miércoles, mayo 24, 2023

A New Chapter Unfolds: Celebrating Your Victory in the New World!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Before You Return to the Chaotic Outside World - May 24, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been accumulating so much data through our observation of you and through our interactions with you, and we want you to know that the energies that we have been co-creating with others for you are uniquely tailored to bring you exactly what you need to move to that next level of consciousness. You are all taking steps forward in your spiritual evolution, no matter how it might look in your day-to-day lives, and every once in a while you feel that you are ready to go to another level that will enable you to access different entities and different experiences. You are also always seeking to access more of your true and whole selves. As many of you know, you do that by going within, but going within ultimately must result in you also going outside and interacting with the quote/unquote ‘real world.’

martes, mayo 23, 2023

John Smallman - Jesus - God is Love and Joy creating more of Itself endlessly - May 23, 2023

Love is reality, is life, and it is The Gift that God gives constantly making All of creation One with Him eternally, in every moment, without break or interruption, ever.

Love is the medium in which every sentient being exists and interacts with itself, with God, and with all other sentient beings constantly. It is the environment that provides the means for all interactions throughout all of creation. There is nothing outside of it or beyond it, it just IS, and many names or labels have been chosen over the eons in multitudes of human cultures by which to identify it – God, Infinite Supreme Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, All That Is, Source, and many other variations – and none of them even comes close to the Reality of it. So here, just for convenience, I will use the word God.

Jennifer Hoffman - One of the blessings of this very unusual energy blast...- May 23, 2023

One of the blessings of this very unusual energy blast is it moves quickly and its message is clear. Anywhere you are not honoring yourself, putting your needs first, taking care of yourself, letting others manipulate and dishonor you is where you are going to get a wake-up call.

Don't worry whether others are being honest or authentic with you - they are being who they are. This is a reminder that people act from their energetic frequency and vibration and we need to pay attention to it instead of ignoring it and thinking they are capable of more or they 'don't mean it.'

Judith Kusel - We are in the process of accelerated ascension - May 23, 2023

We are in the process of accelerated ascension and this means that the old cords, attachments, etc. to the Old Earth are sistamatically being severed.

It is almost like on the one hand this accelerated ascension, with added energetic power from the sun flares, and according to the astrologers astrologial alignments leading up the soltice, are pushing us beyond the beyond. Yet through this all there is huge activation of dormant faculties awakening within our higher mind and the higher heart.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - A Quantum Leap Forward for the Awakened Collective - May 23, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are illuminating many paths for the Awakened Collective, because we know that sometimes getting the gentle nudges that you do from your guides is not enough. We know that the more encouragement you get from above, the easier then it becomes for you to take the path that will bring you the most joy and the most ease on the remainder of your ascension journeys. Not everyone who is a part of the Awakened Collective will have the exact same experiences moving forward because you are all different, and you are all meant to have different experiences for the One, for Source.

lunes, mayo 22, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Starseed DNA Activation Journey - May 22, 2023

The Starseed DNA Activation Journey

Dear beloved ones,

The Starseed DNA activation journey is a long, ongoing process. It requires patience, endurance, and perseverance, but the ultimate reward is worth it. It takes time to reverse engineer our own DNA, after all!

Starseeds are in a state of transformation. We are evolving into higher beings, so this does not come without its challenges. All of our old patterns and karmic issues must be dealt with before we can move forward into our next phase of spiritual development.

ROOT CHAKRA HEALING with Rain + Soft Hang Drum Music | Let go of Worries, Anxiety and Fears

Jennifer Hoffman - Heads up - we are in a very volatile energy period right now - May 22, 2023

Heads up - we are in a very volatile energy period right now, it lasts all week. It is going to manifest as breakups, necessary endings, arguments, and eruptions of all kinds. This is not necessarily a bad thing - if you have needed a big dose of courage to do something you have been avoiding, you may just get it now.