Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Océano Multidimensional. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Océano Multidimensional. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, febrero 21, 2014

Laura Multidimensional Ocean - My Dreamflight of the 20 Feb. 2014 – Peace Missiles :) - February 21, 2014

images (2)Well I had an amazing dreamflight on Aurora.. Indy woke me up a few times during the night and my partner too, but every time i was awaken, I was blown away by what was going on my dreamflight!!
I sadly don’t recall much.. other than when i woke up.. a few glimpses that i tried to recall..
glimpse 1: I was among a team of friends, all very strongly connected. We were reviewing my life, but not in a scary or negative way.. no we were just looking at it from a detached and curious point of view, with no prejudice. Just a bunch of friends and collegues trying to help me out on a few Earthly things  was just awesome to feel their energy and love in the same room with me. Part of me did feel as if i was back at school when i woke up, i mean in the way that one is surrounded by friends and in the way their energy felt young and vibrant.

martes, febrero 18, 2014

Be at peace – Message from my Higher Self and SaLuSa – Multidimensional Ocean 18 Feb. 2014

1932355_10152014947259023_26823166_nDear ones, we encourage you once again to go within and take stock of your inner state. This is a rather difficult thing to do, as one must face the energies within, as well as the tension built up within. This often translates as muscular tension, mental unrest, emotional rollercoaster and a general sense of fatigue.
We encourage you to do things slower than you usually would, to sleep longer, and to eat healthy, natural foods in order to replenish your body with the energy that it needs. The additional and longer cold in the northern hemisphere is adding on stress and muscular tension in your lives. Make sure not to neglect your body, to give it plenty of exercise and plenty of gentle loving care.
Do not be afraid of probing your own inner tensions, manifesting through your body as muscular tension and sore points in your body. The first step in liberating yourself from this toll is noticing these energies and releasing these negative spots by just acknowledging them. No need to “do” anything, just probing them is enough to send a nervous signal to your brain to let go.

domingo, febrero 02, 2014

SaLuSa - Multidimensional Ocean - Feb 2, 2013

salusaSaLuSa 2d Feb 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean
Greetings from your space brothers. We salute your courage and dedication to the light once again. We love to see you serve the light and love with so much devotion and conviction. You are a true inspiration for all of us on the ships.
We are aware that many of you would like to join us on the ships so much, if not in their 3D body, at least in dreams or with their Higher Self. You are of course welcome onboard to visit us, as usual. In fact many of you already do this, whether you are aware of it or not.

domingo, enero 26, 2014

River within – SaLuSa 26 Jan 2014 by Multidimensional Ocean

salusaRiver within – SaLuSa 26 Jan 2014 by Multidimensional  Ocean
We come again with news from the higher planes of existence, dear ones. We are always by your side, even though you are rarely aware of our presence. We enjoy watch you grow and understand the nature of life day after day. You are becoming more and more aware of your abilities for the light, although many among you still enjoy living in a 3D box as it were, closed off to the outside world. Do not judge those people, as they too have been placed on Mother Earth to grow and learn, to develop and awaken to the higher possibilities of humans. Yet, some people must go through a great ordeal to develop and discover those possibilities. Especially the younger souls, who are still developing, for even though we are all part of the One, the One keeps expanding and creating new souls, who must learn and grow in turn.

domingo, enero 19, 2014

SaLuSa - Celebration of Life – Multidimensional Ocean - Jan 19, 2014

light-green-vector-flowers-abstract-backgrounds-free-background-hdDear ones, we come again with an update for you on behalf of the Galactic Federation.
Today let us speak of one or two topics that are dear to our hearts. The first topic concerns the rigidity of the world that you live on. As members and representatives of the Galactic Federation, we are proud to see you do your duty on a daily basis. A duty of love of all that is, and a duty of creation of love all around you.
Once again, we wish to congratulate you on your endeavours on planet Earth. You have been selected with the greatest care for a mission of the upmost importance, as you are well aware of.

domingo, enero 12, 2014

Haunting Relationships – Multidimensional Ocean - 12 January 2014

Feeling a very strong ancient Egypt the whole weekend. was amazing really. I reconnected with one of my past lives.
I had 2 lives that i recall on Ancient Egypt. One as Sekhmet, of which I still hold some vivid memories.
Another one the same life i have spoken of before. I was murdered in the palace. There must have been an ancient palace across the Nile, looking out onto the pyramids and the Sphinx. There was a wide and luxurious vegetation and the weather was pleasantly warm, but not unbearable.

jueves, enero 09, 2014

SaLuSa - on Human Space Civilizations and on Governments- ET contacts by Multidimensional Ocean - 9 Jan 2014

imagesDear ones, we come to you once again to encourage you to go forward with your heart full of love in all situations and always.
It is understandable to have doubts and anxieties at this time in the Ascension process as we come to the end of this paradigm. Many of you were also present in the Atlantean times and fear that history will repeat itself.
Although this is a very small possibility at this stage, we can only emphasize the importance of focusing on a positive outcome for the planet and for all souls at this time.

jueves, diciembre 12, 2013

About me ! – 12- 12- 2013 – Multidimensional Ocean

Hi guys! 
A few people have asked me on private questions about me, my channeling work and technique, or had other discussions. Usually, I don’t have enough time to have one to one email with people and friends. This is because I work and study at the same time, and try to run 2 websites, and channel as well.. and with a slow broadband and windows 8.1 .. this is tricky.. and painful at times, not to mention the 3 hours daily travel time, the preparation for the next day’s work and classes (takes up to 5 hours per night), and the exams and readings I have to do for my post grad course.
So I am sorry if I can’t reply to emails or chats til roughly June, when I will be busy applying for a job… !
Such is my path in life, I have to work hard to make a living for me and help my family as well. No other way of surviving for us otherwise. So I thought I would say a little about me and my channeling work and try to hit on a few readers’ questions while I am home sick for the day… 
- I was born in East Europe on a farm. I have traveled from age 7 with my family in a few countries in Europe and since I am an adult I have lived in 2 European countries.
- I have always recalled living on Mars and on the Moon, in previous lives of course. I used to tell of those things to my family, but they always told me that there is no one living on other planets and that there is no extra- terrestrial life in the Universe. Which made me sad and scared, and I have always told them that that was not true, that life was plentiful in the universe, otherwise why would the universe be so big, if it was just all for our planet. We agreed on that.

viernes, diciembre 06, 2013

SaLuSa, Lord Ahstar and my other guardian angels, and guides – 6 Dec. 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean.

imagesAtlantis / Other planets life span
We encourage you to continue keep the faith in these increasingly difficult times, dear ones.
You are coming to a time when your true identity will be revealed to you at last. It will come to you as evident that so many among you are not from this beautiful planet originally.
You will receive communications from us, through dreams, or through your higher self about your star origins.
Many of you already know of their star families, and of the many lives that you have lead among the immense and powerful Galactic Community of love and light beings.
In actual fact, the majority of you had many lives on many planets, among various species, and have chosen to let go of those lives when the time for you to leave the planet felt right.

lunes, noviembre 25, 2013

Divine Light Within – Short Message from the Angelic Realm by Multidimensional Ocean – 25 Nov 2013


Everybody feels the attraction for the intriguing, the fascinating, the mesmerising, the front of the brain, the doing, the over-thinking. Some of you enjoy reading about how beautiful souls you are, which is true indeed, but we all already know that, so why enjoying reading about it over and over again? What would help everybody is the realization that these are all automatic responses to attractions.
When one responds to attractions instinctively, one no longer sees what is, one enters the illusion fully. To see the illusion, one needs to be present. This means being present in your body, be linked to your spine and to the higher energies running throughout your body. To be linked to life itself, for you are these higher energies, you are made of Stars and of the God spark.

jueves, octubre 17, 2013

SaLuSa – Pidan un deseo - Océano Multidimensional - 12-10-13

estrella-fugaz dos
Pidan el deseo y denle al universo un tiempo para manifestarlo, solo considérenlo como un juego y un experimento divertido, y no tengan expectativas de ningún tipo, de hecho, si fuera mejor que lo olvidaran una vez que hayan pedido su deseo.

Queridos: Los tiempos por venir llenarán sus corazones de lágrimas de alegría y amor.
Los reinos angélicos han preparado un show de amor para muchos de ustedes, en especial en los círculos espirituales y de los trabajadores de la luz.
No tengan expectativas de cómo sería su vida y no se preocupen demasiado si las cosas no salen acorde a sus planes.

sábado, octubre 12, 2013

Make a Wish – SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean 12 Oct. 2013 ones,
The times ahead will fill your heart with tears of joy and love. The angelic realms have prepared a love show for many of you, especially in the lightworker and spiritual circles. Have no expectations of where your life would like to be and do not feel overly concerned if things don’t go according to you plans. The divine and your higher-self has a much bigger and lager plan for you, a plan which cannot be comprehended by the linear ordinary mind, a plan which reunites all the dimensions, all your lives (past present and future ones) and will reunite your over soul.

miércoles, septiembre 25, 2013

Conversaciones con SaluSa - Seguimos siendo su familia estelar amorosa.- Océano Multidimensional - 19-09-13

alfa sirio  dos
Gentilmente mantenemos nuestra vigilancia a todos nuestros equipos queridos de la Tierra, y nos mostramos a ustedes en una forma más o menos directa, a veces con cierta duda. Seguimos siendo su familia estelar amorosa.

Queridos, estamos complacidos de verlos trabajando unidos y como si fueran uno durante éste último trecho hacia la última fase del despertar de las masas.
Disfrutamos inmensamente verlos trabajar en línea, con mucho amor, compasión y entendimiento entre ustedes.
Muchos de ustedes aún tienen grandes expectativas por la etapa de la Ascensión, muchos de ustedes realmente no ve que de alguna forma, muchos de ustedes ya ascendió pero desean continuar el juego, para que más hermanos y hermanas de ustedes vengan con ustedes.

domingo, septiembre 22, 2013

Meeting my Protector Ship Face to Face !! by Multidimensional Ocean 22 Sept 2013


After having had without any shadow of a doubt the most difficult week in my life, I am home for the weekend.
My partner called me upstairs this morning, with his most blase tone of voice, telling me: ” Oh shit! another UFO outside the window! come and see”.. and indeed! it was!!

jueves, septiembre 19, 2013

SaLuSa by Laura Multidimensionalocean 19 Sept 2013

earth_sts118_bigDear ones, we are so pleased to see you unite and work together as one during this last stretch towards the last awakening phase of the masses.
We enjoying immensly to see you work online, with so much love, compassion and understanding of each other.
Many of you still have great expectations for the Ascension stage, many of you do not really see that in a way, most of you have already ascended, but just wish to keep the game going, in order that more brothers and sisters of yours would come with you.
It is very difficult for many of you to let go of your earthly life and duties.

sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Conversaciones con SaLuSa - Mensaje Corto del Ser Superior y SaLuSa - Océano Multidimensional - 02-09-13


Muchos de ustedes están angustiados en estos tiempos que llaman a la guerra.

No caigan en las tácticas y amenazas de miedo. Todas estas están diseñadas para mantenerlos en el modo de defensa, o en su cerebro reptiliano como tal.
Por favor estén conscientes de que estar nerviosos sobre las tensiones y eventos actuales en el mundo solo ayuda a traer el resultado negativo.
Pueden estar conscientes de lo que pasa en el mundo, pero también estén conscientes del efecto que la cábala desea que tengan en sus vidas con éstas noticias.

martes, septiembre 03, 2013

What is My Mission Question Answered by Multidimensional Ocean - September 3, 2013

Hi everybody, someone just asked me kindly the follwing question on chat, so I said I will reply for all with a post.
Here is his question:
” What is you own personal misshion as a starseed ~ Indigo child ~ crystal child # starseed warrrior etc. “
My Reply:
As I recall my mission from pre-birth life planning, my mission is to assist, along with thousands (or possibly millions) others, this planet to rise from the lower density. In other words to help Earth and her life forms ascend into the higher realms of existence.

lunes, septiembre 02, 2013

Short Message from Higher Self and SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean – 2 Sep 2013

Short Message from Higher Self and SaLuSa by Multidimensional Ocean – 2 Sep 2013
Many of you are stressed out in these war mongering times. Do not fall for the fear tactics and threats. All these are designed to keep you in the defenseive mode, or in your reptilian brain as it were. Please be aware that being nervous about the current tensions and events in the world only helps bring about a negative outcome.
You can be aware of the world happenings, but be also aware of the effect the cabal wishes these news to bring about in your life.

domingo, septiembre 01, 2013

SaLuSa - Conversación con el Ser en la nave que me cuida a mí y a mis seres queridos - 29-08-13 - Océano Multidimensional

prometheus_ dos
Tomé un largo paseo disfrutando el aire de los últimos días de verano. Se sentía nostalgia y tristeza por tener que dejar el país y a mis seres queridos por un tiempo.

Al observar arriba el cielo de noche, la luz normal de la nave estaba ahí, siguiéndome, destellando las luces del arcoíris: roja, verde, azul, naranja, blanca, etc., después la luz se dividió en dos unos instantes.
Fui a ver a mi compañero, como el piloto de la nave dijo que estaba bien, que iba a quedarse para que mi compañero también viera la nave.
Por primera vez en 3 años, mi compañero ha visto la nave acercarse y bajar hacia nosotros y claramente destellar todas las luces.
La nave nunca había estado tan cerca del suelo antes.

jueves, agosto 29, 2013

Conversation with the being on the ship watching over me and my loved ones by Multidimensional Ocean 29 Aug 2013

Took a long walk outside, enjoying the air of the last few days of summer. Was feeling nostaligic and sad for having to leave the country and my loved ones behind for a while.
Looking up in the night sky, the usual light ship was out, following me, flashing all the rainbow lights: red, green, blue, orange, white, etc.. then the light split in 2 a few times. I went to see my partner, as the pilot of the ship said it was ok, that he was going to stay for my partner to see the ship also. For the 1st time in over 3 years, my partner has just seen the ship come closer and lower to us, and clearly flashing all the lights. The ship was never so close and low to the ground before.
It usually decloaks for about half an hour or one hour, and it stays more or less stationary, it moves locations also sometimes.