sábado, noviembre 04, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - 4 Simple Steps to Living a Life of Joy - Nov 4, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite interested in picking up on the different energies that you all emit as you move through your days there on Earth. We like to see what we can detect coming from each of you and notice how you are vibrating when you are doing certain things or thinking about certain events. We notice that the energies you give off are the most pristine and high frequency when you are in meditation, and second to that are the times when you are doing something that you enjoy. The third highest output of energies, in terms of their frequency, is when you are relaxing, doing nothing at all, but also not focusing on the problems that you face, the past or the future.

viernes, noviembre 03, 2023

Aurora Ray - Awakening Kundalini: Your Inner Source of Power and Transformation - Nov 3, 2023


Awakening Kundalini: Your Inner Source of Power and Transformation


Androgyny is when the qualities of both male and female unite, blending together like a harmonious fusion of both aspects.

Inside every person, there's a powerful energy called kundalini. It's a part of how everything was created. But many people don't even know it's there.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Primer Miércoles de Sanación 1 de Noviembre 2023

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Primer Miércoles de Sanación 1 de Noviembre 2023

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este es el primer mensaje del mes, y este va a ser muy diferente, porque va a ser una explicación de la palabra que yo di casi un año atrás. Ahora bien, yo revelé esta información el mes pasado, pero no en este programa particular, y voy a hacerlo otra vez.

Cada año damos una palabra que podría describir el año. Ahora bien, a los humanos les encanta esto. Incluso aunque la palabra dada el año anterior todavía está activa, ellos quieren cambiarla. De modo que lo hice. Pero la palabra por la cual la cambié fue esta: este es el año de la recuperación. Y los que miran eso, se rascan la cabeza y dicen: “Estoy mirando el mundo ahora mismo, Kryon, y no parece que estemos recuperándonos de nada. De hecho, parece que estamos yendo en dirección opuesta a la recuperación.”

Med Beds and the Healing Revolution: Bridging Science and Spirituality

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - This Seems Pretty Important to Us - Nov 3, 2023

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

It is your right to be upset about whatever you are upset about, and it is your right to change the way that you feel about something, but oftentimes you are not deciding how you are going to feel or how you want to feel. The tricky part of being there on Earth is that there are so many feelings, and there are so many opportunities to have different feelings because there are so many different scenarios and circumstances that can be lived by humans and by animals. Animals feel too.

jueves, noviembre 02, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Accelerating Shift: Humanity's Collective Consciousness Awakening! - Nov 2, 2023


The Accelerating Shift: Humanity's Collective Consciousness Awakening!


We are living in a period of rapid change and transformation!

The very energies that compose our world are shifting in profound ways. Schumann Resonance, the frequency of the Earth's electromagnetic field, has been spiking to record highs in recent years!

This indicates a quickening in the planetary heartbeat and more intense cycles of change.

Jim Self - La Historia de Cómo y Por Qué Llegamos Aquí


 ¿Cómo y Por Qué Llegamos Aquí?

Cómo y porqué llegamos aquí es muy interesante. Verás, una cosa que tiene la gente es que piensa que no es muy importante. No es significativa, no tiene mucho que ofrecer. Atrapados en el juego de la 3ra D, entrar y salir, pobre de mí, de modo que hemos perdido la pista de la luz del Creador.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian high Council - Nov 2, 2023

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleiadian high Council November 2, 2023 


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. As you may have noticed, the energies on the Earth are erratic. Change is rampant. We are working harder than ever for this good cause of the Earth’s ascension. Little by little, beat by beat, hearts are opening everywhere. Trauma is being released and the darkness is going away with it.

Valerie Donner - Straight from the Heart - Nov 2, 2023

Straight from the Heart

November 2nd, 2023

Dear Ground Crew:

Here's the latest from Apollo: “Greetings: I am Apollo. I want you to know that life on Earth is going to become graphic. Maybe you have noticed the ups and downs, along with the wild and crazy patterns, that are disrupting the old multi faceted third dimensional world. This can be unnerving. However, if you remember who you are as a divine masterful being, you will know that you will be able to get through everything that comes your way. You likely understand there is no escape route but through the portal of ascension. This will take you into a higher dimension and your consciousness will change quickly. This includes everything and everyone who chooses this path. Many are in a daze at this moment. However, many are starting to awaken. There will be startling revelations that will throw some people to their knees. Locked in the hearts of many loving beings, there is a remembrance that is being triggered. You were told about this situation a long time ago. It is registered in your heart. Pay attention to what you are feeling and what is going on around you. Then, move with the flow. We are with you. We love you and watch over you. You are being guided with everything you are doing. We are here!”

21 Days of Transformation: The White Light Meditation Challenge!