Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portal 8:8. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Portal 8:8. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, julio 22, 2022

Celia Fenn - Today and tomorrow the Sun moves into Leo - July 22, 2022


Today and tomorrow the Sun moves into Leo.

We are moving away from the softer energies of Cancer and into the fiery roar of the Lion.

Expect fire "works" from this point! (And this means from the Sun too. Keep an eye on those sunspots and Solar Flares).

I am finding that after a period of relatively smooth flow in my life, everything is going wrong suddenly! Those Lions are just not settling for second best, and urging us to stand up for ourselves and claim our future!

sábado, julio 09, 2022

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michae - Lions Gate 8/8 - July 9, 2022

Channel from Archangel Michael about the Lions Gate 8/8. Posted in entirety as that seems to be the best way these days.


Beloved Light Family on Earth, it has been a time of rapid change and transition on the Earth in the last six months! Since the Aquarius Gate in February, you entered into a period of accelerated frequency and personal “expansion”. This was felt at the big shifts of the 22nd February and the 22nd March, as well as the Eclipses and the Equinox and the Solstice, and more recently the 6/6/6 and 7/7 Portals.

jueves, agosto 19, 2021

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - AGOSTO 2021

***De su Anfitriona de Luz - Profecías autocumplidas
*** Al escribir este boletín tras el evento del 8:8
*** Hablan los Ancianos
*** Moviéndose a través del tiempo


Mientras me preparaba para la celebración de los treinta y tres años del Portal del León 8:8, el Universo empujaba y tiraba de mi cerebro tratando de estirarme hacia nuevas percepciones como un caramelo de agua salada en la costa de Jersey. Estaba pasando por un gran diluvio emocional personal, como la mayoría de nosotros, que parece obstruir la proverbial tubería psíquica. Siendo empática y excesivamente sensible, siento los acontecimientos antes de que sucedan. Se me mostraron verdades y eventos futuros que se sentirían en todo el mundo. Como un pájaro carpintero en un árbol viejo, (toco madera) mis conductos psíquicos finalmente graznaron y se desatascaron. Como una cartelera, las palabras "profecía autocumplida" flotaron en la superficie de mi estanque de patos personal.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Unity & The New Earth Timeline - August 18, 2021

This year’s Lion’s Gate…i.e. the first (8:8) stargate of the Planetary New Year…that we just moved thru on the Leo new moon was the physical entrance to the New World. From within this new (unified) realm of consciousness, our focus officially shifts from becoming to BEing, from when to NOW, which means from this moment/doorway/portal forward, our vantage point is no longer from a place of future…but from the present moment. In real-time.

lunes, agosto 09, 2021

Jennifer Hoffman - INFORME DE ENERGÍA DE AGOSTO 2021 - Agosto 3, 2021

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Unicamente KRYON:
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe

Este mes está lleno de sorpresas y de oportunidades de incrementar nuestra soberanía energética. Recuerda que esto no significa que puedas cambiar el mundo, sino que puedes utilizar la energía para cambiar tu mundo. Nuestro camino de vida se crea con nuestros pensamientos, creencias, acciones e intenciones. Si no te gusta tu vida, la energía de Agosto puede brindarte la claridad, la confianza y la creatividad necesarias para corregir tu rumbo. Los temas de este mes son: soberanía energética, venerabilidad, eminencia y majestad. En Julio estábamos en la línea de salida; este mes podremos dirigir nuestro rumbo hacia la línea de meta.

sábado, agosto 07, 2021

8/8 LIONS GATE Weekend - As You Wish Talk Radio LIVE

Natalia Alba - Tomorrow, with the Lions Gate - Aug 7, 2021

Beloved Ones,

Tomorrow, with the Lions Gate, we are about to reach the peak of the fiery energies that have been accompanying us since the Pleiadian portal. During the Lionsgate, our Planet will align with the Star Sirius, the Galactic Center, and with many sacred places on Earth, as it is Giza Pyramid, giving us the opportunity to connect with the Cosmic Heart and other civilizations that have been following our human evolution, as our cosmic forefathers from Sirius, who have been assisting in the awakening of humanity for a long time, especially after the original Adamic DNA was manipulated - impeding us to fully be aware, as other cosmic civilizations are, of our True Divine Essence.

Celia Fenn - 7th August 2021 - The Day before the 8/8 Portal

7th August 2021

The Day before the 8/8 Portal.

I am feeling very challenged by many things, but at the same time I am experiencing an immense Silence and Peace.

Maybe made all the more intense since my home has been enshrouded by fog off the sea for the last two days which has muffled the usual surburban sounds.

In this Peace, both inner and outer, I feel we are poised for a huge jump in consciousness. Upwards.

miércoles, agosto 04, 2021

Celia Fenn - We have entered the week of the Lions Gate portal - Aug 3, 2021


We have entered the week of the Lions Gate portal.

8/8 on Sunday 8th August.

Powerful energies are flowing!

We are emerging as New Earth Humans and feeling the shifts and changes in our Energy Systems and within our DNA.

The Original Template for the Human Angel is reactivating and we are evolving into a new creation on a new timeline.

jueves, julio 22, 2021

Patricia Cota-Robles - THE OLYMPIC GAMES – AN IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITY - July 22, 2021


by Patricia Cota-Robles

July 22, 2021

The Olympic Games have always provided Lightworkers with a powerful opportunity to add to the Light of the World. This is due to the fact that during this 17-day global event it is estimated that between five and six billion people, at one time or another, turn their attention to the Olympic Games. This unified focus of Humanity’s attention creates a Collective Cup of Consciousness through which the Company of Heaven and every person’s I AM Presence can empower the Divine Intent of the Olympics and expand the Light of God on Earth. The Divine Intent of the Olympic Games symbolically represents the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences and coming together in Peace with the goal of reaching our highest level of excellence. 

domingo, julio 18, 2021

Lauren C. Gorgo - 8·8 Lion’s Gate: the freedom sphere - July 18, 2021

This July is a really important (universal 3) month that completes the sacred trinity of the Heart, Mind & Womb work that we have been tirelessly forging in order to liberate the (false) “human condition” by way of this universal 5 year. Since July of 2020, we have been working specifically to free these three creative centers from the slave matrix by repetitively choosing out, removing/clearing what was inauthentic, and painstakingly reprogramming our processors to align with our original/divine template. This one-year journey of Heartmind & Heartwomb freedom comes to a close this month which means we will finally be free to create fulfilling lives, missions & relationships.

martes, julio 13, 2021

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - July 2021


***A Word from Your Hostess of light

***Day out of Time July 25, 2021 White Magnetic Mirror

***Mayan New Year July 26, 2021 (Yellow Electric Seed Oracle)


***Teachings of Spider Woman

***Ziggurat Temple Stones (Marrakesh Picture Jasper)

***8:8 Lions Gate Workshop  Sunday August 8, 2021 with Gillian MacBeth

From Your Hostess of Light We are all feeling pushed and pulled in a million directions as we enter the Mad-hatter energy of July that seems to guide us around and around like a rip tide in a hula hoop.  We ask ourselves are we running early or late? What day is it in this place? What dimension are we in this month? We all stand head to head heart to heart and toe to toe, with every inch of our self, knocking on the ‘door’ of the sacred room within.  All events begin and end in this corridor of time, pay attention to what seeks your approval, whether wind or tide, tree or animal. What is illusion and what is real? All blends of self-emulsify to create a new element for the periodic table. It is time to stop expecting the predictable and embrace what we have not even imagined.

lunes, julio 12, 2021

Celia Fenn - As we begin to approach the Leo energy - July 12, 2021

Good morning from Africa....the kingdom of the Lions.

As we begin to approach the Leo energy, the Aquarius Full Moon and the Lions Gate, the energy continues to intensify.

It is BIG energy and HUGE waves.

The Earth changes are accelerating with high temperatures in the North, and down south where I am, winter storms and icy cold weather.

domingo, agosto 09, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - A Month Long Lion's Gate Passageway of Portals & Light Codes: "Heart of a Lion" and "Roar of Light", NEW Builder Codes, "The Lion Sleeps No More" and NEW Visibility Codes are just a few....- Aug 9, 2020

Lions-Gate Portals and Passageways

While I post this on the actual 8/8, this is so much more than "one day". This Gateway/Passageway is an entire month, that for me, opened on July 22nd, when the first set of codes came through. Each week since, has been the next set of codes and then the next. We continue this through Gateway completion, which currently I keep seeing is August 26th. Because this is not linear, it's vibrational/energetic and relative to different dimensions/densities in different ways, then each will unlock, receive, activate in their own way. The KEY is a wide open ready heart.... ♥ Portals open up within us and give us the capability to walk through. The "how" is relative to our own bravery, courage, readiness and willingness to completely let go of all old by way of

martes, julio 21, 2020

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - 2020 Lions Gate - July21, 2020

Beloved Ones, once again it is the time of the Lions Gate and the Planetary New Year. Another Diamond Spiral of Time is being birthed through the Leo Gateway of the 8/8. The Royal Lion Guardians of “Yesterday” and “Tomorrow” stand posted at the Gateway, ready to admit those who are balanced in their hearts to the Sacred Spiral of Masterful Co-Creation on Planet Earth.

martes, agosto 13, 2019

Sandra Walter - Nuevas Puertas Estelares, la Puerta del León y los Cambios de Agosto -

Nuevas Puertas Estelares, la Puerta del León y los Cambios de Agosto

por Sandra Walter

Bendiciones, Amados ~

Agosto siempre ha sido un mes poderoso para las actualizaciones de la Ascensión. Algunas de mis experiencias más expansivas han ocurrido en la segunda mitad de agosto – y este año promete lo mismo.

Muchos se están unificando para la Puerta del León (8/8), una antigua tradición egipcia, que puede abrir fuertemente el corazón. Las nuevas aperturas del Portal de Sirio desde junio y las nuevas activaciones de códigos de la rejilla/libertad desde el 4 de julio, hacen de ésta una activación más refinada y poderosa de nuestros corazones y ADN.