jueves, enero 08, 2015

Eliza: Volte-face - January 8, 2015

Stetattle Ridge
Eliza: Volte-face
Oye! The alteration in my feelings and direction altered quite irrevocably with the beginning of this New Year. It’s as if I was going in one direction and then woke up and found myself traveling in a completely new direction. Yet it is all me… now, at least.
How to explain what happened during this past year leaves me a little speechless. I am not going to blame anyone or even myself. There were no mistakes made or injustice done. What I went through was another layer of experience to add to my already thick portfolio.
What is my truth? What is my direction? Where am I going?
I really can’t answer those questions with surety, thus is the current momentum of change. We are all being stripped of whatever doesn’t belong to us, what we don’t need any more, whether it be another person’s ideas, our own prejudices and beliefs about ourselves, our fears and doubts… all of it must be left behind. The higher frequencies of the planet will not allow us to go forward into the new with these things.

Como Grabar OVNIs y Chemtrails Invisibles modificando cámaras de video viejas

miércoles, enero 07, 2015

The Enlightened Master - What is happening in our sun? Jan 7,.2015

What is happening in our sun?
I will explain in points:

First of all, happy new circle…. the years of Galaxy’s Night have ended {the ending days are from 1st of Jan.2015 until 7th of Jan.2015} and on 8th of Jan. 2015 we will start in the daytime of the galaxy, the new circle is not only in the galaxy, but also coincides with the end circle since 13.7 Billion year (the Big Bang Circle), and the beginning of the new one..

The end of all Old Timelines with the end of the circle, and the beginning of the new timelines with the new circle...

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – 2015 At A Glance – 7 January 2015

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs seen in Sedona Journal
Received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
As your human intelligence and telepathic tentacles reach out deep into the heart of the universe a joining is created. As you search for the highest truth in the deepest abyss you become fluid of nature.  As a species you seek what has been withheld from you. You as reflection of the Creator have a DNA/RNA sequence that holds what you seek to know. In other words you core cell biology knows the answers to all the questions your soul will ask. You seek resolution as all the instincts beat thru your veins. The very thing that has been withheld from you lives deep within the very soul of your being.  It is this that seeks to dismantle and ride your humanness into stardom in an unbridled fashion. 

martes, enero 06, 2015

WOW! Man Discovers Tunnel to Egypt's Great Pyramid Under His House!

Sheldan Nidle's Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Jan 6, 2015

The coming time is therefore to be one filled with deeds that are to push the cabal from power and permit mass arrests of the entire leadership of this malicious group. This new reality is to be set forth in rapid stages.

from PAO ~ Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan 
6 Cimi, 4 Chen, 11 Ik

Dratzo! We arrive with some very interesting news! The process, which is changing your reality, continues to move forward despite attempts by the dark cabal to delay it further. This caused the failure to announce the merest of beginnings for the delivery of your prosperity packages. The dark, overall, has failed to prevent the start of these deliveries. However, this process is moving toward a time when such success can be publicly noticed. On the whole, we are satisfied that those governments now controlled by the dark are on their last legs. The first month of the New Year promises to give you the prosperity and governance which has long been prophesized for you. Our earthly allies are determined to overcome any possible obstacles and give you a new financial system. This system is to force the drastic realigning of various regimes in the West and rapidly create new governance. It is this new governance that is finally to permit disclosure to happen. It is this dramatic event that propels us onto the world’s stage. Much is to occur once this special moment happens. Our personnel are ready to announce themselves and open the communication channels with you.

James Gilliland Message for 2015

Pray It Forward This New Years
This coming Sunday night there will be a full moon. It is an excellent time to re-evaluate what worked and what did not work so well in the preceding year. A time to get real clear about what you want, gain the wisdom from the past and release it. Don't carry those balls and chains into the future. Rather than just focus on what you want for the new year how about a prayer for others. How about a New Years Resolution to include those in your inner circle and outer circle as well to find their way to living a loving, joyous, prosperous life. You might want to add a little universal peace into the mix. I believe

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, January 06, 2015

I am here today to tell you of a change in government; I speak of government of the people and for the people. It is coming in the next few months and as it unfolds it will bring about not only a change in government but, a change as well in the whole of society on the planet. When I speak of the governmental change it is not only here in the United States, but all around the world. There are some governmental bodies that are in need of slight changes, and then some that will undergo massive reconstruction. As this is continuing behind the scenes as I speak we are seeing many changes in the way that it will all unfold around the globe.

6-1-15. El dólar de Estados Unidos está ahora respaldado por oro, pero los criminales de guerra siguen estando libres - Ene 6, 2015

06 ene
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2015/01/06/the-us-dollar-is-now-backed-by-gold-but-the-war-criminals-remain-free/#comment-293753
Ahora está claro que el dólar estadounidense que se comercializa internacionalmente está respaldado por oro. La evidencia de esto es el hecho de que recientemente el dólar ha cambiado en valor frente a una canasta monedas de una manera que sigue de cerca la forma en que se comporta el oro frente a estas monedas.
El dólar respaldado por oro comercializado internacionalmente y los yuanes chinos están ahora bajo el control de la familia del Dragón (real asiático), la familia real británica, el gobierno comunista chino, las familias de banqueros suizos y sus aliados.
Sin embargo, estamos escuchando de ellos que la resistencia continúa a partir de elementos del gobierno corporativo de Estados Unidos que utilizan derivados para seguir creando dólares sin respaldo para comprar en el mercado de valores. También lograron poner 100 mil millones de dólares “ilusorios” en su cuenta el 31 de diciembre para aplazar su quiebra.

UFO Crashing Releases Orb Over Southern California. Anyone Else See It?