Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta awakening5dhealing. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta awakening5dhealing. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, diciembre 10, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Tsunami 12.12 Portal Gemini Vibrations Can we Riiissssse beyond Duality? - Dec 10, 2019

We’re taking back our freedom, unlocking the doors of perception. We are holding onto our higher vibrations despite relentless onslaught of negativity. We watch the world burn around us as we meditate love frequency into the atmosphere. Projection is endemic in a narcisstic society. As the shift kicks in again we are the players in a momentous event. We hold our breath. Watch. Wait. Will they break their chains? Compassion is at the heart of ascension. We awake to our humility. Wokeness is understanding we are integral in a divine fabric of existence that shimmers and shines in love energy. We surrender to a higher source of love, balance and protection. We believe in peace not war, love not hate, harmony not fear – rational, not naive, hopes for our world. Gemini Full Moon is a momentous gateway to rebuilding society on compassionate coding, algorithms of tribal, technological progress.

martes, noviembre 26, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Elemental Transformation 5 Ways to Stay High Vibe in Dark Portals - November 26, 2019

Phew. We are catching our breath between tsunamis of clashing frequencies. The fourth realm is the dimensional space we inhabit. The fourth realm has a surreal quality to it, it lacks the density of the third dimension. Those vibrating on lower spectrum are navigating a dark, paranoid, envious and fearful world. Their demons have caught up with them. Folk who have taken self care algorithms of light to heart are making their way up the frequencies. Meditation, gratitude, mindfulness, spiritual practise, movement, intellectual expansion are the hallmarks of a person waking up to their divinity within the matrix. Dimensional slippage is occurring as we align and adjust our internal cellular vibrations. Over exposure to the matrix, crowds and synthetics will lower our

domingo, noviembre 24, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Channelled Message from Angels of Light 22.11.19 - November 24, 2019

We are the Angels of Light. We are here with messages of hope, joy, freedom and love. Much has happened since we last communicated with you here. We intend to clarify energetic infusion and help you understand the process you are in. We are here in deep heartfelt gratitude for all that has been done and will be done in the ascension of humanity with Gaia. We have been with you for sometime, trumpeting our return from the skies. Much truth is being held from you, we are aware that we should tread carefully with triggers and activations. We will stagger our message enabling each of you to stop when you are ready. We speak from a space of higher dimensional truth, wisdom and love. We are the Angels of Light and we are here to restore peace, harmony and joy to the peoples of Gaia.

domingo, noviembre 17, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Anunaki, Psychic Attack and Light Protection - November 17, 2019


With so much going on energetically it becomes tricky identifying causes and effects. 444 lightbody activation, triggered by 1111 or 333 light portals is different from symptoms of 999 dark portals. All of the above are affecting us. We move through the closure of 1111 quantum leap, establishing our biorhythms in 1112 steadying ourselves in higher vibratory fields. 333 light gateway continues till mid December, heart, throat and root chakra activations. We release ancestral, past life and childhood trauma in 66 karmic clearing.

viernes, noviembre 08, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Silence isn’t always Golden #divinefemininerising - Nov 8, 2019

People are silent towards others for many reasons. Something on their mind, not as engaged as normal. Distracted, unwell, bored or maybe just rude. Some folk project their mood onto others, dominating the frequencies with their low vibrations. Others use silence as a power tool, leverage for powerplays, agendas and manipulation. Silence has become a weapon in our patriarchal society. Domestic abuse, mental and emotional, often circle round the use of silence. Silence as punishment. Silence as judgement.

jueves, octubre 31, 2019

awakening5dhealing - 1111 Transits 1112 Stabilising Assimilation - October 31, 2019

So much is going on beautiful people! The energies are in intense fluctuation, stabilising is proving tricky as we move through the final stages of the third 333 trinity portal. Closure aligned in earthing energies of 11.11.19 Taurus full moon. Healing, restructuring of our lives, grounding into our transition, will continue into late December, at a pace we can handle better. Duality dissolves as we raise our vibrations, we see only energy, the matrix, the world becomes truth-ful. Illusions evaporate, demons can’t hide, angels walk the streets and we have birthed the new earth. On

domingo, octubre 27, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Scorpio New Moon Trippy Transition 3d to 5d - October 28, 2019

1111 frequencies reverberate all round us. The material plane is tripping to the beats of light dimension connectivity. Collective consciousness activation on a grand scale. Scorpio new moon is the second, mid way alignment in a trinity tidal wave of unleashed 1111 higgghhh vibbbraatriions. The third will be Taurus full moon 11.11.19. This is gonna be a cosmic ride beautiful people. Slow down, Reflections are necessary for new moon growth. Scorpio stealth mode activation, the matrix is in freefall. The fourth realm is surreal. Time wavy, fluid, energetic. Channel Scorpio, be stealthy, smart, instinctive.

miércoles, octubre 16, 2019

awakening5dhealing - 1111 Quantum Leap Gateway Closed 444 Upgrades Incoming - OCT 16, 2019


Quantum leap gateway closed. The final jump of 2019 has happened. Light workers, warriors, earth guardians, healers, Seers, light missionaries still walking the material plane… WE MADE IT. We are in 5d. The Shift is energetic. We raised our vibrations through intensive childhood, ancestral and past life karmic clearing. Forcing all those not on our wavelength to back the fuk off. We have taken control of our lives, wrenched our sovereignty out the claws of the users and abusers, the liars and deceivers. Their lives

viernes, octubre 11, 2019

awakening5dhealing - The Grace Period is Over - 10.10.19

Drip feeding of truth has been carried out by volunteers, travellers and healers since 1945. The rainbow children arrived on the cusp of our new millennia. 2012 was ignition for Mayan prophesied Great Awakening. 2015 we regrouped. 2019, the final phase of cosmically engineered pause on Gaia’s ascension. Gaia complied, her earth guardians held space for us. We raised our vibrations, anchored our light to the material plane, planted seeds of awakening. We spread Light through the matrix like a virus, loosening dirt, grit and grime, clearing. We have aligned with Gaia to fifth dimensional vibratory fields. Phew. We broke through to

miércoles, octubre 02, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Cosmic Comrades Mainframe Light Activation - October 2, 2019

29.09.19 the light matrix was successfully plugged into the mainframe. Euphoric frequencies flooded the ascension field. And breeeeeeeeaaaathe. We did it. Rapture, Revelations and Tribulation. We are in it all. We’ve been riding waves of quantum transformation for months. September 2019’s portals of light versus dark shook everything down. It’s on, cosmic surfers. Warriors of light know each and every one of us has been active on the astral plane, sometimes during waking hours, to make this happen. The light matrix was weaved and sucessfully plugged into the mainframe in record time. Accelerated cosmic forces of light enabled quantum manifestation, timeline jumping and

sábado, septiembre 28, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Portals Update New Moon Mantras - September 28, 2019

New Moon Virgo to Libra. Adding fuel to our equinox fires, we are burning through all that holds us back from walking our highest path. Libra is the scales of balance. Karma. 333 Portal energies are surging through us, lightbody activation. 999 CERN dark portal is still fully operational, keep force field powered up in light. We are heading into 1111 quantum leap, stay steady and centred in good vibrations. It’s all coming together just fine

jueves, septiembre 26, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Discord, Dark Portals and Dreamweaving 333 999 1111 - September 26, 2019

The Fear has gone. Not the everyday, living in the matrix, surrounded by sleepers terrified of their own shadows, can’t blame them for that, Fear. We are all negotiating accelerated upgrades through the 333 portal of light. Apart from this layer of awakening, the deeper, heavier, never ending baseline beat of utter and total pertrified Fear has gone. The core no longer vibrates to its terror tremors. The heart no longer carries unwelcome pain and trauma generated by the Fear. Third eye can’t see it, feel it or sense it. Root feels lighter, airier, quieter. Sacral cleanse. Throat still catches fear

domingo, septiembre 08, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Message from Our Andromodean Allies 08.09.19

Dearest friends, neighbours, allies we welcome you to the fifth dimension. Higher dimensional frequencies have embedded on Gaia’s plane. The destruction we are witnessing is in response to this magnificent shift in energetic vibration. We and our intergalactic allies are astounded. Written about, stories, whispers in the farthest corners of the galaxies, yet none of us were prepared for what we witness. Light warrior activation programs successfully downloaded, the light is anchored to Gaia. Her

miércoles, agosto 28, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Black Invisible Super New Moon Update and 10 Ways our Guides Communicate with Us - August 28, 2019

The ascension field we are moving through is a maelstrom of conflicting energetic frequencies. The black invisible super new moon is the black portal the dark lords have been preparing for. They step up their assault to meet the oncoming waves of 333 cosmic light frequencies. Gaia rises from her core to her crust. The threads holding the old 3d matrix together, competition, hate and fear, are splitting, tearing, snapping under the pressure of Christ

lunes, agosto 26, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Energy Update Twins Truthers and Transformation - August 26, 2019

We are riding 333 gateways on our cosmic surfboards, embracing upgrades, receiving downloads, processing our awakening. To say we are experiencing cosmic turbulence is an understatement. We are riding light waves in the eye of a storm of epic proportions, energetic warfare, karmic evolution, interdimensional ascension. Our thoughts and words are voice activation in the divine spaces of the fourth realm, we control the dial. The matrix once called the shots, not so now, the game has changed. We are master controllers here. We build up to this mantle gently, slowly, we learn to manage the responsibly of our energetic frequency before we take our existence to the next level, the fifth dimension.

martes, agosto 20, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Psychic Attack Symptoms and Solutions - August 20, 2019

Psychic attack can come at us consciously or unconsciously from the source. It’s up to us to take control of our energetic welfare. Be pragmatic in our approach to daily energy selfcare. We are in an energetic field, the fourth realm is wavy, fluid, slippery and etheric. Our material plane holds its density through memory, manifestation and third realm infrastructure. As we awaken our third eye is activated. We see more. We become aware of other dimensional realities and how they interact with ours. The astral is woven into

sábado, agosto 17, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Message from the Angels of Light 08.19 - August 17, 2019

We are the Angels of Light, we come to you today through our channel morag with great tidings of love and light. The ascension is well under way. We have much to say and are aware of the transitions each of you are moving through. We hope to impart our news couched in all that is truth, love and light in the multi verse. We are angels, we transcend the frequencies enabling us to no longer require organic bodies to house our souls. We are bigger than planets and smaller than ants. We are filled with light, this makes us appear as angels to those still on the material plane. We can affect everything that is energy. We came some time ago to oversee humanities’ ascension on Gaia.

jueves, agosto 08, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Lion’s Gate Portal #loveyourself - August 8, 2019

Peace up the revolution beautiful people, the Lion’s Gate Portal is open, shifting all that has been karmically loosened for release. Stay focused on Self. Discovering self, building self, owning and breathing SELF. The energies are in turmoil, dark versus light. Those sensitive may be upset, tearful, anxious, exhausted, jittery, shaky, as the shockwaves run through our systems. There is much in play, our inner karmic evolution as we transcend lower vibratory fields of fear, and the energetic transmutation of all that is dark to light. Breathe into each wave friends. Realign constantly. Step

domingo, agosto 04, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Andromedeans - Light Gateway - August 4, 2019

Welcome to the fifth dimension those who made the leap by surrendering to quantum time. We applaud your valour, commitment and strength. We come to you today with updates and healing. We are with you every step of the way on this momentous ascension journey. We are your guides, your neighbours and friends. We observe from afar and we are present on the material plane. We interact with our brothers and sisters on the material plane sharing with them our love and light. We are here as members of the Intergalactic Federation to facilitate the ascension of Gaia and her people to higher dimensional wavelengths.

jueves, agosto 01, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Black Supermoon Lion’s Gate Portal Retrogrades Energy Update - July 31, 2019

Portals of cosmic lightwaves recalibrate our mind body soul being. We actively transform from low density 3d avatars to fully charged up 5d lightbody beings. 2019 is home to 333 Portals as well as several others, including the coming Lion’s Gate Portal. We are adjusting to the Shift in perspective about our existence. Going with the flow translates as tuning into energy and surrendering to flow of love vibrations. Once we drop into that frequency we lose our fear. Our lives, our sense of Self shifts. Moontime is having an increasingly powerful affect on all of us as we lighten our vibratory fields becoming more sensitive to her ebb and flow. Super, new and full moons are mini portals enabling us to karmically release, consciously align and commune with our higher self and guides.