martes, diciembre 29, 2020

Collective Kundalini, 2020 into 2021 - New Video Notification

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - You are All Multidimensional Beings - Dec 29, 2020

Dear Arcturians,

Do you have a message for me today?

Yes, Suzille,

We always have a message for you, as well as for anyone who will ask us. In other words, we are always available to our volunteers to assist Gaia. We would like to talk with you today about the State of Mind and Place of Heart the you are allowing to direct you through your daily life.

We refer to “State of Mind” as the frequency of reality to which your mind is calibrated, and “Place of Heart” refers to where you direct your gifts of love.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Listening To Understand - December 29, 2020

Listening To Understand 

As you begin to move forward from the lull, those around you may not be the same as they were before. Take the extra time needed to listen and understand what is going on around you. If you find it challenging, The Universe is always there to guide and support you in your learning and growth. ~ Creator

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Círculo del Doce - 2 de diciembre, 2020

Círculo del Doce – Kryon a través de Lee Carroll 
Primer miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon.

Acérquense. Y decimos “acérquense” porque es la metáfora que dice: vengan a un lugar, si desean llamarlo así, vengan a una actitud, si desean llamarla así, que está mucho, mucho más cerca que ninguna otra cosa que hayan hecho jamás, más cerca de lo que es la Fuente Creadora de todas las cosas. La Fuente que los creó a ustedes es hermosa, más bella que el sol brillante, que bloquea todo lo que es interno a él para sus ojos, pero que en el interior está lleno de los patrones que son sagrados. Y hablamos tal vez en metáforas, pero eso es todo lo que van a oír, o entender, o ver, en esa realidad de ustedes ahora, donde están, lo que están haciendo. Cada una de las reuniones de este Círculo del Doce comienza de esta manera. Y decimos: miren a su alrededor, porque antes de cerrar los ojos – y voy a pedirles que lo hagan – antes de cerrar los ojos miren a lo que ustedes creen que es real. Porque esas cosas que ustedes creen reales son una foto instantánea, literalmente, una instantánea, como una fotografía que sostienen en la mano, en comparación con lo que realmente es real a su alrededor. Es un momento fugaz en cuatro dimensiones, en tanto lo que es su alma vive en cientos.

Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 11- December 29, 2020

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

5 December 2020 - 18:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!

The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 – Source


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, December 29, 2020

As you prepare to step fully into the new, we encourage you to examine everything that follows the word ‘but’ when you think of your dreams. Often the first part of the sentence identifies your true desires and where your soul is trying to lead you and everything after the word ‘but’ is an indicator of old conditioning, fear, and anything else that is holding you back.

Natalia Alba - We end this wonderful month and last phase of this year with very potent and loving energies - Dec 29, 2020


Beloved Ones,

We end this wonderful month and last phase of this year with very potent and loving energies, coming from the many planetary events that surrounds the Full Moon at 8 degrees of Cancer. As you know the Moon in itself, even though it has its influence, is not an organic planetary body, as it was created for the purpose of altering earth body's magnetic field, as I have written many times for the last few years.

Judith Kusel - As we shake off the Old Earth - Dec 29, 2020

As we shake off the Old Earth, the old 2020, let us rise into the New, with Joy, empowered by unconditional Love and embracing Divinity within us, as we learn to soar and fly into ever higher and greater dimensional heights.

Indeed, we are rising higher than ever before.

We are leaving whatever we created in the old 3D behind forever, and thus we cling onto nothing and no one. We have freed ourselves and thus we have freed the others, to choose their own path, to choose whether they stay in holographic Old Earth, the old fears, the old ways, as we shed the old Earth, like old garments we need no more.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Will it Take to Complete the Shift to 5D? - Dec 29, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling very good about the progress that we see you making since the solstice energies have been upon you and since you have had some time with them. You are letting yourselves feel more since receiving that download of energies that reached its peak on the solstice, and you are ready to become that much more of your higher selves as a result. The only thing that ever holds you back from becoming more and more of your higher self is a lack of willingness to just sit and feel, whether those feelings are positive or negative.