Dear beloveds, the Divine wants me to bring the following message to you.
The Divine says that Gaia has started her move again. This time around, Gaia will shake up things that are deeply buried without human conscious knowledge. Things like war or hatred are from. Humans often function at a subconscious level, although some may be at conscious level, and that means that there are a lot of things human beings do without understanding the deep causes. There are always deep reasons for the actions. Humans are driven by the causes which could be at the subconscious level or could be simply driven by past memories and fear, anger caused by these memories.
The planet right now has so much hatred and that has to be healed. What the healing can do is to release the deep causes of the hatred and fear, and that needs Gaia to accomplish that.
So in the next few days and weeks, Gaia is going to release the deeply buried emotions and hatred towards each other. Gaia has the plan and she is ready to implement that plan.
Once Gaia’s plan starts, the planet will see a lot of the releasing happening, And chaos will be more prevalent and disturbing sometimes. Just know that Gaia has the emotions out and the reflection of Gaia’s releasing is the experience of these emotions again. So, in order for the releasing process to go smoothly, please sit in the heart and be a total observer. Sit above the fray and know Gaia has the plan. At end of the day, Gaia will be healed and the planet will be renewed and humanity, too, will be advanced to a new level. Know now is the process.
Please stay in the heart dear ones. Allow Gaia to release and heal. Let the planet and humanity be healed. Sit in peace and bless the process and know at end of the day, you are the light warrior. There is no need to engage, or invest emotionally, just allow the process to play out. The planet needs you now more than ever. Mother Earth is a living example of loving the planet and loving all the sentient beings with the Divine pure heart and love. All lives deserve your love and light. Be the light house for all dear angels. I love you. I am your Mother Divine. So it is.