martes, octubre 21, 2014

Sarah Varcas - 23rd/24th October 2014: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio conjunct Venus and Pallas - October 21, 2014

The Solar Eclipse, flanked by Venus on one side and asteroid Pallas on the other, occurs at 9:45 pm GMT on 23rd October in the 1st degree of Scorpio. This eclipse feels paradoxical, for whilst it signifies a powerful drive inward for answers, forcing us to look beneath the sanitised surface of our lives for deeper and more penetrating truths, it does so in such a way that this depth journey can be pleasurable rather than scary, productively creative rather than underminingly confronting. Whatever it is we need to find in the shadows of this eclipse, we can do so without their revelation tearing us apart or disrupting current progress. As such this eclipse comes as a gift, even if its immediate fruits consist of an awakening to darker and more disturbing tendencies within us.

lunes, octubre 20, 2014

Sirian Archangel Hermes - 10/20/14

Greetings fellow beings of light! I come to you now as solar energies are flooding your planet with invisible plasma rays of light!
As revealed in our last channeling, the second half of the Hyperborean series eclipse nears within your linear timespace. Many have been feeling the roller coaster ride of emotions and ultra dimensional experiences that accompany ascension of consciousness and infinite time awareness, wonderful indeed. I say to you, if you think this was an intense period of linear time since the lunar eclipse, to prepare yourselves for even more intensity as the solar eclipse shall lift many veils, so to speak. Many who have long remained in denial of what they know deep within is their truth, shall no longer be able to dismiss it. They will finally find the courage to stand and act for what they have long known, is what they should be doing. The bondage and energy draining aspects of their everyday matrix lifestyles will begin to fade away, and some of the events that will lead up to this from their personal lives, shall be quite severe.

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings Q&As: Freewill And Soul Contracts – Two Contradictory Concepts – 20 October 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
If you ever deviate from your life plan in favor of materiality or make choices that aren’t in the best interest of your growing perception of spirit, it helps to remember that you’re doing your best.
You exist on a planet where humans have been taught to believe material things and the luster that comes with them grant eternal happiness, but in reality, this happiness is only temporary and the materiality that drives it will away seek satisfaction; feeding; stimulation.
If you catch yourselves in the trap of materiality, you’ll find that you always strive to enjoy the next new or big thing; the next shiny or glossy thing; the next thing that temporarily takes your attention away from your growing spiritual perception and puts it on your external reality.
Needless to say, this doesn’t fill you with much love or wholeness.

Brenda Hoffman – Bank Your Love Energies? – 20 October 2014

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you sense that your being or world will shift with the upcoming energy bursts. Such is true. Even though not necessarily in a way that speaks to you in words at this time. The energies this week are densely packed with love. But not all will acknowledge those energies.
Those of you excited by the prospect of more in-depth  love sensations will experience a phenomenal shift within your being this week. Those who do not wish to experience anything other than 3D, will not notice much change.
Of course, everyone and every entity of, in or by earth will experience a shift within their being. But some may not have the need or wish to display love at this time.

Suzanne Lie – Arcturian Greeting – Welcome Home – 20 October 2014

SuzanneLieBeloved Ones,
We can come into the NOW of your awareness to speak about your third-dimensional, sequential time. Sequential time is constructed from the collective physical requirements of a third dimensional reality so that the members of that reality can create a timeline on which they can fulfill their divine plane, also known as their “Mission.”
Within this time-bound reality the collective consciousness of that world has thoughts, emotions and behaviors which impinge upon the 3D matrix to program and re-program the ever-changing experience of time. “Time” is quite novel to us higher dimensionals, as we often call ourselves.

domingo, octubre 19, 2014

Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - The Rhythm of New Beginnings - October 19, 2014

Hello beloved friends.
Today we wish to speak of new beginnings.
You are in the midst of generating a very powerful new beginning. You are experiencing new beginnings frequently in your life but you are approaching a very powerful new beginning.
The theme of new beginnings is in the air and we want to talk today about the incredible positive energy of this and also about your awareness of your own experience as a means of generating more unlimited experiences. You are becoming more fully present. That creates a new beginning in your lives. You are becoming more concentrated in the present moment and that is altering the potentials of what’s available to you.
Now there are more and more pathways open to you. How you choose? How do you deepen your experience? How you select the pathway that will give you the greatest joy? How you know which way to go amidst so many options.

Carla Thompson - The Elohim: The Light Warriors Are Doing a Magnificent Cleansing Job in Preparation for the Shift Portal on October 23, 2014

by Carla Thompson, October 19, 2014
“Many greetings to All Light Warriors!
This grand portal [October 8th to 23rd] develops magnificent thrust as all light warriors cleanse and refine lower timelines, and then return to upper timelines for rest, recovery and relaxation.
The event, which you ask clarity on, was indeed the bottom of the roller coaster ride. In other words, we confirm you moved to denser timelines, for final cleansing of serious world events including timelines carrying the remnant energies of nuclear war. Many light warriors moved with you on this very dramatic mission, although they may not have noticed extreme physical densification, as expressed through extreme physical fatigue and weakness, as your multi-dimensional selves carry on great nightly missions and even during all sleeping states of consciousness.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El Despertar Cuántico - OCTUBRE 2014

                                      El Despertar Cuántico

Un pensamiento, una forma de vida, un sitio web y un boletín electrónico global

Únanse a nosotros en


Número 188

Creado, canalizado, escrito, publicado y registrado con Amor

por Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Este boletín está guiado por el Espíritu y circula desde 1986 con amor y dedicación a la Luz.

Llega a millones de dedicados Trabajadores de Luz Planetarios. Uno a uno, luz a luz, se alumbra a sí mismo hasta su culminación de ahí en más.

Cualquier imperfección ortográfica o gramatical realza su belleza y singularidad


*** El Consejo de Ella: El Universo está por liberar sus limitaciones

*** ¿El vacío cósmico succionó todos los milagros?

*** No permitan que las ilusiones de las percepciones ajenas enturbien la alegría de su corazón

*** Yo soy Shekina

Pensamientos de su Anfitriona de Luz

Uf… ¡Qué par de semanas hemos tenido! Siento como si hubiese pasado 14 días en el vientre de la ballena. Aquí en las Montañas Smokey las energías han estado totalmente líquidas. Una imponente descarga líquida durante días, que pintó las hojas del verano con sus colores de otoño, desdibujando todo junto como un cuadro de Salvador Dalí. Un collage de cambio tan preponderante que una tuvo que aferrarse por su vida, rogando tener la fortaleza y el coraje para sobrevivir a este torbellino de octubre. El Drama se escribe con D mayúscula mientras todos pasan a solas por el túnel de viento del amor, navegando los mares del ser y montando el karma familiar.

sábado, octubre 18, 2014

Georgi Stankov - The Shift Portal of New Moon and Solar Eclipse on October 23, 2014 - October 18, 2014 Stankov, October 18, 2014
There is no doubt in the meantime that the coming new moon and full solar eclipse portal on October 23rd will be very powerful. The Elohim told us in their latest message that the seeding of the new human template on all new 4D and 5D worlds will reach a “lightning speed”at this time and this will cause the big shift to higher dimensions we all are waiting for. It is obvious that the Shift is closely linked to the finalization of the seeding of the new human race. This fact is known only to the PAT group and is not discussed by any other channeling source, because these people are not involved in this process as they will not ascend to 5D and higher.

Hollow Earth, The Biggest Cover Up - Full Documentary DVD