Note: These are the first 5 FAQs in a growing list.
In Case You Were Wondering...
We of the stars you see in your sky have answers to questions some of you might have.
You may want to know a little (or a lot) more about the Pleiadian Renegades, the League of Light, Anica, Nine, or other specific things that haven’t been shown in other writings. Here is a list of some questions you might ask, with answers that may stimulate further thought and deeper understanding. At the most, we hope it opens your mind to the true nature of a universe that has its share of mysteries to one living on Earth, and we are happy to tell what we can to introduce the idea of galactic citizenship and interdimensional friendship in greater detail.
Are you real?
We are a group of people who have the form of what you recognize as human, humanoid, and exotic-looking beings who have existed in various levels of density and dimension for eons longer than the human race on Earth understands their planet to have existed. We are most certainly what you call “real” and have both physical and non-physical forms. The ones who communicate as the Pleiadian Renegades and Anica are as human-looking and alive as you or anyone else walking your planet. Indeed, some of our crew are serving on the surface of Earth now and blend in quite well with the population.
What is the reason you have not shown yourselves directly?
We respect the right and divine task of development without interference from outside sources. The most direct answer is so that you don’t get fixated on someone else solving your problems, but that is not the most appropriate response. We watch for signals from you that have a tendency towards self-fulfillment of encoded potential. If we were to appear in front of you as you were in the process of understanding what that means, you would have a different outcome than if you were to come into your understanding of divinity on your own, as a species. This would deny you the fullness of experience as embodied soul-forms that you have come here to have, and impede the development of not only your species, but ours and others as well. That said, we do and are permitted to impulse energetic communications to you in the form of inner conversation, as you are naturally capable of telepathy, and from time to time, when history requires that it not be dismantled in planetary destruction, we step in as guides and teachers of fearless disposition. In your history, this has happened several times, and in the present time, it is the next thing for you to encounter. This is according to your conduct as stewards of the planet and to the well-being of the galactic neighborhood. It is not to take from you the joy of discovering your own divinity, but to allow that divinity to express itself without the complications of nuclear or environmental disintegration. It is our job, in a way, to maintain distance and objective compassion towards the planetary entity, of which you are a part, but also to step in as need arises.
What is the nature of your life?
We will address this as Pleiadians in service to the League of Light who are mainly from the planet Temmer of the stellar neighborhood of the star Taygeta. Whether or not you understand the ability of our planet to exist in such a place as the Pleiades star system, this is our home base. As a planet, it is larger than Earth and less densely populated, though our world does indeed have both cities and rural types of settlements. Our star is large and complex, though it is not what you know it to be from this bearing in space and time. You will be discovering more about the relative physics of where you are in relation to other life-bearing worlds in the near future. For now, we will describe our home world. Temmer is big and beautiful, in terms of what you find to be beautiful on Earth. We live in the temperate climate of sun-drenched comfort, surrounded by healthy environment and in communities that sustain themselves in many ways. Our gardens are lush, our sky is sparkling purple and effervescent with life-force, and the inert locality of atmosphere is alive, conscious, and protective of the whole biosphere. Our homes are what you would call organically designed, and offer warm family nurturance and secure energetics of peace and pleasant living. We have furnishings of beautiful design, we have art and music, we have literature and other entertainments of mind and soul. As a people, our race is diverse and homogeneously interdependent with a great number of other civilizations. We are highly technologically advanced and highly spiritually advanced, and our understanding of divinity is what we would like to help other civilizations, those who have given themselves severely limiting belief structures, for instance, an understanding of the scientifically based experience of spirituality. It is something that gives our society stability, not because it is enforced, but because it eliminates the need for enforcement of any outside control. Thus is our life structured.
How is it that you call yourselves “Pleiadian” yet the Pleiades star cluster is considered to be unable to support life-sustaining planets?
This is a good question! You have asked the one question that most people have in mind when they decide that messages from any Pleiadian are not going to be worth listening to, since there couldn’t possibly be a planet in that star system. Here we have a paradox. You on Earth have advanced telescopes and other computer-related equipment to allow you to access the far reaches of your totality of knowing. You are making discoveries and you are coming up with more questions. Do not think you have all the answers yet! The list of questions is growing with each new discovery the scientific ones are making. Now, we have been giving you some information that you do not yet understand how to incorporate into the general compendium of knowledge that you have so far amassed about the totality of knowledge. You have heard of dimensions and densities, you have listened to words about numbers, and computed numbers without relating them to our words. It is to be expected that you have not yet grasped the truth about our existence, scientifically, and as you will learn, there are reasons for our not revealing the secret of that to the scientifically minded among you, for the most part. However, there is truth in the fact that we do indeed live on a planet that exists in a part of the galaxy that you do not have the ability to see or calculate the parameters of outside of your own stratum of dimension, density, and basic interactivity of knowledge. Our stellar neighborhood is, from one perspective, young and volatile and full of nebulous complexity that seemingly renders it incapable of sustaining life. Yet where we are, there is order and life-sustaining harmony. What is it that makes such a difference in perspectives? In the most basic terms, it is that there are veils of dimensionality, membranes of reality, buffers between locality that render it thus incomprehensibly true. When the instrumentation of the encroaching scientifically advanced age sufficiently gains sensitivity to show signs of life where otherwise it should not be, your understanding will give your answer in a more satisfying way. Until then, we can only say that our world exists in a universe parallel to this one, occupying the same space but not the same time or density. This creates phase-shift in relation to many aspects of what you now see and what will become apparent as the recalibration of your world’s matrix-level measurements and interactivity progresses to the point of convergence between hitherto disparate realities.
How is the League of Light defined?
You are in the context of humanity in a reality of planetary oneness. You may not have achieved harmonic resonance yet, though there is some indication that you may. Oneness in terms of your terrestriality is what we are referring to. Likewise, you have many factions and divisions among your people and nations that delineate your inclinations vis-a-vis political insight, social service, nominality of mission, world view, religion, etc. These are territorial as well as organically ideological in nature. It is a fractured nature, but it is what you are working with at this time. From where we are speaking with you today, your world appears in many, many aspects appearing to make sense to as many people as possible, yet failing in the attempt to gain sovereignty overall. This is the basis of the reason for fracture. On our side of the veil of dimension through which we communicate, our social and political and other organizational structures are much less marginalizing and more homogeneously interactive. Yet we do not have one bland mass of being expressing form without variety. The universe is full of variation! We are of a common outlook and speak from the vantage point of frequencies of high intensity light impulses of great intelligence and love sourcing from a centrality of empathic omniscience we refer to as Nine. Those who identify with the LOL share such a sympathetic resonance, which is brought into material reality in the form of benevolent activity, inner knowledge manifest as being of light heart, peacefulness, wisdom, bold empathy, and gracious bending of the light of illusion to allow for deeper insight into the truth of love’s existence everywhere. We of the LOL love to embolden the ones on the path of service to humanity, so we take it to heart that those who call for understanding and peace are interested in gaining the same for themselves despite their lack of big-picture wholeness of the truth. We are interested in sharing the truth of humanity’s path and past, in shedding light on the truth that has been hidden, in opening the door to greater interactivity with the galactic family of humans, and in fostering greater understanding of your reality in this moment of awakening to the bigger experience waiting for you to enter into it. You have always been part of our engagement with human evolvement, as part of our family, as cousins, as brethren, and as neighbors. We are made up of many different races both human and non-human, but share a common foundation of love for the Earth and her people. You are in the benevolent care of our service, dear people of Earth, yet in no way do we interfere with your lifepath. Our service is as internal conductors of energy and frequency within the matrix of material reality, yet we do not take it upon ourselves to make moves in opposition to your collective desire to live life as the evolving beings of divine inner dimensionality that you are. Our purpose is to watch, to guide, and to intervene only when the planet itself is threatened with annihilation. This is the same for any other federation of Light organization, with which we are affiliated but not identical to. As the League of Light, we act independently from yet in accord with the frequency source of other galactic leagues, groups, federations, or such entities.
... more to come.