WOW. I learned all about that carefully sequenced foundation-building as a shamanic apprentice. Just in case you were hoping to lay low and hide your head in the sand for the next nine months, this is definitely not a year to go unconscious– because you are in the alchemical process of becoming a master! Just as the Hopi Elders predicted, “YOU are the one you’ve been waiting for.” And the waiting is over. You’re becoming that YOU every minute. Congratulations!
Check it out. March drummed up external reflections of our “inner caves of fear” with enough intensity to propel us right into them. And the precious treasure many of us discovered, buried way down deep in the darkest parts of ourselves, is that every one of our fears is SELF-generated. Doesn’t matter what scared us into fear in the first place. We’re the ones who held onto it. So, we learned the shocking lesson that choosing to hold onto fear is a form of self-abandonment.
I know that was a tough lesson. I know that facing responsibility for abdicating one’s own power required considerable spiritual maturity. But what do you know? We found out that we have it! How fabulous is that? Especially considering that without taking responsibility for our own experiences, we would continue to be enslaved by old conditioned pattens of helplessness… and since one obviously can’t proceed into mastery and choose enslavement at the same time… well, then we would have used the sequential lessons of 2014 to amplify fear rather than mastery… and sorry, I don’t even want to focus on that enough to say another word about it.
Instead, lets just say hallelujah to March for taking us through the dark to find the treasure that is our power of choice, shall we? Because with two eclipses and a grand cross that has been building for decades all packed into April, we are going to need it. The rhythms all throughout the month will be fast and furious– too fast to dance to, too furious too ignore, maybe even too much to handle altogether… unless WE become the conductors, which is the grand design this month.
The symphonies of our lives are now fully our own to conduct as we choose. How wildly exhilarating this has the potential to be, using our creative freedom without restraint! Or, if we don’t use it, to live through a wild caccophony of a month in desperate need of a conductor (which would be you and me). Most likely, it will be a mix of both for the first half of the month, as we get used to being the orchestrators. Hopefully by the second half, however, we’ll have gotten the hang of it, because the way we play April out will set a tone that will echo through many years to come. Another way to put it is that April is a crossroads on the path of our lives. It’s “transformation time,” in other words!
With that established, I strongly suggest that you consider every choice you make this month with conscious focus on whether it is in alignment with the way YOU want to live, and the sort of life YOU wish to actualize. Consider yourself a trailblazer, and every choice becomes part of the new trail. Otherwise, you’re likely to end up lost in the woods, going in circles….which is OK, too, of course. No choice is right or wrong…maybe you just want explore the experience of “lost” for awhile longer!
Which brings us back to the point, which is that whatever you choose, YOU are the chooser. That’s the BIG lesson we learned in “the caves of March”… unless you chose not to, of course, which is also cool. Your choice! The only thing you cannot choose is to not have a choice. You always do, and you always are the chooser.
By the way, if this post seems a bit too convoluted to take in all at once, I understand. It was too convoluted for me to write all at once, too. Every single sentence is my best shot at what was often a time-consuming process of condensing a multitude of layered information into plain English. But don’t let all of those layers deter you, because all that really matters is that you understand that April is playing your song.
Only you can orchestrate it. And no worries about your competence! If you weren’t already an acclaimed conductor, you wouldn’t be on this planet at this time in the first place. So choose to savor every minute of stepping into the spotlight of conducting your very own creation. It is YOUR life, after all. En-JOY! ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
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