sábado, marzo 30, 2013
Shanta Gabriel – Messages From Archangel Gabriel – Radical Transformation Is Upon Us – 29 March 2013
Dear Ones,
The Heavenly Realms are showing their support through this Equinox-Full Moon time of Awakening. Many people have noticed the Angelic forms in rainbows, clouds and especially the recent formations of the Aurora Borealis. Divine Light is getting stronger, and Spiritual Presence is making itself known to reassure you that you are definitely not alone. These formations of Light act as open doorways to new awakening consciousness. The Angels are reminding you that they are here during these times of great power, grief, transition, and the present radical transformation that is in process.
When you can ground the intensity of the energies you are experiencing, you will notice a new heightened intuition. Your sensitivity levels are increasing. Your perceptions are expanding, and within the core of your being, new Truth is awakening. Take this time as the Grand Experiment it is and know that the more open and curious your mind can be now, the easier the transition through dimensional shifting will be for you.
In this time of ascending consciousness, the massive downloads of high frequencies of energy are relentless. Surrendering to this Mighty Flow will simplify the process for you. There is no place you can hide when you have already stepped into the elevator to the Higher Dimensions. Enjoying the ride will be easier if you can take some steps to use the energy more resourcefully. Resisting the flow will only make the experience more uncomfortable. Those having the most difficulties during these times of transition are those who are contracting into their old limiting perceptions.
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The Landing Party ~ Part 3
Besides our
preparations for landing, the Mothership and the smaller Ships closer to Earth are
preparing for more visitors. Many of you will be among these visitors either in
your night-body, your human form or as your true galactic self. Some of you will join us in your Higher Expressions
of SELF, and your physical expression may not remember these meetings.
On the other
hand, those of you who have created a deep connection between your earth vessel
and your fifth or higher multidimensional expressions will likely have some
recollection of our meeting. Even if that meeting comes into your memory as you
awaken, you will likely experience a brief picture or a few sentences.
If you can write
down what you have remembered and then go into a deep meditation, you are
likely to remember more of your experience. Your greatest challenge will be for
you to allow yourself to believe that this “dream” was real. Do not worry about whether or not you just imagined your visit. Instead, just relax into the dream and allow yourself to get all the
details. It is helpful if you actually go through your entire experience again.
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Linda Robinson – Message From Archangel Zadkiel April 2013 – Setting A Clear Intention – 28 March 2013
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel along with Lady Amethyst. We come to you from the Seventh Ray of Transformation, Manifestation and the Violet Flame, and we work with many other Higher Beings of Light to assist you in the manifestation process.
Setting a clear intention is a very powerful part of the manifestation process. The new energy is very powerful, and manifestation can be rapid when intentions, goals, thoughts and actions are in alignment. When these aspects are aligned, they work together like a well-oiled machine.
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AA Zadkiel,
El Gran Cambio,
Linda M. Robinson
Jennifer Hoffman – Q&A: Where Are My Angels & Guides When I Need Them? – 28 March 2013
Dear Jennifer: I have been asking for guidance from my angels and spirit guides and I feel like they never answer me. It isn’t fair that I feel so unsupported when I thought they were here to help me and are supposed to be offering guidance when I need it. What can I do to get more clear and consistent responses from them and do I have any angels and guides supporting me?
Jennifer’s Answer: Getting answers from you guides and angels depends on the kinds of questions you are asking, how you are asking them, and how you are listening. They can support and guide you, but not when you are asking out of fear, despair, from your belief in disconnection or your anger at yourself for taking this journey in the first place. When we are in fear, our angels are close by but they cannot connect. When we ask and ask and don’t stop asking, we are not quiet enough to hear their answers. If we forget they resonate at the level of joy and need for us to be open to new solutions and transformation, we don’t put ourselves at the level at which they can connect with us. They can help you find a new path when you open that door for them.
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Consciencia Crística,
Jennifer Hoffman
Saúl - John Smallman - Puedes ver claramente el colapso de la casa de naipes en la cual se ha convertido el sistema financiero mundial - Marzo 27, 2013
Las energías divinas que te envuelven están aliviando el miedo y la ansiedad que el ver los viejos sistemas derrumbándose ha causado.
El campo de energía divina que te envuelve, se refuerza e intensifica cada día, así como tu capacidad para fusionarte con él más y con mayor eficacia, y por supuesto, con su energía que es Amor, la cual está penetrando en los corazones de aquellos que se abren a ella – la gran mayoría de los seres humanos – y ayuda a liberar actitudes y comportamientos, creencias inflexibles que tantos han mantenido durante mucho tiempo.
Los resultados de esto son visibles en todo el mundo cuando nuevas ideas para hacer frente a los principales problemas y asuntos que enfrentan son expresadas y compartidas.
Las viejas creencias, inflexibles y las herramientas utilizadas para su mantenimiento están en evidencia, pero su ineficacia ya no puede ser disimulada culpando a otros por su incapacidad para resolver los problemas que se suponía debían resolver.
El viejo orden, el orden establecido, ha estado en control, dirigiendo el negocio de la política, los negocios, la ética, la moral, la religión – de hecho, cualquier cosa en la que las personas interactúan entre sí en absolutamente cualquier manera – por mucho tiempo.
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Kryon: 2013 - What Now?
Lee and Kryon
Sunday, 6 January, 2013 at Phoenix, AR (posted 1 February, 2013)
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. So it is that this particular message would be the one that is published first in 2013. There would be those who would be listening now, who would say, "Well, now that the marker has been passed of 2012, what's next?" This is the Human Being speaking who is always looking forward and never back, who doesn't usually stop and look around, who always wants to measure energy by what's coming instead of what was or what is. So we're not going to go there just yet. Instead, we're going to say to you, "I want you to stop and look at what you've done." For in order to look forward, you must understand what's behind you. What is behind you is the conquering of an old energy, above and beyond what any of the prophecies ever said you would be able to do.
Kryon Timing
For those who haven't put it together yet, my arrival in 1989 was a precursor for the potentials that we saw were in place for this very day. Had you not changed the consciousness of the planet, had you not marked your territory by the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, I would not be channelling with my partner today. He would have a different life, for I would never have presented myself to him as I did. I told him early on that if he chose not to take the mantle that I offered, there were others who would. So the point is that you created an energy that allowed me to enter and begin the teaching to humanity through a Human Being.
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Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Lee Carroll
ALERT! Secret Covenant, from 300 ruling families...Royal Elite
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viernes, marzo 29, 2013
Saúl - John Smallman - Crea un espacio en el que puedas escuchar a tus guías espirituales - Marzo 26. 2013
Todos somos uno en Dios, nuestro eterno Padre amoroso, y debido a esa verdad inviolable – todos y cada uno de nosotros, cada ser sintiente jamás creado – tenemos garantizado y asegurado nuestro lugar, nuestro asiento, nuestro hogar en el reino eterno de Dios.
En lo profundo de nosotros mismos cada uno sabe y experimenta esa seguridad, esa certeza, y el Amor con el que ella nos envuelve.
Aquellos que aparentemente experimentan la vida en la ilusión también lo saben, pero debido a las limitaciones y restricciones que esta impone sobre el conocimiento y la conciencia, es difícil lograr el acceso a tal conocimiento.
Sin embargo, tomándose un tiempo a solas regularmente, en silencio, se permiten a sí mismos crear un espacio en el que podrán relajarse, escuchar, y oír a sus guías espirituales.
Para algunos es un sentido intuitivo de las palabras correctas o acciones a tomar que caen en sus mentes para aliviar, modificar o resolver los problemas que les han preocupado.
Para otros, puede ser una experiencia muy definida de “escuchar” el sabio consejo de uno o incluso varios de sus guías, como en una conversación.
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Rodon de Agartha - Philipp - Marzo 22, 20|3
Ashtar : Es un gran placer para mí hablar con ustedes otra vez. Rodon de Agartha está a mi lado y que le gustaría darles más información sobre su pueblo. Por tanto, yo les paso a Rodon.
Rodon: Soy Rodon de Agartha, y os saludo de corazón a corazón – en nuestra lengua decimos “”.
Gracias por la oportunidad que se les permitiera decirles más sobre mi pueblo. Estamos siempre con ustedes. Nosotros les ayudamos y amamos, así que es un gran placer – y un honor, así – de tener esta comunicación con ustedes.
El Equinoccio de Marzo ha pasado y se ha sentido la energía – para todo el mundo en la forma en que es mejor para todos y de acuerdo con vuestro estado de desarrollo.
En primer lugar, sientan los cambios en vosotros mismos, por lo que entra en vuestro corazón para descubrir estos cambios.
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El Gran Cambio,
Rodon de Agartha
Amados: Deseo darles un discurso sobre la cualidad de amor conocida como perseverancia.
Esta cualidad es muy necesaria en todos los proyectos o esfuerzos, permitiendo que las personas puedan completar con éxito poner de manifiesto la tarea que se propusieron llevar a cabo o que los demás esperan que terminen.
En cualquier empresa dada, la perseverancia es necesaria para ver el movimiento hacia adelante en la creación de algo nuevo.
Sin esta cualidad, nunca nada de este mundo podría llevarse a cabo. Mediante el empleo de esta cualidad en sus propias vidas cotidianas ustedes están constantemente en proceso de creación. Ustedes son Creadores.
En un ambiente familiar, la persistencia en el mantenimiento de las tareas diarias en el hogar asegura que la casa siga funcionando sin problemas y eficientemente.
Al adherirse a la disciplina de la realización de estas tareas utilizando esta cualidad del amor, siempre hay orden divino y armonía en el hogar.
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AA Gabriel,
Consciencia Crística,
El Gran Cambio,
Marlene Swetlishoff
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