Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Morya. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta El Morya. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, agosto 25, 2015

Suzanne Lie - About New Earth--El Morya and Theta Wave Meditation Video - 8-25-15



Dear Readers,
I found this message from El Morya that must have been written years ago. The information makes much more sense in today’s world than it did then. The “truth” is that which does not change. However, truth is more easily understood by a reality on the cusp of return to a higher dimensional expression.
Message From Ascended Master El Morya

Many of our earth masters are feeling the pull of New Earth for you are, indeed, moving into a frequency of reality that is not adhesive to such low frequency patterns as the third dimension. The higher levels of the fifth dimension create continuous, circular, and infinite energy patterns that expand and transmute.

On the other hand, the lower frequencies of the third and fourth dimensions create energy patterns with progressive interruptions as the energy field travels down the frequency range into the third dimension.

These interruptions occur because humanity’s thought-forms of "time" create the illusion of  “space” between the manifestations of light. In reality, time and space are ONE and are only perceived as two different dimensions through your third/fourth dimensional consciousness.

miércoles, agosto 19, 2015


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz 
Translated from: Kreieren, Erschaffen, Verwirklichen – Meister El Morya

Dream: I rent a new very large apartment under the roof; 
it is somewhat remote, in a very big house, and this place is 
still a complete construction site. I begin to imagine how I 
furnish the apartment and what it has to look like in the end. 
My thoughts begin to manifest immediately and I understand 
very quickly that I can furnish the apartment by means of my 
power of thought; and indeed the apartment is completely 
finished and furnished in the shortest amount of time. Due 
to the power of my thoughts I parquet the floor with wonderful 
flooring, I paint the whole apartment, I install all the lights and 
I put furniture at certain places, etc. Thereby I only need to 
concentrate on the desired object, very quickly, yet very 
focused, and it manifests.

viernes, mayo 22, 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
I am the Way, the Truth and Life 
Beloved Ones,
The day of truth comes close, God’s voice will sound
and will be heard everywhere, and each human Being 
will realize where his journey will go to and continue to.

sábado, mayo 16, 2015


canneled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

I welcome you Masters among us Masters!
It is time for you to recognize this.


To become Master and to be Master is exclusively a matter 
of consciousness. There is no path and way toward it, no 
discipline and no exercise, which can bring you there. 
The one moment of realization is decisive, when your 
consciousness awakens. 

It is the moment when you realize that everything, which you 
are looking for, already exists. It exists within you and you 
realize that it never required a spiritual discipline or mortification 
of the flesh, in order to attain master ship over your lower nature. 

martes, mayo 12, 2015


Message from the Light Reading 
on April 24th, 2015 in Vienna
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

I am amongst you!

I am El Morya – Master from the Light, enlightened 
consciousness, which guides human Beings to enlightenment, 
Chohan of the blue flame of clarity, courage and truth. In this 
Light, Life reveals itself to you as it is; in its full abundance 
and far from any deceptions.
I am with you, as I have been with you in many ages; 
endowed with assignments, as you are, and as you are 
today, fitted with all heavenly instruments for it.
I am also a very good expert of human life and I know your 
fate and your issues, which you face now. I know what it 
means to be in service on earth and to be confronted with 
this reality. I know how it is to be subjected to a lack of love. 
But I also know how it is to overcome this condition and to
experience love.

domingo, mayo 10, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - RETURN OF THE GODS, PART I - MASTER EL MORYA - May 10, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

Beloved Ones, 
Today it is essential that you act out of the power of your 
soul and let yourself be inspired and guided by your divine 
consciousness. The earth is indeed in your care, as soon as 
you recognize how powerful you are due to the Light.

Powerful due to the Light 
Nobody can harm you; nothing can keep you from living in the 
reality of the Light, as you become fully conscious of your actual 
strength and of the power, which God has given to you.
The essence of a Creator God penetrates everything and can 
change and transform any condition. The Light, which emanates 
from such an entity, reaches every place in this and other worlds.
It is a truth, which you may become totally aware of today, here 
and now, so that you go from impotence to power, from doubt to 
confidence and attain absolute trust in God. 
Mandates, decrees and measures, which you perform in the 
sign of the Light and with the mark of Love, reach more and 
more those levels, which were addressed. 
No force in the universe can withdraw from this power.
Darkness cannot exist in the Light, just as little can dark 
entities exist, as soon as the Light touches them. The dark 
powers of this matrix only know one fear: The fear of the 
Light, which means the end of their existence.

World’s Miracle occurs 
And the end of darkness has come now, the Light penetrates 
everywhere and touches so far untouched levels of this matrix.
The great game of being separated from the Source is over!
The project of the human free will in a 3D world has ended 
and therefore all dark entities, which are closed to the
transformation, will be removed from this world. 
The world’s miracle occurs, no power can hinder this. 
Look at the newly discharging events with the wisdom of 
someone who knows. Because you know that you have 
mandated this yourself and that now Heaven and earth 
unite in this world. Look wisely at the now unfolding scenes 
of end time. Recognize in each detail event the great arch, 
the great circle of Life, and look at the infinite cycles, which 
ran through this world before it could get to this point.
Look fixedly into the face of horror and know that it cannot 
reach you. The Light is your protection and creates a high 
frequency energy field, which is superior to any low vibrating 
Love is your reality, while the unredeemed hate of the whole 
world is transformed in front of your eyes. To see this is the 
challenge, to be untouched by it, is the miracle, which happens 
to every human Being, who loves God. 

Trust Life 
Have trust in your power, trust God, and trust Life. 
Turn away from the “sin of mistrust”.
Trust your strength and replace any doubt with certitude.
The return of the Gods has been fulfilled, because you are 
the ones you waited for, you have come down from Heaven 
and you will ascend to Heaven at the end of time. Truly: 
Gods live on earth and now they become aware of it.
And in front of your eyes the world changes and it attains 
peace, happiness and harmony. The Light has returned and 
is deployed for the benefit of all Life. 
Now go there and fulfill your assignments.
Because the power of creation has been given to 
you so that you deploy it for the benefit of all Life.
Herald the Light to mankind, until it has changed and 
until this world returns to the Light and sets a deep 
anchor in the ocean of God’s Grace.
The transformation of the planet and the healings 
of human Beings continue – mankind awakens.
I am amongst you
I am

jueves, mayo 07, 2015


Mandate for this World!
Mandate of the awakened human Being, 
so that all intentions and deeds of the dark 
Orion System are brought to the attention of 
the World Public. Truth liberates us and today 
we are unconditionally willing to reveal this 
truth, so that mankind heals and the new 
earth can take shape! 

lunes, mayo 04, 2015


»The one who does what is sinful is of the devil,
because the devil has been sinning from the 
beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared 
was to destroy the devil's work.« Bible, 1.John 3,8 

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,

The Son of God and human Beings are one!
I am El Morya, Master from the Light and Chohan 
of the blue ray of healing. In my Light the human 
soul is strengthened, the human body becomes 
whole and freed from evil, which has taken 
possession or wants to take possession of it.

miércoles, abril 29, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - COME TO THE SOURCE, MASTER EL MORYA - April 29, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
I am Master El Morya
Human Beings wake up! Human Beings rise up!
Human Beings come to the source of all sources,
Enter into the Glory of All-That-Is, God.
I am Life, the Light of Clarity,
And I am the Chohan of the blue flame of purification.
Transformation, knowledge and grace are your gift, 
after you have walked through the valleys and you 
have reached the summit of the ascension portal.

martes, junio 10, 2014

Méline Portia Lafont – Master El Morya – The Leveling Up Of The Human Collective Is In Acceleration Speed – 10 June 2014

f420e-20140225_091148Master El Morya through Méline Lafont
Hail the journey of Ascension in this wondrous unfolding. Planetary Ascension is upon you and this in the most significant way ever. When you see through the veils of Illusion you perceive its Golden Light of consciousness, of creation and of being for Gaia is ascending. You can shed off the layers of the old for Gaia, by allowing this Graceful mission to reach and to grow towards its completion, implies the ending of Her old reality of being.
It is also what you are doing in the now, all of you, as you are shedding off your own layers of duality and the old reality of being. This process and development is what we call Ascension as it stands for renewal of your own authentic Self. This trespassing of the borders of the old, that which we call the veils of Illusion, is allowing Gaia to stand in her rebirthed Self which will be your new world of creation as a collective.

martes, diciembre 24, 2013

Julie Miller – El Morya: Being Consciously Aware of Your Speech Dec 24, 2013 Consciously Aware of Your Speech
Received by Julie Miller, December 24, 2013
Your individual and unique power of speech is one of the most significant elements that distinguishes you from other species that you share your planet with.
The great use of this power provides you with opportunities to shine your qualities, thoughts, and feelings without being harmful to the ones you are expressing to.
What you say, how you say the words and the methods you use to communicate and how effectively you communicate makes a great difference when interacting with others.
It is your intention behind your speech that will come through your verbal and written words, and this intention does not go unnoticed as your intention carries its own energy that is an important part of your ability to communicate effectively.

lunes, diciembre 09, 2013

Natalie Glasson – Illusion And Beyond By El Morya – 9 December 2013
I am Master El Morya, Chohan and overseer of the First Ray of Light upon the inner planes of the Creator’s universe.
It is my purpose to decipher and distribute the will of the Creator into the many levels of the Earth and consciousness of humanity. You may call upon my energies to aid you in understanding and deciphering the will of the Creator for your own being, reality and purpose upon the Earth. I am here to be of service, I am already assisting you in receiving the divine will of the Creator but you may call upon my energies to aid you in truly understanding the guidance and insights that flow to you and activate from within you always.

miércoles, septiembre 11, 2013

Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ September 10 – 17, 2013 Received by Julie Miller September 10, 2013

It is only natural dear ones that when you choose to be friends with someone, you chose those who have similar interests. This kind of selection can also be used when someone is speaking to you. Are they speaking in soft, slow tones that are understandable, are they going too fast, or do they seem frustrated? When someone is speaking to you in soft gentle tones, it is essential to regulate your own speed that your words are being expressed and a similar tone. When the energy changes with who is speaking, so does yours. 

miércoles, septiembre 04, 2013

Ascended Master El Morya’s Weekly Message for September 03 – 10, 2013 ~ Kindness is a Gift Everyone Can Give ~ via Julie Miller

Did you know dear ones that the act of kindness, being charitable to others has side effects? If you think about it, you will come to the realization that being kind, creates a wonderful energy within you that is very positive and effects many areas of your own life…you resonate goodness and your goodness touches others just from simple acts that come from your heart.

Demonstrating kindness and selflessness is not something that is only done when certain charity organizations come to your door or what you offer a close friend, being kind and charitable is a gift you are able to bring to every avenue of your life; to your work, your home, your friends, your family…everywhere you are is an opportunity to be friendly, kind and genuinely helpful.

martes, agosto 20, 2013

Make Each Day a GREAT Day Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ August 20 – 27, 2013 Received by Julie Miller
There are always going to be days where you haven’t made monumental achievements, where the day came and went. Understand dear ones, your days don’t have to come and go lacking in purpose or achievement.

Remember each day you wake is a new day filled with endless opportunities to learn, to grow and to become.

As you begin your day dear ones, think of the purpose of your day. Create a small list that outlines what you wish to accomplish this day, no more than three or four items because too much on your list will create stress and the probability that some items on your list will not get done. What are your three most important tasks you want to accomplish and make them different each day.

domingo, agosto 11, 2013


el-morya dos
Saludos en avance, Yo Soy el Maestro El Morya. Expreso mi gratitud por esta oportunidad de compartir un mensaje con todos ustedes, porque hay mucho por hablar sobre lo que está tomando lugar en estos días y no deseamos perder la oportunidad de compartir nuestras energías con ustedes.

Todo tiene que ver con la próxima capa de una cebolla la cual estás lista para salir y nuevamente descubrir nuevas capas permitiendo mayor crecimiento y evolución.
Como es comúnmente conocido cada capa tiene su propio propósito y composición por lo que cierta madurez debe ser alcanzada antes de que la siguiente capa se despliegue y la vieja capa haya completado su propósito en este entero proceso de crecimiento.
De esto se trata la Ascensión y mientras cada capa trae su propio propósito y sirve a su propia función, así también evolucionará la Ascensión mientras cada cambio conlleva otro intenso proceso del cual muchos individuos pueden aprender y experimentar llevándolos últimamente al siguiente cambio.

martes, agosto 06, 2013

Julie Miller – El Morya: The Right Attitude is a Powerful Asset - August 06 – 13, 2013
Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ August 06 – 13, 2013
Received by Julie Miller
August 06, 2013  
How often have you questioned yourself, wondering what you are here for? It is a normal question, and a good question that begins your thinking process and determining where you are on your journey, re-examining some of the goals you are aiming to reach, discovering more of yourself that is filled with empowering energy to bring in more positive changes while at the same time still contributing selflessly to others.
During the time you spend reflecting on your progress, your mental chatter reveals to you often that your mind is filled with polluting worries and concerns that have had the ability to bring down your high energetic spirits, turning your smile into a frown. We understand that your journey is filled with tremendous challenges, and some of them can very exhausting. It is up to you dear ones, always had been on how long these tired feelings are to stay. All your feelings, especially the ones that promote negativity are really temporary.  

martes, julio 30, 2013

Julie Miller – El Morya: The Attitude of Excellence is a Wonderful Habit to Have - Ascended Master, El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ July 30 – August 06, 2013 by Julie Miller
July 30, 2013    
Aiming to excel is an essential fragment that demonstrates competency that is required for any job you tackle, even if that job is not work related. Adding the quality of excellence truly involves you putting your whole self into what you do; you are purely focused and determined. This kind of attitude has many times been the result that separates other dear souls that have not yet learned for themselves what is required to excel and achieve.  
There are some noticeable attributes that describe many dear souls that are high achievers. Some who demonstrate these qualities do not often take no for an answer, they are persistent. Anyone can add the attribute of excellence to their work ethics simply by making the choice to strive harder and more diligently. Understand dear ones; excellence is all about being able to step out beyond your normal comfort zones, being able to accept any of the inevitability of certain trials and tribulations that may cross your path.

domingo, julio 07, 2013


Méline dos

Saludos mis queridísimos. Desde el fondo de mi Corazón los abrazo a todos ustedes con mi Presencia y mi energía de Amor.
Estoy aquí para traerles un anuncio hacia las profundidades de sus corazones. Prepárense ya que la intensidad comienza tan pronto como nosotros podemos llamarla “ahora”.
Todo está listo para moverse al siguiente nivel de conciencia e integración.
Este paso ha sido tomado tiempo atrás a nivel etérico y es seguido ahora por el gran paso actual de todos ustedes hacia un nivel de conciencia superior e integración de las siguientes nuevas energías y grados de los aspectos multidimensionales que ustedes son y perciben.

viernes, julio 05, 2013

EL MORYA – El proceso de Ascensión y el Descenso de los Maestros en todos ustedes. - Méline Lafont - Julio 4, 2013

Maestro El Morya, Saludos a todos. Mi más respetuosos saludos desde las frecuencias superiores de mi Ser, Yo Soy el Maestro El Morya.
El colectivo de los Maestros Ascendidos, todos ellos, descendieron hacia una frecuencia haciendo posible para ustedes el encontrarnos en su Ser como la conexión real puede ahora volverse un hecho en una forma consciente.
Ustedes nos encontrarán en las mismas y exactas localizaciones, como donde ustedes residen en ustedes mismos y donde sienten una sensación de elevación de la energía, un efecto elevador de Amor en un aspecto de la Luz.
Nosotros, como Maestros, anclamos la Luz de una manera exhaustiva descendiendo en la conciencia de alguien y su encarnación de manera, no sólo de conectar con esa alma sino también para vernos a nosotros mismos reflejados en todo el Amor que alguien Es en su realidad personal.
Nosotros en efecto descendimos en su conciencia y sus reflejos, permitiéndonos traerles a todos ustedes nuestro Ser y nuestra energía hacia esta Tierra y hacia su entorno de vida.