domingo, junio 09, 2013

THE HIGH COUNCIL OF ORION - Holly Hawkins Marwood - 9th June 2013.
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood


“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
Today our message is about not taking life too seriously at this moment in time, for there are many changes on your planet as you’ve heard about, and many are aware of at this time.
However what’s hard to understand is what to do about it?
Many of you are feeling the effects of the influx of energies of change and transition that are coming from the sun. Many are feeling affected by it without knowing that there are these energetic impulses that are coming from the sun, and whether you are aware of them not, the reality is that they are being pulsed towards your planet and they are part of the ascension process. The result of this can sometimes allow individuals to feel uncomfortable.
How does that discomfort show up?

Finding the Light May be Faster and Easier Than You Think - Jennifer Hoffman - June 9, 2013
The light bulb in my dryer burned out months ago. Since I have never seen where the light bulb is located and never had to change the light bulb in a dryer before, I expected that changing it would be difficult and complicated. So I put the task of changing the dryer light bulb on my list of “difficult things to do that will take a lot of time that I will take care of when I have time to do them.” Every time I opened the dryer and thought about changing the light bulb my heart would sink. I had visions of having to remove the drum, and perhaps even taking the dryer apart to get this done.

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden : ‘I Do Not Expect To See Home Again’ – 9 June 2013

NSANSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I do not expect to see home again’
Source for the Guardian’s NSA files on why he carried out the biggest intelligence leak in a generation – and what comes next
Link to video: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things’Edward Snowden was interviewed over several days in Hong Kong by Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill.
Q: Why did you decide to become a whistleblower?
A: “The NSA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything. With this capability, the vast majority of human communications are automatically ingested without targeting. If I wanted to see your emails or your wife’s phone, all I have to do is use intercepts. I can get your emails, passwords, phone records, credit cards.

Mary Magdalene ~ Becoming Aglow With Your Natural Divine Essence ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 9, 2013

mary Mary Magdalene:
I greet you today, dear ones, with all the love I have in my heart, from mine to yours. You are an illustrious group of Beings and I salute you in all your glory.
You are now refining those parts of you that are stellar and magnificent and luminous. You are refining and gathering all pieces of your Soul to greet and acquaint yourselves once again with the very essence of you, split and pulled away only for purposes of learning and experiment.
You gather them back now, dear ones, and you prepare for an even more pertinent part of your journey. For you know now much more about who you are, and so it takes your intention and your realization that you are moving forward with your divine purpose. You are discovering it now, dear ones, and from now on it will take even more discernment and clarity to stay in the higher dimensions.

Hilarion – June 9-17, 2013 -- Marlene Swetlishoff


Beloved Ones,
Through these next few weeks more of your natural and innate abilities and gifts will become more clarified within you. Your intuitive gifts are coming into greater focus and awareness within you and a greater feeling of oneness and unity with others and all the wonders of the earth will pervade your consciousness. There will also continue to be more moments of confusion and mental fogginess as your brain and body systems are recalibrated and aligned to your highest potentials and greatest good. All that you have focused your energy upon that is aligned to your individual and collective good will begin to manifest for you in wonderful ways.

Shocking! CNN Actually Covers Bilderberg Conference – 9 June 2013

2 extraterrestres vivos trabajan con el gobierno de Estados Unidos (Paul Hellyer) - 01/06/2013

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NOTA: Si crees que la información de este video es de importancia y que mi trabajo merece ser valorado para que el canal permanezca activo, puedes ingresar a y hacer la donación que desees a la cuenta:

Ex militar estadounidense que avistó OVNIs revela cómo serían los extraterrestres

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Lo que partió como un trabajo influido por el escepticismo se convirtió en una de las experiencias más importantes en la vida de Richard French, ex teniente coronel de la Fuerza Aérea estadounidense que relató un encuentro con extraterrestres que se habría producido en 1952.

El ex militar había sido enviado hasta San Juan de Terranova, en Canadá, lugar desde donde llegaban numerosos reportes de avistamientos de objetos voladores no identificados.

Sheldan Nidle - Volvemos con cosas importantes.. primer contacto.. Estamos comprometidos a demostrar que somos benévolos..- 04-06-2013

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Volvemos con cosas importantes.. primer contacto.. Estamos comprometidos a demostrar que somos benévolos y que estamos dedicados a una revelación total.

10 Chicchan, 13 Pax, 9 Eb

¡Selamat Jarin! Volvemos con cosas importantes que hablar. La más importante es sobre el primer contacto.

En el pasado, decidimos depender en gran medida de un anuncio oficial de revelación de vuestros nuevos gobiernos.

LOS ELOHIM – EL JARDÍN DEL AMOR - Vinícius Francis -

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Había un hombre que poseía un jardín, este jardín era el más bello de todos por la región.
El amaba las plantas y las flores que criaba, todos los días caminaba entre ellas, hablaba con ellas, colocaba agua, fertilizante y mucho mucho amor.
Todos los que pasaban por allí quedaban admirados con la belleza de las flores y preguntaban al señor qué hacía él para que las flores y todo su jardín permaneciesen tan bellos. Y constantemente, él respondía siempre la misma cosa: El Amor.
Y a todos daba esta respuesta. El jardín estaba vivo y lindo siempre. No importaba el clima, no importaba el momento, él estaba siempre bello y colorido.
En un bello día, este señor se peleó con su esposa, quedando muy triste y aborrecido y siempre que iba hasta el jardín, se quejaba con sus flores y plantas.