Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karma. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Karma. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, abril 11, 2020

Meg Benedicte - Ascension Upgrades - April 11, 2020

Ascension Upgrades

This past week has been an intense roller coaster ride! We’re still integrating the powerful Ascension upgrades from the impactful 444 gateway. Many are healing and clearing heart/lung issues to prepare for the massive Ascension shift into 5D. Emotionally charged Atlantean timelines have been triggered for healing as well. We are resolving past karmic Atlantean misuse of power and technology to avoid a repeat miscalculation.

miércoles, marzo 18, 2020

Mark Borax - Informe del clima cósmico de Marzo 2020~ Saturno en Acuario: Cosechando Magia del Caos

Informe del clima cósmico de Marzo 2020~
Saturno en Acuario: Cosechando Magia del Caos
por Mark Borax
Putney Mountain,Vermont, USA

Traducción: Marcela Borean

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Cuarenta y ocho horas después de que ocurra el Equinoccio de Primavera en la noche del 19 de marzo, Saturno entra en Acuario la noche del 21 de marzo, en donde permanecerá hasta julio. En julio Saturno regresa a Capricornio, luego regresa a Acuario cerca de fin de año durante el importantísimo Solsticio de Invierno de 2020, donde se encuentra con Júpiter en la Gran Conjunción de nuestro tiempo, lo que trae al futuro más cerca del pasado.

domingo, marzo 01, 2020

Patricia Cota-Robles - RELEASING KARMIC CODES FROM OUR DNA - March 1, 2020

Patricia Cota-Robles

March 1, 2020

We have taken another monumental step in our Ascension process that was victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth. This is something that the I AM Presence of each and every one of us has been striving to help us accomplish for aeons of time. Please set aside any preconceived notions and focus the full power of your attention on what the Company of Heaven is revealing to us about this Cosmic Moment.

jueves, enero 16, 2020

awakening5dhealing - Spiritual Lockdown where’s my divinity?! Symptoms & Solutions - January 16, 2020

Spiritual lockdown is a block to divinity. We struggle to align with higher vibratory fields of existence. We are prevented from achieving spaces of inner zen. Spiritual lockdown is a weapon of mass destruction within the matrix, engineered specifically to prevent humanities ascension. It affects all souls who incarnate in human lifetimes on Gaia. Soul siphoning ensures too many simply don’t have enough signature soul imprint to break out of conditioning, automatons hardwired to keep the system operating. A travesty of soul rights recognised across the multiverse. The Federation of Light have taken steps to fix this situation. We are

domingo, diciembre 01, 2019

Morag - Psychic Attack And Light Protection - Dec 1, 2019

by Morag,
Contributing writer,

With so much going on energetically, it becomes tricky identifying causes and effects. 444 lightbody activation, triggered by 1111 or 333 light portals is different from symptoms of 999 dark portals. All of the above are affecting us. We move through the closure of 1111 quantum leap, establishing our biorhythms in 1112 steadying ourselves in higher vibratory fields. 333 light gateway continues till mid December, heart, throat and root chakra activations.

domingo, julio 14, 2019

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía de Julio 2019 - Julio 10, 2019

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Después de 6 meses de trabajo duro y esfuerzo, espero que esta segunda mitad del año venga lleno de recompensas y bendiciones. Pero sé que en el trabajo energético las recompensas no siempre son divertidas y maravillosas, más bien suelen implicar un enorme esfuerzo adicional (y a veces se presentan disfrazadas de desafíos). Sin embargo, un mes con 2 eclipses, un Mercurio retrógrado y aspectos raros que involucran a todos los planetas, en medio de un gran despertar colectivo, debería ser muy emocionante.

martes, junio 04, 2019

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Various Levels of Akash Dictate Your Experience Here: Did You Know that Your Every Thought, Breath and Act are Vibrationally "Recorded"? - June 4, 2019

The human perception of akash and Source Consciousness awareness of Akash are very different perceptions... as there is an entire ego-matrix program that was created around this (and all).

Are you aware that your every experience here is dictated by all of your Akashes, which pertain not only to this human experience, yet all of your existences all rolled up into ONE?

viernes, mayo 03, 2019

Sarah Varcas - Saturn & Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn until October/November 2019 - May 3, 2019

The Shadow Illuminated
Sarah Varcas

What happens in January 2020?

You may already know we have a big moment coming up on 12th/13th January 2020 when a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn heralds the beginning of a new developmental cycle lasting in excess of thirty years. Whilst the actual time of the conjunction and the days around it may well present some interesting challenges (more on that nearer the time!), its real significance lies in its relevance to the evolutionary development of humanity in the coming years. When the Lord of Karma (Saturn)

martes, enero 29, 2019

awakening5dhealing - Upgrades, Karma and Manifesting without Fear - January 29, 2019

2019 the world is going to be lit with warriors taking a stand. Holding their light high, a beacon of hope, peace and harmony. January’s blood moon eclipse gateway has unleashed intensive lightworker upgrades. We are being levelled up, ‘I know kung fu’…kinda thing. When uploads come a calling, the dark night can open up before us. Integration, recalibration, requires space, energetic, emotional space. We unpeel the sticky, bitter, stinging

domingo, diciembre 02, 2018

awakening5dhealing - Energy Update Gateways, Karma and the Great Shift 2018 - December 2, 2018

The winds of transformation are upon us. We hurtle towards the closure of the 1111 Portal. Another profound shift having taken place. Ripples experienced across the globe. Hold tight beautiful people. The goal is to make it to the end of the year in one piece. 2018 has seen the great shift kick in. Polarity has breached dimensional barriers. We witness the dawn of a new age, the return of the divine feminine energy. Technological advancement accelerates humanities evolution. A cosmic rescue and resuscitate mission is well underway. Resistance is pressed upon us, we resist our own karmic unpeeling. We can be the gamer or the architect.

viernes, septiembre 21, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Pronóstico/Informe Energético Multidimensional de Septiembre - Sep 2, 2018

Pronóstico/Informe Energético Multidimensional de Septiembre

Muchos están empezando a darse cuenta de que hay múltiples dimensiones de realidades funcionando ahora. Diferentes colectivos, basados en distintos sistemas de creencias, así como distintas densidades del cuerpo físico, distintas fases del Cuerpo de Luz, todo bajo una “gran matriz” de la Vieja Tierra o la NUEVA. Algunos tienen un pie en cada una... algunos se tambalean de un lado al otro. Sin embargo, llegar a entender completamente la Existencia Multi-Dimensional, no es una comprensión lineal, es una vibratoria.

sábado, septiembre 08, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Ciclos Acelerados de Muerte para el Cuerpo Humano (3D/4D) conforme se Intensifica la “Muerte del Cuerpo-Envejecimiento”: los Cuerpos 5D (de Luz) son lo Contrario - Agosto 10, 2018

Escribo esto para ayudar a aquellos que se están preparando para la transición para “salir del cuerpo”, o aquellos que “siguen aquí”, así como también para quienes tienen seres queridos haciendo la transición. Esto es un “CÓMO Cósmico/Cuántico” que ahora se acelera y algunos “porqués”... para esto ahora.

Hay infinitas verdades... cada uno “cree” según su propio condicionamiento, programación y verdad. Esto es diferente. Esto no es “verdad humana”. Esto es “verdad” Universal/Cósmica. Esto es la Existencia de nuestra TIERRA MULTI-DIMENSIONAL..... ahora.

jueves, octubre 19, 2017

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Vibrationally Intentionally Shifting In/Out of Karmic Timelines - 10/19/2017

These continually shifting high frequencies will "teach" your human aspect how to maneuver in all new ways. Your ability to do things the way you used to will immensely change. As you become ENERGY, then every shift will affect you more. You will have to learn to acclimate, honor and integrate like never before.

viernes, agosto 26, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan - Chapter 11 - On Money and Dissolving Old Karma - August 26, 2016

Excerpt from Abundance For All

Chapter 11 - On Money and Dissolving Old Karma

[Question] You’ve told us that abundance, especially money, has a lot to do with gratitude, and how we deal with the energy of money—how much we “like” money. This was very helpful.

But if we choose our life circumstances before we incarnate, have we already chosen whether to live an abundant life, or a suffering one?

How much does karma come into play?

And how can a pregnant woman, for example, in an African country, who is close to miscarrying because she has not had enough food, create abundance?

[The Collective] This is an excellent topic.

For it is so that most of you have determined to open up to and intentionally create a greater level of abundance in your life. And being thankful for all the money and abundance that has and is flowing to you is one of the ways in which to create a greater flow.

viernes, julio 15, 2016

Christine Meleriessee - El Gran Director Divino, Entendiendo Cómo Encaja El Karma En Su Senda De Ascensión - 05-06-2016

great divine director

¡Bendiciones y Gozo para cada uno de ustedes!
SOY el Gran Director Divino viniendo desde la 144va. Dimensión de realidad para asistirlos a traer el entendimiento de cómo expresa cada ser en la forma humana su vida a través de las multi-realidades de lo que han sido previamente y qué significa esto en sus momentos futuros.
A medida que aprenden más sobre las Leyes Universales pueden empezar a aplicar cómo están representadas en su vida personal.
Por supuesto los elementos que componen una ley específica son generados desde la Fuente de Luz que ustedes son, a través de su Presencia Yo Soy, en su Mónada, y luego en la existencia de su Yo Superior.
Es entonces cuando se manifiestan a través del acondicionamiento físico de su conciencia en la realidad de quien ustedes se piensan ser en cualquier momento dado. .
La Ley de la Causa y Efecto, comúnmente conocida como la Ley del Karma, representa quiénes son ustedes como ser, sus trayectorias en las muchas dimensiones, y cómo va a coexistir esa energía en la que han vivido en su experiencia humana.

viernes, junio 03, 2016


Blessings and Joy to each of you,

I Am the Great Divine Director coming forward from the 144th dimension of reality to assist in bringing forth understanding of how each soul within the human form expresses their life through the multi-realities that they have been previously and what it means in your future moments.
As you learn more about the Universal Laws, you can start to apply how they are represented within your personal life.

Of course, the elements that make up a specific law are generated from the Source of Light that you are, through your I Am Presence, into your Monad, and then into the existence of your Higher Self. It is then realized through the physical conditioning of your consciousness into the reality of who you think you are in any given moment.
The Law of Cause and Effect or commonly known as the Law of Karma represents who you are as a soul, your travels within the many dimensions and how that energy you have inhabited is going to co-exist within your human experience.

domingo, agosto 03, 2014

Waking Times - 12 Little Known Laws of Karma That Will Change Your Life - Aug 3, 2014

Domino-EffectWritten by TrulyMind, Waking Times, August 3, 2014
What is Karma? Karma is the Sanskrit word for action. It is equivalent to Newton’s law of ‘every action must have a reaction’. When we think, speak or act we initiate a force that will react accordingly. This returning force maybe modified, changed or suspended, but most people will not be able eradicate it.
This law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is wholly for the sake of education or learning.
A person may not escape the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has made the conditions ripe for his suffering. Ignorance of the law is no excuse whether the laws are man-made or universal.

martes, julio 15, 2014

Georgi Stankov - Real Time Karma Redemption – What Does it Mean? - July 15, 2014

In the last message of Sananda channelled by Jahn we read that “the law of cause and effect, also known as Karma, begins to rule in an almost real-time”. What does this mean? I think that this information is extremely significant in the current last phase of the ascension process and needs a special elucidation.

What is the most significant energetic quality that distinguishes this highest 4D timeline and the few light warriors from the old 3D matrix, which still exists as an overlay for the masses and in particular for the dark ones and represents the reality, where the masses still obey the Law of Karma? Particularly in these End Times.