So many things are happening in the visible and invisible planes and shifting energies and energy fields, that our physical bodies do have a hard time keeping up with it all, as well as all other aspects of our soul.
This is just going to intensify.
Remember that your physical body, at the very same time is going through immense upgrades, as it is transfigured into the new and much higher lightbody form.
Through this all, and with the intense energies being churned up by that which is now energetically been brought into the Light and exposed, dealt with and released, indeed transformed into the new, most people are buying into mass fear and mass hysteria, because they feel their old life disintegrating, and no matter how hard all try to cling onto the old, it is disintegrating. It cannot hold form anymore.
We, as Lightworkers now are asked to truly allow time to become still, to seek the inner guidance, to truly seek that immense ONENESS with the Divine, and thus as we move into higher octaves frequency band, and step more into the Truth of who and what we in truth Are, at SOUL level, and into the highest Christed Consciousness we embody.
We need keep our own batteries charged and allow ourselves time to rest. The rest time is essential, for our physical bodies need that to be able to adjust.
When we are stressed out, we are cannot operate at optinum levels. We need time to constantly recharge and to allow the ONENESS with the Divine, and thus the Greater WHOLE to help raise our frequency levels. The same applies to listen deep within for guidance and to ask for the higher guidance as we are stepping into a totally new Creation!
As we raise our own frequency levels, we have a ripple effect on the whole of humanity, whether we are consciously aware of this or not.
Through this whole process, note that you are now creating the New, with every thought you take, every action you take, with every choice you make.
Become aware that the Present moment, indeed is already creating the New Golden Age, and thus we are asked to rise into this, and create from the heart of Pure Unconditional love.
For indeed, if we cannot step past duality, polarity, judgement, forgiveness and separation WITHIN OURSELVES, and step out of the old Dream which was the 3D, we cannot step the fullness of the Truth of Who and What we are, at Soul Level AS ONE with the Divine.
All will be churned up which needs to be released, forgiven, set free within yourself and others.
Know this.
Walk your talk.
We are now walking the walk into Freedom!
We are claiming our Divine Birthright and Sons and Daughters of the Divine, we are reclaiming our highest TRUTH.
Shine, Shine, Shine.
Love, Love, Love.
Judith Kusel