Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Gaia. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Gaia. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, junio 11, 2021

Pamela Kribbe - Mother Earth/Gaia - Get Out of Your Head! - June 8, 2021

Dear friends,

I am the Earth. Feel my energy and my strength. Make the connection with me through your body, which is the bridge between us. Let me into your life, so I can give to you what you need, which is only possible when you allow yourself to receive. You have become human here on Earth by your body receiving the elements of Earth, and only through a deeply felt connection with me can you manifest in flesh and blood who you are truly: a most profound and complete being.

jueves, junio 10, 2021

Suzanne Lie - AWAKENING TO GAIA - June 9 2021



First of all, our/your Galactic Family is not just the advanced beings who are more and more frequently choosing to live on Gaia's Earth. The reason for these many Higher Dimensional Beings gathering on Earth is because we, the Awakening Fifth Dimensional Galactics, are preparing to teach the earthly humans as they remember their true Galactic SELF.

Those who have been born and lived on Gaia, are slowly or quickly beginning to remember their Home-worlds on the higher dimensions of reality, and on their Starships which took them to Earth.

miércoles, junio 09, 2021

Linda Li - the Divine has a quick update for you - June 9, 2021

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a quick update for you.

In the last week or so, we, the Divine have achieved milestones in terms of Gaia's ascension and rebuilding process. One of the achievements is the dissolution of the old 3D earth. The planet earth has been upgraded. The old 3D earth has been integrated into 5D earth. The old systems are no longer supported now. Anything related to the third dimensional systems needs to go. All social governmental structures which are based on 3rd dimensional frequency will be transformed and dismantled by the new earth energies and the new systems are now in place for the new earth.

martes, junio 01, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Saving Gaia - June 1, 2021

Saving Gaia


It is the NOW in which, we the humans, 

who once believed we were the most 

evolved beings on Gaia's Earth,

are beginning to  realize that 

It is the NOW for humanity to:




Their beloved 


jueves, abril 15, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Entering the Unknown - April 15, 2021

Entering the Unknown

       "For many of us within this NOW, it may feel like we are "Entering the Unknown!"
                        However, it just might be that the "Unknown" is actually entering us!"

How can it be that the unknown can enter us?  The answer to that question is that more and more people are beginning to feel that it is the NOW for their return to their own higher dimensional expression of SELF!

lunes, marzo 15, 2021

Sandra Walter - Equanimity as Opportunity :: Equinox Gate is Open - Mar 15, 2021

Equanimity as Opportunity :: Equinox Gate is Open

The grids and fields are being saturated with new harmonics and crystalline plasma. Many hear and feel it over the last few weeks. These harmonics are playing our DNA like a symphony, activating the etheric fields/strands to produce new realities – with your conscious direction.

Prepare to receive intense frequency shifts. Detox, reset with a fast, decree, meditate, get in nature, clear your space and crystals. A beautiful passage to begin something new, take action on a new creation, and release what feels dense or cumbersome.

miércoles, marzo 10, 2021

Pamela Kribbe - Mother Earth/Gaia - Let Your Body be Your Guide - March 10, 2021

Dear people,

I am the voice of the Earth. I greet you from the ground deep beneath your feet; I am the heart of the Earth who speaks. I want to restore the connection with you all and to experience and celebrate that connection, because life here on Earth is meant to be joyful. You are here to experience joy, although it is possible that you will first go through painful events so that you can re-discover and know again the natural joy that belongs to the essence of all reality. But always remember that at its core, life is good. There is a positive current that quickens growth and flowering on both the inner and the outer planes. This current is the essence of the universe: a life-giving, positive, encouraging energy. And that is ultimately where your security lies, with a safety at its most basic level.

miércoles, marzo 03, 2021

Diana Cooper - Meeting Lady Gaia Meditation - March 3, 2021

1. Climb onto your magnificent unicorn and let it carry you down a shaft of pure white light into Hollow Earth, the vast seventh-dimensional chakra in the centre of Earth where every being, every civilization or culture that has ever incarnated is represented in etheric form.

2. Your unicorn glides with you through this wonderland and you can see magnificent dragons, people from ancient cultures, animals and many beings of light.

lunes, febrero 22, 2021

Natalia Alba - We are under the influx of powerful planetary Forces...- Feb 22, 2021

Beloved Ones,

We are under the influx of powerful planetary Forces that assist us in the process of constant release and acceleration of our personal healing journey that many of us are undergoing. A process that leads into the soul mission expansion that comes when we have finally uncover our Illumined Self of all the false layers that used to cover it.

During this intense month, we have so many essences representing the phase that humanity is passing through at this moment that it is indeed another sign for us not to decay with the many tactics to distract us from what is truly important, within our cosmic mission, and personal human journey.

sábado, febrero 20, 2021

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The planet has just started yet another round of releasing - Feb 20, 2021

Dear beloved children on earth, I am your Divine Mother, the Mother of all creation. Today I come to share news.

The planet has just started yet another round of releasing. This time around, the planet earth is going to release Gaia's deeply buried emotional pain and that will translate into erratic weather patterns and natural changes.

miércoles, febrero 17, 2021

Suzanne Lie - Mother Gaia - Many Changes - Feb, 17, 2021


There will be more and more changes within this NOW

The changes that we are facing within this NOW will likely continue to change in more and more different ways.

"What are these different ways?" we may ask. However, change is more something that we can look back at to understand than to look forward to see what changes will occur.

domingo, febrero 07, 2021

Suzanne Lie - WE ARE THE GUARDIANS FOR GAIA - February 6, 2021


  We, the human members of humanity were meant to be the guardians of the Planet. In fact, many Galactic Beings came to the beautiful areas of planet Earth to enjoy that new found land. However, over too many eons, too many humans, especially those who came from other areas of Earth and even from other  planets, also came to Gaia's lovely Earth.  

Unfortunately, Gia's biggest enemy was the humans who came from other areas of the same planet to take what they wanted and harm those who stood in the way of their selfish needs. 

viernes, febrero 05, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Beginning of the NEW Beginning - Feb 5, 2021


Here we all are at the beginning of a new beginning of that which we are not quite sure will begin. There will be many changes which will activate even more and more changes. 

Therefore, It is best if we can be within our selves. In this manner it will be easier to remember that our own Higher Self has chosen to wear a third dimensional Earth Vessel. 

lunes, enero 04, 2021

Suzanne Lie - The Beginning of a New Beginning - Jan 3, 2021

The Beginning of a New Beginning

Happy New Year

Happy New year to us all !

Happy New Year to us all as we move into a new, more expanded version of our reality. Of course, every one of us must set our own pace for when and where we choose to expand our consciousness into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional frequency of reality. 

Just as there are different version of how we perceive reality, we are beginning to remember that WE are the creators of our reality! We are the creators of our reality by what we choose to think, what we choose to learn, what we choose to do, and how what choose to remember our dreams, our early childhood memories, our inner communications and that which can only be perceive from within our Soul.

martes, octubre 27, 2020

Suzanne Lie - Dear Gaia, How are you doing? - October 27, 2020

Dear Gaia, How are you doing?

Dear Gaia,

We, the awakened humans that live on your planet, have gone far too long without asking you the simple question of "Dear Beloved Mother Gaia, how is your Planetary Self doing?"

We, the humans, where meant to be your Protector. In fact, for many eons we did protect you via our fifth dimensional Star Ships that constantly monitored the health and welfare of Gaia's planet Earth.

martes, octubre 20, 2020

Linda Li - Mother Divine - Gaia will shake up things that are deeply buried without human conscious knowledge - Oct 20, 2020

Dear beloveds, the Divine wants me to bring the following message to you.

The Divine says that Gaia has started her move again. This time around, Gaia will shake up things that are deeply buried without human conscious knowledge. Things like war or hatred are from. Humans often function at a subconscious level, although some may be at conscious level, and that means that there are a lot of things human beings do without understanding the deep causes. There are always deep reasons for the actions. Humans are driven by the causes which could be at the subconscious level or could be simply driven by past memories and fear, anger caused by these memories.

jueves, octubre 15, 2020

Sandra Walter - Rewriting HUstory: Into the Revelation Phase - Oct 15, 2020

Rewriting HUstory: Into the Revelation Phase

Blessings Beloveds ~

A passage we have all seen and felt is about to reveal another layer. The frequencies are flowing in to support an acceleration of our Revelation phase. We utilize our Heart compass and discernment to navigate this rushing river of change.

The Ascension trajectory (Primary Christed Timeline) is already an inevitable conclusion to this Divine HUstory of Gaia. How we get there, and how tumultuous it is can be GREATLY aided, steered and assisted by activated hearts in service.

sábado, septiembre 26, 2020

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Planetary Transmutation of Gaia - Sep 26, 2020

Planetary Transmutation of Gaia


Greetings, we are your Galactic Family. We realize that many of you who have been reading our messages, are the members of our brave, fifth dimensional Galactic Family who are now wearing third dimensional, human bodies, on Gaia's Earth body.

We, your Galactic Family, greatly honor those of you who have chosen to leave the higher dimensional realities of the fifth dimension and beyond to take a third dimensional human forms to assist Dear Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension.

jueves, septiembre 24, 2020

Linda Li - Equinox portal is closed, and Gaia's rebuilding continues - September 24, 2020

Equinox portal is closed, and Gaia's rebuilding continues
September 24, 2020
Linda Li

Dear angels on earth, I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today with important news. The equinox portal is closed. The energies that are coming to the planet now are different.
Since the Equinox, we, the Divine have brought a great deal of Universal love energies to the planet, energies that have great impact on the planet and all souls on the planet. The energies that are now pouring in are Gaia’s ascension Rays and the intensity of the ascension Rays is going to increase daily. 

domingo, septiembre 20, 2020



The Life I am Being
With all of my Seeing
Is the way I am steering
With all of my hearing

And the road I am walking
With all of my talking
Is the world I'am revealing
With all of my feeling