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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Consejo de los 12. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, junio 25, 2021

Selacia - It's The Little Things -Transformational Signs- - June 25, 2021


When life seems uncertain, unmanageable, or simply too much to process - reset your focus to the little things. Indeed it's the little things in life that often bring needed moments of joy and meaning. It's the little things, too, that give us context for our success. Continue reading to understand how this applies in your everyday life and helps you evolve spiritually.


We are living in a construction zone on Earth as our world is being remade from the ground up. Navigating these moments is no simple task. On any given day, we likely have both new opportunities and challenges unlike those we had before.

miércoles, junio 16, 2021

Selacia - Honoring the Divine Feminine -Solstice Rebirth- - June 16, 2021

The June 20 solstice is an opportunity for a rebirth, one that honors the divine feminine in all beings. Indeed, an essential part of our mandate in the 2020s is to anchor this vital energy on the Earth and facilitate its active expression. Continue reading to know what this means in your life and how you can prepare for solstice.


Solstice annually in June and December invites us to take a pause, go within, and connect with rebirth energies that can fuel positive momentum and breakthroughs in how we see ourselves. Connecting regularly with an updated vision of ourselves and our potentials is essential for spiritual growth and manifesting our highest purpose in the world.

miércoles, junio 09, 2021

Selacia - Intensity & The Void -Look for Signs- - June 9, 2021

Feeling an extra dose of intensity this week, or perhaps like you're in the void with no reference point? Among the reasons: the June 10 eclipse, Mercury retrograde, and the extra potency experienced during Wesak season. Continue reading for a big picture of these roller-coaster moments and how to manage the intensity.

martes, mayo 18, 2021

Selacia - The Circle of Love -Loss & Heart Opening- - May 18, 2021

Love between close friends and romantic partners evolves in a circle. It's a bit like a dance, the two people over time becoming more bonded and more open with one another. This was always the case, yet in these times of uncertainty and shifting paradigms, the dance can be both more satisfying and more challenging. Continue reading for a big picture view of how this applies in your life.

domingo, mayo 16, 2021

Selacia: - Wesak - Catalizador para nuevos Comienzos -Una Nueva Vision- - Mayo 10, 2021

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Ahora en MeWe

Este Wesak acontece durante una ventana de tiempo única, cuando ustedes y toda la humanidad tienen nuevos potenciales para volver a visualizar qué tipo de mundo desean y qué roles desempeñarán. Continúen leyendo para comprender cómo el Wesak que celebraremos el 15 de mayo puede ser sólo el catalizador necesario para acelerar el despertar y dar a luz un tipo de mundo completamente nuevo basado en el amor. 

lunes, mayo 10, 2021

Selacia - Wesak - Catalyst for New Beginnings -A New Vision- - May 10, 2021

This Wesak occurs during a unique window of time - when you and all of humanity have brand-new potentials to re-envision what kind of world you want - and what roles you will play. Continue reading to understand how the Wesak we celebrate May 15 can be just the catalyst needed to accelerate awakening and birth an entirely new kind of world based on love.

lunes, mayo 03, 2021

Selacia - Keep The Gifts Of Your Experience -Move On With Wisdom- - May 3, 2021

There's an energy of forward movement in the air as some parts of the world begin to turn the corner on the pandemic. If you're like most of us, you've learned a lot this past year, changing many life priorities. These positive shifts are the gifts of our challenging experience. It's vital that we keep these gifts alive as we move forward. Continue reading to better understand what this means on both a personal and collective level.

domingo, abril 25, 2021

Selacia - Imagina que eres Extraordinario -Como ver y aprovechar tus potenciales- - Abril 22, 2021

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Ahora en MeWe

¡Imagina que eres extraordinario! Es probable que, dada la forma en que te criaron o lo que experimentaste en la vida hasta la fecha, aceptar que eres un ser extraordinario puede parecer un poco exagerado. Los invito a dejar de lado sus dudas mientras continúan leyendo, porque tengo el propósito de abrir su mente en esta importante coyuntura. 

sábado, abril 10, 2021

Selacia - If The Earth Could Speak -Our Role in What Happens Next- - April 10, 2021



Consider what you might hear in these troubled times if the Earth could speak your language. No doubt, she would have a lot to say - and to ask of us. Indeed the Earth continuously communicates to us - through the weather, other species, the food supply, and climate change. Continue reading to know why it's vital that we listen to her and heed her sage wisdom.


As I wrote about in my 2020 Predictions, climate change is the existential crisis of our time. Our first Earth Day was in April 1970. Humanity has made some progress on climate, but now in 2021 this pivotal issue needs to become a top-priority on the radar of all of us - sirens going off loudly.

sábado, abril 03, 2021

Selacia - Lo bueno, lo malo y lo extraordinario -3 PASOS PARA INSPIRARSE - Marzo 31, 2021

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de 


Estos raros tiempos de transformación personal y social están sacando a la luz tanto la bondad que existe en todos los seres como los aspectos sin curar de la sombra que deben ser revelados, explorados y transformados. Si se siente cansado por el caos y la incertidumbre aparentemente interminables, lo invito a considerar los extraordinarios potenciales disponibles ahora. Continúe leyendo para obtener un antídoto cósmico para aplicar en su vida.

lunes, enero 04, 2021

Selacia - New Beginnings in 2021 -3 Qualities for a Stellar Year- - Jan 4, 2021

by Selacia

New beginnings are not only possible now - we can create them and we can tap into the quantum field of endless possibilities to do that. Continue reading to grasp our pivotal juncture at the start of 2021 and simple steps you can take now to seed your desired new beginnings and beneficial outcomes. Share this with your friends so our collective new beginnings can intersect and add momentum.

domingo, diciembre 20, 2020

Selacia - Solstice Celebration Process -Invoke the 3 G's- - Dec 20, 2020

by Selacia

The 2020 Solstice with accompanying rare Jupiter-Saturn conjunction provides a pivotal opening to mega change - on both personal and societal levels. Brand-new more positive beginnings can be seeded. Breakthroughs not possible before can be experienced. To help you use this time in the highest way, I'm providing a simple 3-step process. Continue reading for the process you can share with your friends.

domingo, noviembre 08, 2020

Selacia - Cuando no puedes hacer nada -Fuera de tu Control– - Noviembre 6, 2020

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo

No importa en qué parte del mundo vivan, ahora mismo es un momento tenso e incierto. Está en la naturaleza humana querer hacer algo cuando ves a la sociedad en un colapso y no estás seguro de cómo esto te afectará a ti y a tu futuro. En este artículo, describo los pasos específicos que puede tomar, que cuando los tome lo ayudarán a dormir mejor esta noche y encontrar más paz interior los próximos días.

viernes, noviembre 06, 2020

Selacia - When You Can Do Nothing -Outside Your Control- - Nov 6, 2020


When You Can Do Nothing
-Outside Your Control-


by Selacia

No matter where you live in the world, right now is a tense and uncertain time. It's human nature to want to do something when you see society in a meltdown and you're unsure how this will impact you and your future. In this article I outline specific steps you can take, that when you take them will help you sleep better tonight and find more inner peace the next few days.

sábado, octubre 31, 2020

Selacia - Enfrentando la Tormenta Impredecible -Un punto de cambio supremo – Oct 30, 2020

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo

Imagina que estás en un camino que no has recorrido antes y que el paisaje que tienes por delante se vuelve cada vez menos familiar. Para empezar, este camino es nuevo para ti. No se aplican las normas habituales de navegación. Y ahora, con cada paso, te estás volviendo cada vez más desorientado y ansioso, incluso preguntándote si tomaste un camino equivocado. Se siente inquietante. Entonces empiezas a dudar de ti mismo y de tu capacidad para encontrar tu camino. A continuación, se vuelve insensible porque no puede autoevaluar su situación y qué hacer a continuación. ¿Algo de esto te suena familiar, recordándote lo que es estar vivo ahora mismo?

viernes, octubre 30, 2020

Selacia - Facing the Unpredictable Storm -An Apex Point of Change- - Oct 30, 2020

Imagine you're on a path you haven't traveled before and the scenery ahead is getting less and less familiar. To begin with, this path is brand-new to you. Regular norms of navigation don't apply. And now, with each step, you are becoming increasingly disoriented and anxious, even wondering if you took a wrong turn. It's feels eerie. You then start doubting yourself and your ability to find your way. You next become numb as you're unable to self-assess your situation and what to do next. Any of this sound familiar, reminding you of what it's like to be alive right now? Continue reading for context and remedies for this in-between state we're in now. I say "we" for we're all in this together, each of us having our own unique experience of society's meltdown.

miércoles, octubre 14, 2020

Selacia: - Navegando la Desinformacion-Dando sentido a las Tonterías– - Octubre 8, 2020

Traducción: Alicia Virelli

Nuestro mundo exterior y nuestra vida diaria están ahora sujetos a altibajos erráticos como parte de la reconfiguración de la sociedad para un mundo más amoroso. El cambio es complicado y necesitamos mucho de él para crear un mundo que funcione para todos mientras sustenta nuestro planeta. El mega cambio ya estaba en marcha antes del 2020 y la pandemia aumentó el ritmo a pasos agigantados. Se está produciendo un despertar espiritual masivo aunque es posible que no lo noten si miran las noticias. En este artículo, describo los temas clave y las cosas a las que se debe prestar mucha atención. Los hechos y la verdad importan, incluidas las verdades más elevadas sobre lo que se está desarrollando. Continúen leyendo para comprender mejor nuestro dilema de dar sentido a las tonterías.

miércoles, octubre 07, 2020

Selacia - Navigating Disinformation - Making Sense of Nonsense - - Oct 7, 2020

Our outer world and daily lives are now subject to erratic ups-and-downs, as part of the reconfiguration of society for a more loving world. Change is messy and we need lots of it to create a world that works for everyone while sustaining our planet. Mega change was well underway before 2020, and the pandemic escalated the pace by leaps and bounds. There is a massive spiritual awakening occurring, though you might not notice it if you watch the news. In this article I outline key themes and things to pay close attention to. Facts and truth matter, including higher truths about what's unfolding. 

lunes, septiembre 28, 2020

Selacia - Repensar el Dolor y la Perdida en 2020 -Tornado de caos y cambio– - Sep 27, 2020

Traducción y Difusión El Manantial del Caduceo

A medida que nuestra sociedad se hunde en una mayor desintegración y caos, muchas normas de vida interrumpidas o no disponibles, es necesario reconsiderar el impacto del dolor y la pérdida, y encontrar mejores formas de afrontarlo. En este artículo esbozaré una visión a largo plazo de nuestra situación sin precedentes y proporcionaré soluciones clave.

domingo, septiembre 27, 2020

Selacia - Rethinking Grief & Loss in 2020-Tornado of Chaos & Change - Sep 27, 2020


As our society devolves into more disintegration and chaos - many norms of life disrupted or unavailable - there is a need to rethink the impact of grief and loss, and to find better ways to cope. In this article I'll outline a long view of our unprecedented situation and provide key remedies.


Years from now, when we look back on 2020, we will realize the sheer magnitude of cherished things we've needed to leave behind, the relentless adjustments we've had to make, and for some of us the loved ones we've lost.