras y magnifique los vórtices de odio que se han creado. Oh, sí, hay vórtices de oscuridad, al igual que hay vórtices de Luz, y el Armagedón anunciado ha llegado seguramente a esos sitios.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, February 13, 2015

I am here today to speak with you about the coming times. I am St. Germain, and I am a part of what will be progressing around the world in the coming days. As the situation changes around the world in various ways, and with the people who are at present standing in what they consider to be their power, there will be a noticeable change come into being. These ones who consider themselves to have power over the minions will realize that is all in the past. It was a role they were to play. As the positions changed in the recent past, their positions came into a great deal of power loss. That has brought about a great deal of movement in the ability for others to stand in another place of power, and show the world what will be coming to the whole of humanity and all of life on earth.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Induction Period: the apprenticeship begins - February 13, 2015

Mercury is now direct and we are finally beginning to comprehend what is being revealed within. While we get our bearings and retrace all the necessary mental steps for the next couple weeks, pay close attention to what your higher mind is communicating to you.
There is an important new level understanding beginning to emerge and for those at the frontier of human consciousness, it is becoming increasingly more clear that the game has changed, as has our involvement in it.
We are born again.  For those at the fore, the incomprehensible initiation period ends and each of us is being called to a new level participation with life.  We have broken the mold and together we are discovering what it means to be here in this new now, in a very curious way.  There’s a sense of wonderment and awe, having no idea what is about to unfold, yet with the unwavering certainty that what whatever awaits us will be at once brand new and deeply familiar. There is also a sense of will life become everything I dreamed of, hoped for?  And the answer to that is no…simply because what is becoming of us is not something we, as yet, have a context for.

SaLuSa - February 13, 2015

The Illusion that you live whilst on Earth is of your making, because you were allowed the freedom of choice when experiencing separation from the whole. Naturally those in Spirit accompanying you through your many lives have tried to guide you towards the Light. At this stage the cycle that you are in is ending, and you are being given your last opportunity to reach the stage in your evolution when you no longer have a need to live in the lower vibrations. For as long as you have been in this cycle and for most of you that will be from the beginning some 26,500 years ago, the opportunities have existed for growth through experience. However, some souls have become so lacking in Light and attached to the lower vibrations, that they have little or no concept of how to lift themselves up, or of their true nature. Along with your Spiritual Guides, we also try to enlighten them but many are in denial. So at the end of the cycle you may be sure that every chance is taken and help given to awaken souls to their true selves.

UFO Sightings Of 2015. (February) Part 1

jueves, febrero 12, 2015

Marlene Swetlishoff - Archangel Gabriel - February 12, 2015

Beloved Ones,
Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as charity. Charity is the practice of benevolent caring and giving, of being considerate of others and showing compassion for their current state of being. It is also learning about the importance of empathy within self in relation to others, and how this quality of love expressed brings profound joy to both the giver and the receiver. Charity is doing acts out of love without thought for something in return and is beyond mere kindness; it is the pure joy of giving which includes much more than material things. This giving from the heart can have many faces, such as sharing a warm smile with a stranger, an encouraging hug to a friend or family member, or kind and thoughtful word of appreciation. When one expresses the loving quality of charity, it means they have loving tolerance, compassion and patient empathy for the perceived failings or errors of others. All of this is done not out of a sense of duty or responsibility but rather out of the abundance of warmth and love that one feels welling up inside them. The more charity one gives out to others, the more flows back in. This is the joy of love in action, the outward manifestation of charity where one kind action leads to another. A single act of kindness from one person throws out kindness in a radiating circle, and the action taken touches more people than an individual realizes. 

Judith Dagley – YOU Are The Chooser – 12 February 2015

Hello through the warmest of frequencies to You as always, Beloved!
We whoosh in briefly because we feel a convergence of energy in these last 24 of your hours. A NEW awareness is ready to emerge more strongly within You. This NEW awareness is akin to the beginning of a “paradigm shift,” as You call a leap of perspective into a more expanded perception of who You are. It has the potential to be such a powerful leap that we feel compelled to add our frequencies of confirmation to it, as well:
You are free and sovereign to choose your own way in every moment.