CYCLES AND RHYTHMS – A Mini-Reading by Bella Capozzi
May 3, 3013 at
All the Universe moves according to elegantly flowing patterns. The tide ebbs in and out. The phases of the moon meticulously transition and repeat themselves as they progress alongside the passing of the days of the month. The planets dance around the sun, the stars align, our bodies-ours and Gaia’s-reflect inwardly and outwardly the effects of these rhythms and cycles.
We are constantly in motion, forever evolving. As there are no accidents and only synchronicities, we perform in perfect harmony to the musical heartbeat of the Universe.
Today’s card comes from the Goddess Guidance oracle card deck, and our goddess of the day is Maeve. Maeve is a Celtic goddess of femininity. This card is tremendously appropriate for what a lot of us have struggled with this past month. The energy is so up-and-down! One month it’s light and airy, and we feel very happy-go-lucky and on top of the world. It seems like there are no obstructions at all to what we can manifest!
Then, as so many of my clients are reporting to be the case right now, everything kind of feels heavy and sluggish. One of my guides compared it to “swimming through molasses”. It was explained to me that a great deal of old, toxic facets of the the old paradigm are being dredged up all at once, for clearing and release. This can be both a blessing and a curse. It’s great because we will finally be rid of it, once and for all. However, we’re standing in the line of fire as it makes it’s way up from the deeper recesses and gets tossed about on the surface-with us!
Here is where Maeve’s message comes into play. Hard as it may be sometimes, we need to remember to not take the negativity to heart. We have to relax and flow with the changing rhythms. We must adapt our own energy, reactions and responses to suit the rapidly flowing cycles of this period of the Earth’s ascension process. The energy is volatile now, but in a very progressive way.
March was cotton-candy and rainbows. Not so, for April and May! It’s so very important to pay attention to how your body is feeling and to honor it. Treat your human vessel well. When anxiety or sadness creep in, honor those emotions, too. Take this as a sign that you need to slow down a little and try not to take what others say and do personally. Our empathetic abilities are coming online full force right now, and it’s natural to be somewhat hypersensitive to things that normally don’t bother you. Accept this sensitivity as a welcome sign of your DNA expansion.
Be true to yourself – the you that’s morphing and expanding and cycling and growing! Be the love and the joy.
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