Received by Julie Miller
June 12, 2013
Time has passed since we have spoken through your beloved and divine sister. Let us greet this day with gratitude and appreciation for this moment we are sharing together. Each person you communicate and encounter holds a very special gift.
The gift each person you meet and communicate with is your gift of an opportunity to demonstrate the purity of your true self and to enhance a greater awareness of all that you are through each reaction and action you take. Through each person, you are gifted to learn more of yourself as the soulful person you are that is inherently connected to all things.
The question you must at times ask yourself, “Are you ready to receive this information?” Discovering who you truly are is a wonderful journey towards enlightenment. It is a journey that cannot be done by another even though other people may support you and offer sound guidance; it is you dear ones that must take the initial step and every step thereafter. Discovery of yourself is also the discovery of others.
You cannot truly hide from your truth through illusions and false self, eventually all becomes revealed. Self-discovery is not only about learning and investigating the good qualities you are adorned with, but also discovering the negative characteristics that put together complete a whole package containing YOU.
Just from being observant of others, you cannot tell by appearance what motivates them or drives their passion that brings them to fulfilling a specific goal or accomplishing something that was created through their hard efforts.
What you can learn of others by simple observation is how to accept them as they are and respect them for what they do even if you don’t resonate with their beliefs or values. When you choose to judge another for what you don’t like or don’t understand, you are also judging yourself and criticizing yourself. Regardless of how another comes across, how they may dress, or of their financial stability or lack of, they are all Children of God. And God does not pick and choose to love one of you over another.
Each of you are loved equally. There is no judgment or criticism passed. Judging and criticizing is a negative human trait. When judgment or criticizing is applied, what it truly occurring is the person delivering the judgments is feeling inadequate and finding they are unable to deal with certain emotional and mental turmoil so they decide to lash out on another. Instead of dealing with their lack of self-control and making the effort to learn of their own discomfort which takes a great deal of personal strength and integrity, they pass the blame to another trying to give their responsibility away.
It is important for the progress of your journey dear ones to develop toleration and patience. You are bound to meet and converse with a variety of people from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. You are not expected to like and resonate with each person, but there are great rewards given by God to those that can accept others as they are, with respect, love and kindness. Sometimes dear ones, upon your journey to discover more of yourself you notice you are about ready to pass judgment unto another, take a moment and question your own behaviour.
Become aware of why you want to pass judgment. Is it possible what you are about to pass judgment on is closely related to something you yourself is lacking balance in? If you look closely and pay attention dear ones, you will discover the truth of your Self not just from going within but through others from reactions and actions that are a result from any communication and interaction. Realizing the truth of your reactions is very powerful and can motivate you to improve on areas that you may have been procrastinating over.
The more you learn of your Self, looking honestly and truthfully you will see many of your own characteristics in others and through this careful observance you will also discover what you don’t like about them, what you may have passed judgment on in the past, are also areas within yourself that you need to work on. The journey of self-discovery is definitely an eye-opening experience. It is when deeper insight of the soul is discovered and a greater sense of who you really are settles in – you develop a greater acceptance of your Self and through your self-acceptance you are able to unconditionally be kind and loving towards others.
We observe many, even those that carry Light working responsibilities are resentful and often jealous of others accomplishments. Jealousy and resentment are demonstrations of the person feeling inadequate of their own successes and often demonstrate greediness.
Each of you will accomplish everything you set your divine will and love to through the Grace of God. Some things you set out to achieve may take years to fulfill, while other things will take less time. Use the other person’s achievements as an inspiration for yourself. Their accomplishments can be your motivator to do more and try harder on your own. Sometimes dear ones, you must see face-to-face the achievements of others before you really begin your quest.
Stop yourself from finding fault with others, and learn to apply that energy to improving and redeveloping you. The majority of all judgments and criticisms made are derived from people still living within their Egoic ways. By becoming critically aware of the nature of your judgments, you are able to provide growing room for your Self and you give your Self new opportunities to bring in greater change that is of both Love and Light of God.
Before you feel compelled to respond to someone’s actions or expressions, learn to discern the situation without an emotional response. Remember to breathe and become one with the peace and calm that is within you. If the other person is purposely pushing your buttons of patience and tolerance, it is okay to respond in a neutral way that does not exercise emotional reactions that can create mountains of despair out of nothing. When you feel a sudden rush of emotions due to a verbal or written exchange, take a moment to center yourself, respond with love and care – demonstrate the Presence of God that is within you.
It is also understood that much of the judging that goes on is due to ignorance of the beliefs and values of the person that is sharing themselves. When you learn to explore other people’s beliefs and what they hold as value, you open new doors that will further expand your awareness and create deeper appreciation for your Self, and acceptance of all others.
There is no true gratification when you respond and react through your Ego when you express yourself through emotional outbursts and pass judgments and harsh criticisms to others. We encourage you to learn from your reactions, and from the judgments you want to deliver and take these as learning opportunities to understand your inner self better and how to better treat others whenever an uncomfortable situation presents itself.
The choices you make will either bring you to greater happiness or further miserableness. Remember every person you meet is a reflection of you and each of you are made in God’s image, this makes each of you a valuable gift to each other. Treat each person as the blessing they are instead of a mirrored image of a negative judgment of your Self.
The journey of your life is a difficult one. Many that are on this journey have added a spiritual path that is bringing them into full awareness of their true self. Learn to be supportive of each other, especially if you do not understand the other person’s beliefs; they are as valuable as your own.
There will be hardships for you to face and through them you gain great insight of your true and whole self if you allow yourself to see the whole picture instead of what is pretty and shiny. It is through the shadowy and negative experiences that you were part of that has helped to create the person you are now. What you did in the past, dear ones is the past. Let the past go. Stop judging yourself from the past. Learn to love yourself in the present and don’t worry about the future… it will come when it should and never a moment before.
And so it is… I AM Archangel Sandalphon through Julie Miller