Greetings My Fellow Light Beings,
It is a pleasure to connect with each of you at this powerful time of acceleration. I am Lord Metatron at your service.
I want to converse with you about the energetic exchanges that are occurring presently upon the planet. The Lion’s Gate has been receiving great attention by many individuals as it is always a very powerful moment within the year.
This year is especially interesting as the open of the gateway of energies is truly a continuation of light that occurred in 2015. You see, that the energies of last year were so very powerful that the movement of the frequency has been continuing into 2016. We have arrived at that juncture in which the gate’s opening doorway allows for more grounding energies to occur within the planet.
It brings forth the ability for more to occur by allowing your soul’s essence to acknowledge the presence of these light formations.
The exchange of light that occurs through Sirius is very special as their planetary movements are very similar to what you are experiencing, but yet it comes in a different way of understanding. Sirius B is the planet that is emitting these frequencies; in fact, Lord and Lady of Sirius with the Councils of Sirus are very prevalent within the exchange that is occurring. We are all very present for these emanations of light to bring forth more possibilities within the physical realm of Gaia.
There are so many more elements that need to be acquired before the assistance of Sirius B can be acknowledged within a physical state of conditioning. But the process of allowing the potential of Seventh Dimensional energies to be experienced, not by the physical self, but by the higher consciousness of the Earth to be expanded within the state of consciousness of humanity.
In other words, the Earth is not becoming seventh dimensional at all, but the access of the Vortex is seventh dimensional.
This means that the transference of energies are not a grounding essence but yet it passes through the earth and then beyond the earth for the potential of acceleration to occur.
If you can understand your own consciousness and what that may mean for you in any given moment, then you can grasp the potential of more to be realized within your world. It is like standing on the edge of a precipice not knowing what the outcome will be but knowing that there is more to be realized. This is exactly what is occurring presently through this Lion’s Gate.
The energy of this vortex of light represents a spiritual grounding force that needs to be applied within the four-body system. It is an entryway to allow the inclusive energies to be received in order to assist the three minds of the conscious – sub-conscious – super-conscious. It is the potential of all elements to come into place to allow for the entryway of more to be realized.
It is also the process of going back through the Etheric Body to allow the healing to occur. This means that the many moments that are still stuck in pockets of despair within the Etheric Level need to be released.
The Lion’s Gate is a very powerful surge of light energy that is creating all souls to awaken to another part of their reality – the reality that they know nothing about.
Not only are all souls upon the earth moving through their Etheric Self, Gaia is going through the same. This means that timelines are being healed and erupted as we speak. Events that are occurring can be elements of the past to be put into wholeness so that there are no pantheons of existence upon the earth. The pantheon energies are everywhere around the earth.
This will take some time for this clearing process to occur as it will not be an easy transition.
This, in turn, allows for the blending of all energies to come into balance. It is the highest experience of knowingness that can occur for a soul inhabited within the body upon a planet that is going through the same process. But the most important element is to allow the process to happen.
This energetic exchange can cause many energies to shift.
It is a time of great transformation in which elements will arise, healing will take place, and has the potential of allowing the physical self to step further into their destined awareness of Spirit and Matter becoming One.
You must remember that it can cause great destruction and change to occur. Be prepared for a sequence of events to change within the Earth.
Of course, this wave of light has already started on July 26, 2016. It is building up to the 8th of August and then will waver off about the 12th of August. This is when it is imperative to get to know what is happening within you.
This is not just about allowing the energies to come within you, and change; it is being part of the process.
I want everyone to be encouraged that this is a time of great growth. Each individual soul will be affected by these energies; it is imperative to realize that each of you that are fully aware of these energies have a responsibility to yourself. As you fully integrate the changes, then you are doing Gaia a great service.
Every soul upon this Earth holds their own frequencies and if those levels of light are within a low percentage, then Gaia cannot move forward. Of course, each awakened soul needs to know that they are accelerating, but it is important to fully ground the energies.
If you do not allow the change to become all parts of you, then it cannot be achieved.
The body will feel the changes so it is important for you to have tools in place that assist you in going through the process. It is about being aware of who you are becoming in each moment.
Don’t allow the third dimensional construct that you have been part of to stop you in this process.
The mirrors must be broken in order for the full effect to be realized in all of your parts: through the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies. This energetic exchange is about Alignment of the Self.
What I suggest is that after the 8th of August it should have come to a moment of culmination. It is a good time to do a ceremony for yourself especially in the outdoors.
Embrace who you are becoming.
Then, the next phase will be for you to ground it through all of your chakra centers allow your energy to become more than it was the moment before.
Another tool is to write everyday about what you are feeling, what you have done, and how you feel you have been affected for the day. Do this through the entire phase of the Lion’s Gate. This will assist you to become more of what is happening; to increase your energetic exchange within your physical cells, organs, muscles, and joints. Walk with the energy; become it completely, as it will truly help you acknowledge the change within you.
This process is allowing the change to occur within Gaia. What you are experiencing on the earth presently is exactly what Sirius went through and that is why they separated into another planet.
Each of the beings of Sirius along with myself, Archangel Michael, and many others are working with each of you to help in this process of sustaining these energies upon the earth.
Expect changes to happen. I know you are being challenged with everything that is occurring within and around the earth, but your role is to stay above that increased duality. Don’t buy into it and remember your tools for the changes you are about to experience.
This is the year in which the true grounding needs to occur in order to allow the actualization of the new light to come into existence. Remember that this is the year of endings and new beginnings. This is something to truly be excited about.
Allow the energies to become you, Do the Work, and then See the Results to appear within You.
I Am Lord Metatron at your service.
So Mote It Be ~ It is Done
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee
For those interested in being a PLANETARY HEALER within the ASCENSION MASTERY PATH, our August Retreat starts on August 16th. It is a retreat of personal transformation for the Self and Gaia. Please click here to read about this special event.
© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
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