first published on November 27, 2013 in
translated by Georgi Stankov
The Great Mother Ship
Countless millions of angels hover over the earth and come down on the mother planet of this creation, countless millions of light ships from the Central Sun and the realms of light descend upon this world, so that the people can be taken into the security of their eternal families. Everything is on its way to you – everything flows towards you in an endless stream of love, incessantly and constantly new created, until you are all reunited with the high divine impulses and the light of God.
And among all of them the “big mother ship” of this galaxy stands out. It is the ship of command and the ship of the commander – the ones who coordinate all areas of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Forces of Heaven, which are assigned to the earth. From there, the pulses are set, holograms are created and dissolved, and under the auspice of these masters who serve on this ship, all men, who will ascend, will be connected in a very short period of time to the great universal knowledge and linked to it.