We come forth as the alignment of the heavens and stars usher you in to a Trans-portal. There is a dimensional flux that you enter into, a place that you will retrieve existing understandings/encodings that have been hidden from your eyes, your ears, your sensories. You stand at the sacred portal. Upon this portal is a mirror. The key that unlocks the dimensional portal is your true reflection. The key to unlock the true reflection is self- love. In your mind’s eye, see this portal- doorway and the mirror. As you look deep into your own reflection, how do you feel? Is their joy that stands in front of you? Is their remorse? Is their distaste? Is their love? It is urgent that you do everything that you can to place yourself in a garment of self love, for it is the raft that will take you to the island that you so seek. It is a solitary paddling that you embark upon as you see your true reflection. It is a misty horizon that you walk into, in a land where your perceptions are distorted. As with Alice and the Looking Glass you fall up or down the rabbit hole.
The next phase of energy takes the form of a labyrinth, a Fibonacci spiral taking you to the center nautilus of you. At that point of inner centeredness you will descend and rise simultaneously creating a dimensional flux, a bend in your future, a bend in the light. At that sharp point of bending, you will be offered an opportunity that comes only when you have initialized the codes of self-love. Then and only then will you be allowed entrance into the center of the heart of light. Within you is a time-safe trigger. It is waiting particular dates and number combinations to activate, and awaken resting truths. The doorway is you. The entrance code is the energetic signature of your love for you. It is not a handprint. It is not an eye-scan. It is a heart-print that allows you entrance. Not the imprint of your love for the neighbor, or your father-in-law, or an abusive parent, but your love for you, this is how you gain entrance into this doorway of time unseen.
Each of you has called upon a ‘Light’ that will hopefully give to you what you seek. As one is born into the flesh, one begins to seek; you seek yourself, you seek your heart, you seek your mission, you seek true love. The light within you will never be fulfilled until it sups upon itself. All the external doorways and the dimensions that you seek outside of yourself give you but a taste of the very thing that you truly seek.
Until you come fully into all of your pieces, there will be no peace. You are diversified filaments of Light. You are emancipated particles of Creation that have expressed themselves in holy and unholy ways. Everyone that you meet has the potential to be in your heart, if you decide it is so. The portals separate those who will and those who will not. They separate those who choose to move forward and those who choose to stay in comfort-ability. This choosing is not something decreed by the finger of God, it is something decreed by each individual. Stop waiting on your lives. They are here now.
We are the Council of Annu, Sirian of Light and Sirian of Origin. Our blood, our fiber, our genetic encoding runs within you each and every one of you. We leave.
www.thequantumawakening.com /link to original article