Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta La Divinidad. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta La Divinidad. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, septiembre 10, 2021

Linda Li - ...the Divine asked me to give you updates on what is happening around the clock and on the planet - Sep 10, 2021


Dear family of love and light, the Divine asked me to give you updates on what is happening around the clock and on the planet.

The Divine says that lately, the Divine has brought an army of Dragons to the planet. These dragons are Divinely created for the purpose of moving the Divine plan forward. They are creatures that carry powerful energies. They can fly at the speed of light. They have all sorts of colors and there is different range of Rays they emit. When they are at work, they work tirelessly and extremely focus on their mission. Nothing can distract them from what they do, and their focus is extraordinary.

lunes, agosto 09, 2021

Linda Li - Over the last few days while the energies were streaming to the plane - Aug 9, 2021

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has updates for the planet and humanity.

Over the last few days while the energies were streaming to the planet, the Divine and the company of heaven worked very hard to move forward with the Divine plan. We have accomplished quite a few important items.

The Divine has successfully brought the planet and humanity up another octave energetically. Humanity now has crossed the lion's gate and arrived at a much higher realm. The Divine wants to thank all the light workers for your beautiful and powerful light work. It is a great achievement. Now the planet and humanity are in a more suitable position and the planet herself is resting.

miércoles, junio 16, 2021

Judith Kusel - Everything in life is but a Divine Gift - June 16, 2021

Everything in life is but a Divine Gift.

It is just that we so often reject the gift, because we cannot see for seeing. We are blocking the flow of miracles, simply because we keep staring at the shadows, and indeed live in the shadow, instead of fully standing in our own Soul Light, with unconditional love.

A few months ago, I was told by the Divine, that I needed to create more space and quiet time, so that I could be open to receive such Gifting from the Divine. "You have toiled so long and hard in the field. Allow the Divine to gift you."

sábado, junio 12, 2021

Linda Li - the Divine has a quick update for you...- June 12, 2021

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a quick update for you. The Solar eclipse and the new moon energies are still going strong. The planet and light worker communities are still in the process of digesting the new moon energy and eclipse energies. It is understandable that the body feels slow and has a need of staying relaxed. And that is the proper way to go actually.

What the Divine has in store for the planet and light workers are extraordinary and they are coming dear ones. That is why the Divine wants to give you a heads up and update.

miércoles, junio 09, 2021

Linda Li - the Divine has a quick update for you - June 9, 2021

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a quick update for you.

In the last week or so, we, the Divine have achieved milestones in terms of Gaia's ascension and rebuilding process. One of the achievements is the dissolution of the old 3D earth. The planet earth has been upgraded. The old 3D earth has been integrated into 5D earth. The old systems are no longer supported now. Anything related to the third dimensional systems needs to go. All social governmental structures which are based on 3rd dimensional frequency will be transformed and dismantled by the new earth energies and the new systems are now in place for the new earth.

sábado, abril 24, 2021

Linda Li - the Divine has a quick update for you...- April 24, 2021

Dear family of love and light, the Divine has a quick update for you.

In the last few days, the Divine and some light workers have been working hard to heal the ancient lineages and souls who, for some reason, are stuck on the planet. The process was very successful. Millions and millions of these souls have ascended home and what is left behind was their heroic stories and their ancient experiences on Mother Earth.

miércoles, abril 21, 2021

Linda Li - The Divine - April 21, 2021

Dear beloveds, the Divine has been uplifting the ancient souls and the souls who have not been able to ascend home. The Divine says for whatever reason, there are quite a big number of souls who have been staying on the planet, and now their time has come. The Divine has established a team which will help these souls go home.

sábado, abril 10, 2021

Linda Li - The Divine and the Company of Heaven - April 10, 2021

Dear family of love and light, the Divine wants to let you know that the Divine plan is working out very well. The time ahead is extremely important. Please keep up your good work and be very vigilant. Know that the Divine plan is prevailing. And victory is in our hands. 

Go celebrate children of the Great Central sun the Divine says. Mother Father God love you all. So it is.

Linda Li and the Divine and the company of heaven.