In the so-called physical world, we know that seemingly solid objects are mostly space in which a few nano-particles spin wildly in order to create the energy pattern of physical form. (That is very old news, actually, as it became scientific “fact” well over a century ago.) We also know all about how to use focused energy to generate movement (and that is even older news).
Isn’t it astounding, then, how many still hold onto the wildly illogical belief that, since they are physical beings, they are not energetic beings? Even more fascinating– these same beings also hold the believe that money is “real!”
Yet, if they/you/me were to live in a dwelling made of money, it would be nothing but paper and bits of metal, and soon washed away by the energy patterns of weather.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds like poverty to me.
Obviously money is nothing more than a symbol of energy exchange!
To study the way we use money can teach us much about what we already know about ourselves as energetic beings.
Even more importantly, it can illuminate the choices we make about what we invest our energy in.
Interestingly, about 15 years ago, I led a group called “Money Talks” about exactly that. For those who attended, it was like one epiphany after another. However, not many were ready for such epiphanies yet.
Hopefully, more are ready NOW.
Energy requires circulation, reciprocity, in order to not become stagnant. It requires “investment,” in other words. If you invest in a holding pattern, for example, just watch how powerful you are! You’ll create a feedback loop that will, in turn, create the best glue the universe can provide to keep you there.
If you are feeling stuck, NOTICE what you invest your energy in! Thoughts, beliefs, actions… notice what emotions you run on a feedback loop that is self-generating. What story about yourself are you investing in? Whatever it is, recognize that YOU are the generator, you are creating more of it, and no way could it be otherwise.
This is subtle stuff, discerning and tracking energy patterns, especially if one is not used to attuning to them. I know. Be patient and stay the course. It is critical NOW, for your own happiness if nothing else (which is also everything).
For that reason, it will be a big topic at the August Energy Tele-Gathering. If you want some powerful support and/or have questions that you need answers to, here’s where to receive both–
August Energy Tele-Gathering , 8/17 from 5 p.m until 6:30 p.m PSTD.
To register, press the “donate” tab, offer your reciprocal energy exchange of $15.00,
designated as “gift”– August Energy Tele-Gathering.
The phone number for wherever on the planet you are as well as the entry code will be sent to you a week we before we gather.*
Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.
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