lunes, septiembre 08, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

Beloved Ones,

New 6D vibration patterns are transferred to this world. 
The ascending beings are affected by it, so that they awaken 
in their almighty consciousness and so that the vibration of 
your energy bodies steadily grows and increases.
The preparations for the moment of God’s Grace, for your 
ascension, continue; mosaic is put against mosaic, until the 
last stone completes the picture and brings the ascension. 

domingo, septiembre 07, 2014

Karen Dover - Desconstruction of the LINEAR concept - September 7, 2014
Many of you at this time may be moving into chaos in relation to the way in which your human life experience is beginning to manifest at a human conscious waking mind level.  Within the old 3D earth created construct you were TAUGHT linear and you referenced your life experience within said CONSTRUCT. As I have blogged repeatedly the linear concept is a CONSTRUCT it is not natural and as such is not supported in the New Earth frequency realities.  Natural JUST IS, it is a state of BEing that is in FLOW with the universal energies, just because something is stated to be natural does not make it so as many of you are now experiencing at a human conscious waking mind level.
Let me explain this further, take “time”, linear time is a CONSTRUCT but time is a NATURAL flow, this may seem at first to contradict itself but there is a space/time continuum that exists, this does not need linear time to work for it JUST IS. At a human conscious waking mind level this sees that the linear 365 days a year in neat little 24 hour constructs is against the natural FLOW of universal energy, time however is TRUTH. The human logical mind may try to teach you that this does not make sense but it has no reference point other than the linear construct that it has been taught, you will find the confirmation to this within the HEART space which is your connection to SOUL. As your SOUL is eternal it can help you confirm that which is out with the reference points of your human logical mind.

Judith Dagley – The Grid Of Life… Life Support, Abundance, And The Secrets Of The Universe – 7 September 2014

judithFollowing DOE’s guidance, (see last post), I unplugged from the grid for a week to immerse myself in the natural world. Well! That was 10 days ago. I’m beginning to realize that I will never be fully hooked up to the internet circuit again. I will, however, visit in order to connnect with YOU, my brothers and sisters of the earth, just as I’m doing in this moment.
What I’ve discovered (thanks to DOE),  is that the most relevant information for us NOW cannot be found online, but off line– out of line altogether, in fact. It is all about the reciprocity of interconnection, which is not a linear process. It is circular. And the lessons about how to flourish within it are taught in endless, living examples all around us.
What revelations there are for us in the natural world!

Illuminati Message to the World | New World Order and Their Plans 2014

John Smallman – Jesus – Go Within To Your Inner Sanctuary And Experience The Love That Awaits You There – 7 September 2014

john-blog-pics-0135Here in our realms (your realms too!), the spiritual or non-physical and non-dual realms, we are watching over you constantly, lovingly, compassionately as you go about your daily chores and struggle to understand the meaning of your individual life paths.  As you are well aware everyone’s path is perfectly and individually tailored to her or his precise needs in this now moment, always.  And yet you are frequently unable to maintain awareness of this at times as the distractions of your daily lives intrude on your deeper levels of consciousness where you hold the intent, at all times, to follow the path that you so carefully and painstakingly planned before you incarnated.
For many of you at times it seems impossible that you could have intended to experience some of the pain and suffering that you are undergoing.  You often feel lost, in the wrong place, doing the wrong things, and it hurts!

Is this proof humans have TELEPATHIC powers? Two men, 4,600 miles apart, send messages to each other using just their minds - 7 September 2014

By Guy Adams for the Daily Mail
With a blindfold covering his eyes, and earplugs cancelling out almost all sound, Dr Michel Berg sat in a state-of-the-art laboratory at the University of Strasbourg in north-eastern France, and began to think.
Nearly 5,000 miles away, at a research facility in the Indian city of Kerala, a young Spanish man called Dr Alejandro Riera pulled on a tightly fitting hat, placed a laptop computer on a white table, and also began to think.
Over the course of the next hour, on March 28 this year, the 51-year-old Dr Berg and his faraway counterpart would attempt something that had only previously occurred in the exotic realms of science fiction.
Into the unknown: Two scientists have sent each other a message simply by using the power of their minds. The research could have staggering iplications for the future of humanity. File picture
Into the unknown: Two scientists have sent each other a message simply by using the power of their minds. The research could have staggering iplications for the future of humanity. File picture
The two men aimed to send a simple message between each other, across the continents, without using any of the five senses that human beings — and indeed animals — have for millennia used to communicate.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - September 7-14, 2014 - MENSAJE SEMANAL DEL MAESTRO ASCENDIDO HILARIÓN - del 7 al 14 de Septiembre, 2014


September 7-14, 2014
Beloved Ones,
You are now playing the waiting game, only you cannot discern the purpose of your waiting. It is time to step up to the next level of your journey. The thing you are waiting for is your own remembrance of the magnificence you are. This remembrance is coded within you and it is connected to an event in your life that will or has already taken place. How you will know that yours has been activated is by the feeling you experience that there is nothing of the old world that holds any interest for you any longer. You are more than ready to leave behind all the old programs and beliefs that were not really yours to begin with. This readiness can sometimes be experienced as depression, lethargy and apathy, the feeling that nothing will ever get better in your day to day life and that there is only chaos and dissolution that surrounds you. Know that when you are experiencing this, you will soon be moving into a higher octave and frequency.

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - J. O. P. B. - Sep 6, 2014

J. O. P. B.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The channelling process is far more common than you know. I know who's here, and there are those in this room, right now, who know how channelling works. When the healer steps up to the patient, there's a communication. It's channelling, and the healer knows all about it. Sometimes the healer steps aside and in comes the information the healer needs, which is often verified by the innate of the patient in front of them. Then the two of them begin the balance, the dance of energies, and the channelling begins.

Now a healer and a channeller have something in common. They both are channelling, but in different ways. Healers don't heal. They balance. No Human Being can force healing on another. However, most patients are asking for balance so they can heal themselves with the assistance of the balancing healer. True healing requires this cooperative process, and what you're hearing right now is similar. There is balancing energy present within the message being delivered.

Karen Doonan - The Thirteen Crystal BEings message to humanity - 7th Sept 14

Jahn J Kassl - IN THE OCEAN OF GOD’S GRACE - Part II, BABAJI - September 7, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

I am among you! 
I am God’s omnipresence!
I am the Way, the Life and the Love!


Beloved Children!

Truly: You are this beyond any measures and in each cell, 
because you have developed from me. My Love for you is limitless,
my Love for you is unconditional, and my Love for you is beyond 
all measures.

You may now partake in this truth and in each moment of your life; 
as you are willing to lift up into Heaven on my wings. And in these 
days the ascension is the determining issue for all knowing ones. 
And it is the preparations for this great day of God’s Grace, 
which have to be conscientiously and untiringly performed until last.