I just want to thank you LIGHT WORKER SOUL that you volunteered to come and assist this planet at this time.
When the Clarion Call went out for Light-workers to come and assist this planet through the greatest and most profound shift in evolutionary consciousness, most did not care - but you did.
I want to thank you for being brave enough to take on such a massive task.
When you were briefed before incarnating by the Grand Masters of the Pleiades about what life is like on this planet, and your soul contracts were being created, you often took on a lot more than you were ask to do. For you felt that you were up to the task. Some of these Masters cautioned you, that you might be taking on too much, but you smiled and said: YES, I AM UP TO ALL IT!
When you were born you forgot all of this - or you might have remembered as a child, but then the adults did not understand, or if they did, they did not know how to help you.
Some of you could telepathically read the minds of the adults, and then voiced their own thoughts back to them: - and they got mad at you! So you kind of shut down all those innate abilities and then tended to conform or tried to, but most of the time you felt that something was not quite right and felt a deep sense of not belonging on this planet.
Yet, you are always connected to your home galaxies, and you always are in communication with them. You do this in your sleep-state.
A lot of you take on extra work in your sleep-state and therefore need more sleep than others or you might wake up feeling tired. That is because you are doing extra work to assist the planet in different and higher ways.
You are always held in the arms of the Divine, and in care of the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters, your own Ascended Masters from your soul groups, as well as those higher Master souls from your home galaxies who are constantly monitoring your progress.
You are never ever alone.
Understand that these next 10 years are crucial ones and you need to be fully prepared to step up in service and in higher soul commitment to living your soul purpose and mission and the special assignments you took on.
The more you are thus in greater communication with your own inner soul self, the more you will be able to do this work.
Therefore shrink not, but learn to stand in your true magnificence and shine your Light and become the LOVE that changes the whole world.
(Judith Kusel)